This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
A/N: This was what popped into my head after reading a plot bunnie on FAP. The specific plot bunnie is "Malfoy is in Divination Class when Trelawny makes a prediction. You choose if it's real or not, Malfoys reaction, etc., but the prediction must be about that certain someone he loves, which has now been revealed to the other Slytherins!!!"


I. The Prophecy

Draco Malfoy looked idly at the crystal ball sitting on the table, pretending to see something. Of course, he never saw anything. Divination class was just stupid, and the professor was a loon. Granger was right about that. But he would never admit it, and so he stayed.

He was so busy looking at the crystal ball that he did not notice when the professor sidled up next to his table.

"Mr. Malfoy," she said, in her fluttery whispering, "so ever hard at work. Would you mind telling the class what you see?"

Draco glanced around the hushed room, and then cleared his throat.

"Well, professor. I see a...a tree."

"A tree, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes. A tree," he said with more conviction, as the professor gazed into the crystal ball herself.

"Hmm...so there is. What else do you see?"

"Everything else seems a blur."



"Well, Mr. Malfoy, I'll tell you what I see, and then you tell me what it means? All right?"

Before he could agree, the professor went deathly still, and then began to shake. When the shaking stopped, her eyes rolled back, so that only the whites showed and her body stood rigid. She began to speak in a clear, crisp voice, so unlike her own.

"On the eve of the next full moon, an opportunity will present itself where the cunning prince, from the house of silver and green, must show himself worthy. There he shall find his equal in the one that he cares for most, the brave princess of gold and crimson. She is guarded by those who love her, especially two brave knights. And she shall only show that she return his feelings if he has completely fought off what will be keeping them apart."

And then the professor began to shake again. But this time, when she stopped, she was back to her normal self. She did not even remember what she had just said or what had just transpired. But the rest of the class did.

The prophecy was clear. Everyone knew who the two in the prophecy were, especially since one of them was present in the classroom at the moment. There could only be one prince "from the house of silver and green," and that was one, Draco Malfoy. The identity of the princess became clear when the bit about the two knights was heard.

It just seemed so ludicrous. No one would have ever thought that Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger could ever be a couple. At least, not until now; not until this propecy. Now, everyone who remembered would be anxiously awaiting the eve of the next full moon, two weeks from now, to see if the prophecy would come true. Everyone, including Draco Malfoy.


Later that day, several Slytherins cornered Draco in the Slytherin common room.

"So is it true, Drakie?" Pansy asked.

"Have you finally cracked, after all that time sharing a common room with her?" Someone else asked.

"Of course not," Draco lied, adding a sneer for effect.

"Then what was Professor Trelawney talking about?"

"How should I know! She's a crazy old bat."

There was a murmur of agreement between some of the Slytherins.

"So you're not interested in that Mudblood?"

Draco flinched slightly at the word, and that was all that was needed to give him away to several of the more perceptive Slytherins.

"No," he lied, again. Less believable this time.