Me: Hey people! I´m sooo excited! This is my first digimon fanfic! But I have had a lot of practice writing many other wonderful anime fanfics, even though I never submitted them b/c they were for my friends, along with some of my art work ^_^. You know what I think, I will this fic will probably be my first submitted fic...
T.K: Sonja, please! Enough of your useless babble! No one cares about your useless writing talent...besides? ...What are you writing?
Me: Oh! Well let´s say I love romance! So I´m writing a Taiora, Takari, Mishirou, and Mimato fics. Those are my FAVORITE digimon couples.
T.K: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Taiora? Takari? Mishirou? Mimato? What the hell is a Mimato?
Me: Well duh! In fact I´m glad you asked, b/c I´m writing about them in this fic...
T.K: Wait! Them?
Me: Mimi and Matt (or Yamato) as a couple, of course.
T.K: (silence).............HAHAHAHAHAHA! Are you serious! HAHA! Mimi and Matt, as in Pink Mimi and Rebel Matt, Matt my brother.... together! HAHA! Your kidding right!
Me: No I´m not! And I don´t see what´s so funny. Besides you should talk with the Takari part.
T.K: Takari??
Me: evil grin you don´t know. Why it´s you and Kari´s relationship of course!
T.K: Blush THAT´S NOT TRUE! Relationship! Stutter What ever do you mean?
Me: Yeah sure, whatever! You´re so cute when you´re mad and embarrassed!
T.K: Blush again I´m NOT mad or EMBARRASSED!
Me: Sigh Shaa! SO CUTE! Well I don´t get sued...b/c all I have to offer is my pencil. I don´t own Digimon crying for hours or Matt crying more or Izzy pout or anyone or any part of it for that matter crying nonstop
T.K: STOP! Please! I´m drowning in your tears! Bubble
Me: Okay I will b/c you´re so cute, especially when you´re wet. Carpet is wet too
T.K: Blush
Me: Well let´s start with the Mimato!
Me: evil grin and I will throw in a Taiora AND A TAKARI!
T.K: blush I´ll shut-up
Me: Better, now let´s begin...

Mimi Tachikawa dazed out as the teacher explained the ever so confusing math problem. She tapped her pencil on her desk and wasn´t paying attention to anything around her. `Geez this is sooo boring. I wanna go home. But, even if I did go home... I would still be bored out of my mind. ARG! Let´s face whole life is boring.´ Mimi snapped back into realization after she heard the teacher shout for everyone to pay attention. She stared up at the chalkboard, which was now half way filled with complicated number writings. `Is that all one equation! Oh gosh! I better pay attention.´ She stopped tapping her pencil and scribbled all the confusing numbers down on her blank notebook paper. `What the hell am I writing! This is so confusing. What I would give to have Izzy´s brainpower right now...what am I saying...I wish he were here along with all my other friends. Sometimes I really hate America.´ She found herself less and less concentrating on math and more and more on her thoughts. She raised her pencil to the corner of her paper. Before she knew what she was doing, Mimi sketched a strange looking Palamon. A slight smile grew upon her lovely face. As the minutes passed, she found a strange drawing of all the digidestined and their respected digimon. She wasn´t such a great artist, but it felt like everyone was with her again. Tears formed among the brim of her eye. `Come on Mimi, don´t be such a crybaby. Hehe, what would Tai say.´


The wind was gentle in the Digiworld, and the moon had risen over the forest making its bright light creep through the trees and form small beautiful beams of white dim light to shine down on the digidestine´s campsite. This added to some of the light that already blazed from the campfire the children made to keep them warm. Small petals of flowers danced on the silent gentle winds. Mimi stared in wonder as the other children slept. It has been two weeks since they were all caught stuck in the digital world, and was her turn to take watch for the night. Mimi´s eyes watched as the petals of all colors swirled around the trees. It was the most wondrous sight she had seen. "It´s so lovely...but I still want to go home." Palmon stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her almond eyes.

"Mimi? Did you say something?" The plant like digimon looked up at Mimi with worry.

"No Palmon...I´m just... enjoying the scenery. You go back to sleep." She watched as her digimon drift off to slumber once more that night. `I miss home...I don´t want to stay here any longer!´ she thought aloud in her head. Mimi stood up and walked into a showing beam of light. `I wish this light can just lift me back home.´ Tears began to flow down her cheeks. `This lifestyle isn´t supposed to happen to a girl like me.´ She let her hat fall to her back. Her ponytail swished back and forth lightly. `I wish I would be in my bed with my dolls, and not in this forsaken world.´ She continued to cry as she clasped her hands together and shut her eyes tight.

"Mimi?" A small voice questioned in a whisper.

Mimi became startled and turned slowly to the person who had just spoken. She let her hands out of her clasp and down to her side. There stood Tai with a sincere look.

"Mimi? Are you all right? Why are you crying?" Tai walked up to the girl and put his hand on her shoulder to comfort. "Is something wrong?"

Mimi raised her hand to her face and wiped some tears off. They glistened on and off her face from the shining moonbeam she stood under. "Tai? Why are you up?" she managed to croak.

"It´s my turn to watch...why were you crying Mimi?" Tai took his hand off her shoulder and gave a questioning look.

"Oh Tai! I want to go home. I want to see my mom and dad again. I can´t stand it here. I just can´t..." Mimi cried more, dropping to her knees.

"Mimi! That´s enough!" Tai´s face went from sincere, to questioning, to furious. "I´m listening to you say, "I want I want!" Listen Mimi, don´t you ever stop to think about others! We want to go home as much as you do, but do you hear us complain as much as you!"

Mimi stood in shock dismay. Tears still strolled their way down her face, but she stopped whining. "Tai...I"

"I want you to stop crying Mimi. It does you no good. You will never become strong that way! You have to understand that life doesn´t always turn out your" Tai´s eyes went gentle again. He took a deep breath and smile. "You must become strong so you can help yourself and others...things will always turn out better in the end. You´ll see..." Mimi let a small smile light her face.

Flashback ends

"...And that´s how you solve this equation." The teacher, Mr. Kerne, put the chalk down on the rim of the chalkboard. "Ok now...any questions?" No one responded.

`Tai always told me to remain strong and that crying didn´t help. Things always turn out better in the end. Ugh! When will the bell ring?´ Mimi stared up upon the clock and let out a sigh. `Only five more minutes, I hate last hour.´ She leaned her cheek on her hand and slowly closed her eyes. `I miss everyone. I know I go visit, but that was five months ago. Plus, that was only when we all gathered for the celebration for the defeat of Myotismon. I always talk to Matt on the phone, but I haven´t talked to him in like a month; I e-mail Sora and Izzy all the time; I never heard from Joe; and I hear a lot of stories about Tai from Sora on the computer, but that´s not enough. I want to see everyone.´ Mimi let out a small sigh. `I want to be there when Tai and Sora finally admit their feelings for each other.´ A small smile crept on her face.

"Mrs. Tachikawa! Are you listening!"

Mimi looked forward in shock and saw Mr. Kerne looking down on her face angrily. Mimi gasped forcefully and blushed. "Huh..."

"I said are you listening!"

She put her face down in shame and sheepishly let out a no.

"Didn´t think so. Mimi, this is the fifth time this week that you have daydreamed in my class. I have no problem in giving you a week of detention. And I won´t bother calling your parents. They´ll have to hear it from you. And to make sure you tell them, I want them to sign your detention form."

Mimi sat there blushing from embarrassment and anger. "But I didn´t mean..."

"Save it for your parents Ms. Tachikawa." The teacher pulled out a pink detention sheet. "I know you like pink, so I hope you enjoy this." Mr. Kerne slammed the form on Mimi´s desk.

`Remember Mimi, things always turn out for the better!´ were the only words that crossed her mind.


`Sigh...saved by the bell!´ Mimi quickly grabbed her books and walked out of class. `Finally I can go home, but...´ She looked at her pink detention sheet. It seemed to mock her. Her eyes lowered to the bottom page portion. Parent Signature! "Oh parents aren´t going to like this." She walked to her locker and dumped her books in. "I don´t feel like doing my English homework. I´ll do it tomorrow at lunch. That is if I survive my parents punishment." She slammed the metal door to her locker and stormed out of school.

"Mimi!" Kristy ran up across the front lawn of the school to the pink haired girl. "Mr. Kerne put it down on you hard with that detention."

"Yeah" Mimi sighed, "but my parents are going to put it down harder on me with my punishment." She cringed to think what would happen to her.

"Oh...well... see you later and good luck!" Kristy rushed off with a few other friends.

Mimi let out a sigh. "Sure," she said to herself, "Thanks for caring." Mimi walked away from campus. She began to get annoyed with all the people saying hello, especially all the guys who were trying to flirt with her. Everyday she would go through the same process of saying hello to her friends, which was practically everyone. All she wanted was to be left alone, and she being popular and pretty didn´t help.

Mimi decided to walk home, even though it was a mile walk. She tried her hardest to stay away from home for as long as possible. She even walked into a small fast food place to take a long break. When she finally accepted her fate, she walked to her apartment building. It was pretty dark out. She opted to climbed the stairs to the forth floor, instead of using the elevator. `This may give me time to think, but this walking is exhausting.´ She reached her floor and walked to the third door on the right. "Ok God. Please help me. Send me a miracle." She stuffed her pink slip in her purse and opened the door slowly. "Remember Tai´s words." The door swung opened. Amazed to see what she saw, Mimi let her mouth drop. Her mom and dad were packing boxes.

"Mimi honey! I´m so glad your home! Guess what! We´re moving back to Japan!" Mimi´s mother ran to her daughter and hugged her heavily. "Isn´t that great! Now you can be with your friends again! But we have to leave tonight...for the new job your dad got requires him to be there first thing in the morning. So go pack your stuff dear, quickly. Then you can go say bye to your friends here, and we´ll go to your school and return all your books. So hurry, go! Our plane leaves in seven hours!"

Mimi stood shocked. ` about a MIRACLE!´ "I..." she stuttered, "I have have to call someone..." She slowly paced to her room and shut her door. When the door was closed a HUGE smile lifted her once shocked face. `Oh this is GREAT! Now I don´t need to show my parents my detention slip. Oh I need to tell someone about my day.´ She thought about this for a second. Another huge smile highlighted her face. She grabbed her phone and jumped on her bed. "I´ll call MATT!"

Me: Wow! I finished this chapter! It was short, but still. All my other chapters will be me.
T.K: It was all right. YAWN I´m sleepy.
Me: Ok T.K...sleep tight.
T.K: Snore
Me: Well since my cute little cutie pututie is sleeping, I know no one wants to hear me talk so I´ll say my goodbyes till next time.