Things to do with Jello.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Ranma 1/2 characters. crying

Ranma walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge.

"Ohh man!! Now who took my jello! That stuff takes like 4 hours to make!!"

Ranma looks around the kitchen and spots a

blue-haired girl sneaking around the kitchen towards the door.

"Akane", Ranma asks annoyed.

"Eep! Says Akane.

"Did you take my jello?" Ranma asked.

"No, I uh..uh..Just got something orange from the fridge.

"Akane…" (Kinda mad).

"Uh, Sorry Ranma!! But I thought that is was Nabiki's. I mean, she's ALWAYS out to get me for something!! So I thought about getting revenge. But, uh, it didn't work did it?" Akane looks down.

Ranma looks over as Akane is apologizing and his brain is thinking, 'Man, she's so cute! She's so cute! She's so cute."


"Ohh, Sorry. Umm… Yeah, about the jello. It's okay. I can always make more."

"No! Don't worry Ranma! I can make it for you!!" Akane smiles.

Ranma remembered how "good" at cooking Akane is, "Uhh! No!! It's okay!! Really! I can make it again!" Ranma flustered.

Akane left room talking about some book she wanted to get.

Ranma turned around and put his hands on the counter with his head hung down and sighed.

"Man! She's so cute. I don't know how I'm going to keep this up. I have to tell her soon. Before it's too la…"

Ranma turned around so fast that he could hear the swish of air.


"That's right Ranma!! Bingo! It's me. So…what do you have to tell, "The So Cute Girl"? Would this person be, by any chance, Akane?"

"Ranma blushes and says, "What? Are you crazy?! That tomboy has absolutely No sex appeal and…" Ranma was cut off by a foot in his face and a VERY angry Akane at the other end of the foot.

"Geez Akane. You are brutal!"

"So you wanna mess with me?" Akane looked furious.

'Ahh!' Nabiki thought, "Naah. I just thought I would tell you this secret but I decided not to". Nabiki turns around and starts to leave when…

"WHAT secret?" asks Akane, a little nervous.

"Well, it depends on what you give me in return…"

How was that for a first chapter!?!? It seemed like a good idea to make something like this. I got the idea when my little sister, sessishot2005 , and I were making something to eat and I started to make my jello, and I always remembered how I drank it, and always snuck some before anyone else got to it. Well, leave me a comment and I'll get back to you about it!! You KNOW you want to push that Sexy Purple Button down there!! Go ahead! whispers Hit the Sexy Purple Button. HaHaHa Ja Ne!! :)