" Etrande Duo"
("Strange Duet")
Disclaimer: Based on the Andrew Lloyd Webber's stage musical, adapted from the novel by Gaston Leroux.
Summery: TPoNr. On the bridge, Christine changes her mind and warns Erik to run. He escapes and Christine sees a side of Raoul she doesn't like, making her think again on her 'relationship' with the Phantom.
Timeframe: During the I 'Don Juan Triumphant' performance, song- 'The Point of No Return'.
Pairing: Erik/Christine (Christine/Raoul implied).
Chapter 1
Don Juan Triumphant
As they walked towards each other, singing the song Erik had written for this performance, Christine was terrified. By the sheer love reflecting back to her from his eyes, by the thought of having him captured and hung, the fear of losing her maestro, her guide and companion… could she really do that?
the point
of no return
the final threshold -
the bridge
crossed, so stand
and watch it burn . . .
We've passed the
of no return . . ."
Wrapping his arms around her as they finished the song, Christine looked towards Raoul. The tears that stained his cheeks spurred her on, determined to rid the world of this monster so that, at last, she and her love could be free. Turning in his arms, lips mere inches apart, Christine, and many members of the audience, were sure they would have kissed if not the Phantom had opened his mouth to sing a few extra lines that had not been scripted.
you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime . . .
Lead me,
save me
from my solitude . . ."
The Phantom hands her the engagement ring he ripped from her throat at the Masquerade party and she took it from him and placed it on her finger, although not one that it would have gone on had she accepted his proposal.
you want me
with you,
here beside you . . .
Anywhere you
let me go too -
that's all I ask of . . ."
She gasped, the words Raoul had sung to her on the roof of the opera house came flooding back, along with the feelings they stirred. But this, the Phantom, singing the same song, to the same tune with, his own words, strangely caused more emotion to surface in her already torn and bruised heart for her to completely understand it. All she knew is that she couldn't betray her master like this, never! Instead of ripping away his paiper mache mask as intended, signaling the police to move in on this criminal, she leaned forward, surprising the Phantom himself, and pressed a chaste kiss to his cold lips.
He looked at her with a smile.
"Get out of here, now…"
"I will not leave you Christine; you are mine!"
"This is not the time." She gushed, the urgency in her tone blatant. "They are here, you must go."
When he looked as if he would protest, Christine placed a finger to his lips.
"I will come see you once the performance is over and the danger has passed. Please?"
Hearing her beg, for his own safety, made him finally accept her plea. Pulling the cloak about himself the Phantom disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Christine, now Phantom less, staggered forward coughing as she inhaled the smoke accidentally. Waving her hand in front of her face, she continued to cough, walking forward to get out of the smoke she fell forward and down onto the stage beneath the bridge, she had previously been standing on.
Raoul, seeing her fall, has finally come out of his anger induced haze at seeing the Phantom escape, jumped up in his seat.
The Phantom, back down where he has hid for most of his life, sat waiting for Christine, not knowing of her fall…