Chapter Twelve: A Visit from the Fox Bandit
Kurama is tied up with his rose whip in front of Raven's window trying to figure out how the window opens. He can't see anything right now because the curtains are closed. He gently lifts up the screen, and starts to jiggle the knob. It doesn't work, so he gets out a tiny seed. He held it in front of the knob and makes it sprout. The little sprout ling entered a crack, and unlocked the knob. Kurama moves the curtains a bit to look inside. Raven was still sleeping, and Ren was under the bed. The radio was still playing piano music. He slowly came in and placed the screen back in its place, and closed the window. He walked slowly to Raven's bedside, and kneels down.

Kurama: (whispering) Raven… wake up.
Raven: (sleeping)
Kurama: Raven… (rubs his hand against her face)
Raven: (opens eyes slightly) Hm? Who… who are you?
Kurama: It's me. Kurama.
Raven: Kurama? What happened to you? Your hair and eyes are different, and your voice is deeper.
Kurama: It's a long story.
Raven: Why are you here Kurama? And how'd you get up here without interference?
Kurama: I came through the window.
Raven: Huh? (looks over to the window) Again… how'd you get up here?
Kurama: (glances down) I came up here with this. (holds up the rose)
Raven: Huh! OO
Kurama: (shy smile and blushes) It's true.
Raven: You're kidding.
Kurama: I'm afraid not.
Raven: You're serious. What can that rose do?
Kurama: It's not what the rose can do; it's what I can do with the rose.
Raven: Huh? You lost me again.
Kurama: (sighs) The purpose for my visit is that I need to tell you the truth.
Raven: The truth? About what Kurama?
Kurama: Several things. I've been keeping a lot of secrets from you ever since we met. It's about time I tell you before you figure it out yourself.
Raven: (looks at him with concern)
Kurama: (glances down and then looks back at Raven) First of all, my temporary transformation is due to you.
Raven: What do I have to do with your transformation?
Kurama: It's because of what you can do.
Raven: I don't understand.
Kurama: You're a demon, Raven.
Raven: What!
Kurama: (puts head down on the bed) It's true. You have powers that cannot be achieved by any other human, but (looks up at Raven) you're not alone. I'm one too.
Raven: Kurama… you're a demon. That might explain why I have a weird feeling in my stomach every time I'm around you.
Kurama: So you noticed. I'm surprised that you're taking this so lightly. Your body is reacting to our spirit energy.
Raven: Including me too, right?
Kurama: No. You sense me and Hiei.
Raven: Hiei is one also?
Kurama: Yes. He's a fire apparition.
Raven: What are you?
Kurama: Hmm? Oh… that. I'm a fox demon.
Raven: A fox demon huh? You sure don't look like a demon though. You look normal; at least, what you look like now.
Kurama: I don't have my fox ears or tail. The only thing that didn't change was my ability to manipulate plants; another thing I forgot to mention.
Raven: Control plants? Sounds like fun.
Kurama: I guess it is. (pauses for a minute) You know, you're a fox demon too.
Raven: I'm the same type of demon as you? That seems awkward.
Kurama: (looks at the flower bud on the table and whispers) Awkward to you, but satisfying for me.
Raven: (question mark over head) Excuse me?
Kurama: (flinches and blushes) I didn't say anything. (puts hand over mouth)
Raven: You're so confusing, but anyway why are you in this world? I mean, shouldn't demons live in the Demon World?
Kurama: I can't leave my human mother. If I leave then my mother would have no one to come home to. She took care of me, so I'm staying as her son.
Raven: That's reasonable. How did you get to this world?
Kurama: (lifts eyebrow) You sure are curious. Well, first of all, I was bored with my life so I started a new hobby of cracking puzzles and locks. I was really attracted to treasure. One day, I made a mistake. I got caught by a hunter, and I was hurt very bad. The way I could escape was to go to the Human World. There I found an embryo that didn't develop a proper soul yet. For fifteen years I stayed, and here I am now.
Raven: You're mother must be very happy that you stayed.
Kurama: I'm sure she is. Now…
Raven: What?
Kurama: (leans forward so he's a few inches from Raven's face) I have a new mission, and that's to make sure that you're happy.
Raven: (stares at him in the eye) You can do that very well, but sometimes I want to go to my true home. The one where I came from. Since I'm a demon, I must have a demon home also. Maybe I can go back there where I belong.
Kurama: (leans a bit more so that his forehead is touching Raven's) Trust me. You don't want to go back there. No one should ever wish to go back there. Anyway, you'll be happier here in the Human World. Today you'll be meeting new friends; the girls in our gang. I'll be Shuichi by that time.
Raven: (places her hand on his cheek) Kurama… is there a reason for my existence? You know something, and I want to find out.
Kurama: (sighs) You're existence is to destroy the Human World.
Raven: (eyes start to water) I knew something was wrong…
Kurama: (stroking her face) That will only happen if you're willing to do it, or they force you to turn your power against us. We don't want you to be our enemy, but especially me.
Raven: But what happens if I do turn on you?
Kurama: Don't say that! You're not going to turn on us. I know that you'll never let anyone get the best of you. In fact, we'll train you.
Raven: Train for what?
Kurama: We can teach you to control your own powers, so you can show them a thing or two.
Raven: Kurama… (smiles) If I can do damage to those who come after me, then why not.
Kurama: (smiles and places his hand on her leg) But your first task is to recover from this injury.
Raven: I'll do that.
Kurama: Very good. You're going to be a good student with that attitude. Anyway, I think you get the picture. I'm going to leave now okay?
Raven: I'll see you soon then.
Kurama: Yeah… (kisses her on the cheek and heads towards the window but stops)
Raven: What's wrong?
Kurama: (looks at her with a small smile) It's quite funny to see you so helpless on a bed.
Raven: (question mark over head)?
Kurama: (jumps out of the window)
It was two in the morning when Kurama got home. Luckily, his mother was still asleep. He's now in his human form. He went inside his room to find Ren sitting in the middle of his bed. Kurama has a confused look on his face. "How did she get here before me?" he thought. Kurama closes the door behind him, and just stares at Ren.

Kurama: How did you get here before me?
Ren: I'm a demon fox of the Shadow Realm. My breed can travel in the shadows like a breeze.
Kurama: How did you know where I live? TT
Ren: (cough, cough) I just happened to read the phone book.
Kurama: Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Raven?
Ren: Yes, I know. I'm here to ask you a favor that will help Raven in her training.
Kurama: Alright. So what's the favor?
Ren: I need you to steal something of course.
Kurama: (lifts an eyebrow in interest Go on.
Ren: I need you to steal the "Twin Blades of the Blue Moon" and the "Book of the Lotus Moon."
Kurama: So these will help Raven?
Ren: Yes. The twin blades are Ceres's star weapons, and the book is where she keeps record of all her spells and techniques. Who knows, you might find the cure to the Blossom Trap in the book.
Kurama: Where can I find these items?
Ren: They're in the Museum of Parallel Worlds. Apparently they found them near the site where Raven was dumped. Humans should leave the things that don't belong to them. Anyway, do you think you can get them?
Kurama: You insult me. I can get you those items in less than 20 minutes. I am, after all, Yoko Kurama.
Ren: I'm sorry. I need them as soon as possible.
Kurama: (smiles) I'll give them to you tomorrow night.
Ren: Excellent. Oh, one more thing. I heard what you said to Raven when you left. You were thinking about sex again weren't you?
Kurama: What can I say? A demon like me can get carried away when a girl can make me sexually aroused. (sarcastic and embarrassed)
Ren: You'll soon get your chance. I'm sure she wants a piece of you too.

Any comments? Please R+R!

Yusuke: Okay, Kurama is having too much fun here. It's our turn Kurama! We need the spotlight too!

Kurama: Next time on Demonic Moons... Meeting the Rest of the Gang. Raven will finally meet the girls.

Yusuke: And Kuwabara brings his cat... (sweat drop)