Title: The Heart Is The Matter(??)
Author: Tartan Lioness
Classification: Romance/humor
Set: Post OotP
Summary: Who's that woman??
Warning: If you don't like old people falling in love, read no further!
Disclaimer: All I own is the plot and Kathleen! I have no money so please don't sue me!
A/N: For my beta-reader and wonderful friend, Lily!! And for Maja. I hope Rico knows what he's lost! Cuz you are just wonderful! All my love to both of you!
Chapter 1One morning, not long after the new year had started, an owl flew towards the Head Table and landed in front of Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts. He looked curiously at the letter the owl had tied around it's leg, noticing that it was not the usual letter from the Ministry. The letters had become fewer and fewer after Madam Bones had been elected the new Minister of Magic but Albus still got an occational letter from her, asking for an advice.
But this wasn't a letter from Amelia Bones. The front said, Albus Dumbledore, Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a beautiful curly handwriting. The ink was dark blue. Albus put the letter in his pocket, not reading it yet.
Minerva had leaned over to tell him something just in time to see the heart on the back of the letter. She frowned. Who would draw a heart on the back of a letter to Albus?
Minerva couldn't get the letter and particularly the heart out of her mind all that day. Did Albus have a female waitng for him? He had never mentioned any but it could be a new relationship. Was he spoken for? Was he in love with someone else? All Minerva's dreams of Albus ever loving her back came crashing upon her like a giant wave. She had never believed he might love her but now it just seemed… hopeless.
"I wonder what is wrong with Professor McGonagall," said Hermione that evening as she and her friends sat down for dinner.
"What do you mean?" Ron asked, not sounding like he cared.
"What do you mean, 'what do you mean'?? Ron, it was obvious her mind was on other things today, even I noticed," Harry said, rolling his eyes.
"Thank you, Harry. Ron, didn't you even notice she hardly gave us any homework?"
"Of course I did, Hermione! But that's only good, right?"
"Will you two stop bickering? You sound like a bloody married couple!" Harry was getting quite annoyed. Hermione and Ron looked horrified at his last comment.
Hermione glanced at the Head Table from the corner of her eye, trying to determine if something had changed about Minerva.
Minerva was picking her food. She didn't feel particularly hungry, she was far too busy with going over the last weeks in her head. Had Albus given any indication he was in love? No, she hadn't noticed any. But then again… Maybe she hadn't noticed anything because she didn't want to notice anything. Yes. That had to be it. He was in love and she had been too blind to see it. Too blinded by her own love for him.
Albus cast a sideway glance at her. He knew the look on her face only too well. It was the look that told him he shouldn't try to engage her in a conversation as she was in deep thought. And since he didn't feel like getting his head bitten off he kept quiet and watched her. He couldn't help but feel that something had chnged about her. She held herself different. Like the world was on her shoulders. He knew she had a lot to do with the Order, as a teacher and as his Deputy but she didn't really look like she was tired. She looked like she had when she had been told that her father had died. That was during the war against Grindelwald and he had not seen her like that since. He wondered what had happened. He made a mental note to ask her during their chessmatch that night.
At eight o'clock precisely Minerva knocked on Albus' door. She heard him tell her to enter but when she did, no one was there. "I'm in my chambers, Minerva. I'll be out in a bit. Make yourself comfortable," Albus called from the room beside his office. Minerva sat down in her usual chair and was just about to get her chess pieces when she saw it. The letter was lying on Albus' chair. Minerva rose. She wanted to know who had drawn a heart on a letter to Albus. She wanted to know who had stolen his heart.
They say curiosity killed the cat. That was not entirely true. Minerva's curiosity only killed her heart, slowly and painfully, as she read the short letter to Albus.
My dearest Albus,
Guess what? I'm arriving at Hogwarts in two days! I can't wait to see you again. I already miss you, Albus. And I have a great surprise for you!
All my love, forever and for always,
P.S. I hope you remember our "tradition". You always say you're too old and you always manage just fine! Looking forward to see you, Albus!