Disclaimer: Do we really have to keep doing this? We do? Oh. Well then – I don't own any HP characters! I'm looking in to buying Snape though.
Author's Note: Okay. I have saved my computer! Yay!
Okay, I just realised how long it has been since I have updated anything, a couple of months at least. Even longer since I have updated this story. Sorry it's so short. I will try to update sooner!
Severus climbed the stairs of Grimmauld Place to a spare room on the third floor. Closing the door behind him, he dropped onto the bed.
"What did I just do?" Severus muttered to himself, his hands covering his face, fingers rubbing his eyes to banish the sleep the always seemed to be creeping up on him.
He looked around the room. It was dark, dank and looked as if nobody stayed there. There was nothing personal about the room, no pictures, no items scattered about, no clothes and no trunk or even notebooks.
'Good.' Telling himself that he was just resting, that he wouldn't go to sleep, Severus lay down on the bed, kicking off his boots.
ZZZZSirius listened to the footsteps going upstairs.
'What the fuck did I just do?' Sirius thought furiously to himself. 'I kissed Snape, no Snape kissed me… I think… Fuck… Snape… it was his potion, yeah, that was it. I'll just make sure. I go ask him, in a while.'
Sirius looked around, wondering just how many cauldrons there were. 14… he had counted when he first came in. He counted again, not really knowing why. "How can he make all these at once? It's impossible.' He decided to ask Snape that question as well when he saw them.
He didn't know how long he had stayed there, looking at the potions simmering on a low heat before he started to wonder just how long the potions were meant to simmer for.
"I'd better get him then." Sighing, he got up to leave the oddly smelling room.
Sirius put another ward up so nobody else would go into the room.
"See, Snape, I can be resposible!" he muttered to the celing.
When Sirius reached the second story of his house, he held his wand up against the wall. "Severus Snape," he whispered. The wand seemed to hold to the wall by itself. After a few seconds, it started to moved along the wall, towards the room Snape was in.
Sirius followed his wand to the third floor until it stopped outside the last room in the hallway and dropped to the door.
"Well it beats searching for him."
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