Ranma's Jello Catastrophe

Author Note: I didn't get the parings mixed up. I put them in the order, for a certain reason, in the upcoming chapters. Now! On with the Story!

Chapter 06: Interruptions…

What happened last time:

"Ranma…" Nabiki said, "Are you going to pick any time today?"

"Ohh…" Ranma said, looking at the girls he had to pick between.

"I Pick…

Now The Conclusion

"AHHH!" Someone screamed, causing everyone to fall over.

"What was that?" Ranma yelled, running to the window.

"I don't know" Akane said, running beside him, and looking out to see where the scream was coming from.

"We better find out who it is, and what's going on," Ryoga said, at the window side, with everyone else.

They all rushed to the kitchen to see Kasumi screaming at something. They ran over to her to see what was wrong, and they saw that the stove was on fire, and it had spread across the floor, trapping Kasumi to the wall.

"HELP!" Kasumi screamed, from the other side of the fire.

"Kasumi!" Akane screamed.

"Dear Sweet Kasumi, It is I, Kuno, Tatewaki, The Blue Lightning, whom will save Tendo, Kasumi!" Kuno shouted, pulling out his Kendo Stick, and looking at the fire.

"Kuno!" Ranma yelled, as Kuno started swatting at the fire, "That will catch…"

"FIRE!" Kuno yelled running through the wall, leavin' a body print in the wall, in which you can see him running off, on fire, to the river.

'Baka…' Everyone thought, but their attention was directed back at Kasumi, and the fire.

"Kasumi!" Akane yelled again, as the fire started closing in on her, "Ranma! Save her!" Akane said, looking at Ranma for an instant, in his eyes, and he knew what he had to do.

"Ryoga!" Ranma shouted, looking at Ryoga, who looked back. I'm going to need cold water…but I'm not going to like it…"

Ryoga ran outside and came back inside with a pail of water.

"Ready?" Ryoga asked.

"Yeah…" Ranma said, then waited for a few seconds, and then yelled, "THROW IT!"

Ryoga threw the water, it hit the fire, and Ranma snatched Kasumi and ran back before the fire got bigger again.

"Thank you Ranma" Kasumi said, smiling.

"Sure, anytime" Ranma said looking at Kasumi.

Everyone sighed. The crisis was over for now, except for the fire part, but it was put out when Kuno came running in with an extinguisher, and put it out.

Ranma sighed, but told everyone to return to the Dojo and he told Kodachi to tell everyone that he would be back in like 5 minutes, he had to check something. Ranma went to the bathroom, but before he went to the Dojo, he sneaked into the kitchen and jumped over the burnt places and to the fridge. He opened the Fridge door.

There is was…

His precious Jello!

"Yummy!" Ranma said, grabbing a spoon and taking a bite of Jello, "I love this stuff, hahaha" He said, but realized that he needed a drink, so he walked back to the fridge and looked for a pop.

While he was at the fridge, someone snuck in the room, and carefully dumped powder onto Ranma's Jello. It dissolved as soon as it hit the orange deliciousness. Him or Her quickly ran out of the kitchen and back to the Dojo.

Ranma returned to his Jello, and he's happily. But, he thought some…

'I know who I will pick, and I know she loves me, but…it's just…' He thought, "I saw the way she looked at Ryoga and Ukyo on the ground, making out…" Ranma mumbled to him self, and then took a bite of Jello.

Ranma fidgeted some and fell over, off the chair. He hit the floor and the spoon followed too.

In The Dojo Happening At The Same Time As Above

Everyone piled back into the room, but Akane noticed a few people were missing.

"Hey!" Akane shouted, causing everyone there to look at her, "Where's Ranma, and Kuno, and Kodachi, and Nabiki!" She exclaimed.

"Nabiki went out to buy a camera…" Gosenkei said, very shyly.

(A/N I think that that's how you spell his name, I thought it was Sasuke, but it's Gosenkei)

"Kuno went to take a cool bath" Ryoga said, "He asked me to postpone this thing until he comes back, he was kinda burnt"

"Just great" Akane said, "What about Kodachi and Ranma?"

"I seen Ranma heading to the bathroom" Kodachi said from the corner of the Dojo.

"Kodachi!" Akane said, "Where were you!"

"I Kodachi, The Black Rose, was here with you simpletons!" Kodachi said, waving her baton, and smiling evilly.

"Oh, sure…" Akane said, looking at Kodachi.

"Why is Ranma taking so long?" Akane asked, out loud to anyone, 'I'm going to find him, maybe he went somewhere" She thought.

"I'll be right back, I need to go to the bathroom" Akane said, running through the Dojo door.

Akane ran through the living room, and past the kitchen, and she was half way upstairs when she heard something fall. She ran back down the stairs and looked in all the rooms, and then she ran into the kitchen and found…

"RANMA!" Akane nearly screamed, running over to see Ranma on the ground, either dead or unconscious.

Akane sat down next to him and picked up his head, and started smacking his face saying "Ranma!"

"Uk…Ukyo…" Ranma mumbled, eyes still closed and he not moving.

"Ranma!" Akane said, smacking him some more, and confused at why he said "Ukyo", instead of Akane.

"Ranma! Wake up!" Akane yelled and punched him.

That got him to wake up.

Ranma jumped up and held the side of his face, "What the heck did you do that for?" He yelled, but noticed something, "Hey…" He said.

"What?" Akane said, looking at him, 'Whew! At least I know he's okay. Now we can get this fiancé business over with and done, and Ranma and I can live happily for the rest of our lives'

"Who are you?" Ranma said, "I haven't seen you before in my life" Ranma said, walking about over to the table and noticing the unfinished Jello, "Where did you come from, girl?"

DUM! DUM! DUM! Why doesn't Ranma remember Akane, and why did he say Ukyo's name? Find out in the next jam-packed chapter of:


Amanda :)