Disclaimer: I own Sandra 'sand-lover' and Sopdet 'Soppy-girl', but everyone else belongs to the brilliant JKR.

Author's Note: I figured I'd retire from the OCs for a while and go back to our beloved canons; in this case, Luna, a favourite of mine. She's funky. Anyway, thanks so much to all the reviewers, have I mentioned you rock?

Set at the end of Order of the Phoenix; no ship.

Luna's diary

Screenname: Loony-Snorkack-lover

Mood: Happy/Excited

Hello Diary,

I'm packing my stuff for our trip! That's right, Dad's taking me to Austria to find some Crumple-horned Snorkacks! He says we might even get to see a Corrugated flibbergibit! They're almost as rare and amazing as the Crumple-horned Snorkacks! They usually live in places where there's rust or metal, because that's what they eat. They're small and wavy-looking and I bet they're cute! I can't wait!

I am slightly nervous though. We might not be able to find one because I blew up Pluto and that might mean that the Snorkacks have gone back into their underwater caves until the next red moon. I can only hope that this isn't the case. At least I'll have as many copies of The Quibbler to read, my favourite issue was the one about the Corrugated flibbergibit. Well, wish me luck!



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Screenname: Quidditchrulz07

Hi Luna, it's Harry. I'd just like to thank you for what you did for me before. You snapped some sense back into me and I'm really sorry about your mother. I hope you have a good time on your trip and trying to find a...er...Snorkack...Best wishes and good luck!

With all due respect,
