This may have PG-13 tendencies. Ye have been warned!

Oh, and I'm keeping you posted on the score. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just read part one and two of chapter 12. You can figure it out.

Characters thoughts will be in italics and my comments will be in (these things), savvy?

Chapter 12: Part 2

...To Redeem a Man From a Lifetime of Wickedness

No matter what Elizabeth did, that confrontation with Will in her house left her breathless. What are you thinking? It's the corset, Elizabeth! When Norrington decided to grace her with his presence, walking took the rest of the saved air from her. He was the last person she wanted to be with anyway. Elizabeth would have taken Murtogg or Mullroy over the Commodore if she could not have Will.

Of course, she had not met Jack yet... Until she fell off the battlement with a major soaking experience.

Meanwhile, back at the, Interceptor, Jack was rehearsing his favourite story of all time about those cannibals on an island off the coast of Singapore.

"...And then they made me their chief."


Jack stood quickly and looked over the side of the ship. From the shouting coming from the fort, it was a woman, Elizabeth. He looked at Murtogg and Mullroy, "Will you be saving her then?"

"I can't swim," said the latter. Murtogg just stared, probably thinking that he only knew how to dog-paddle, but even more probable that he was afraid of large bodies of water.

Now, every fangirl of Johnny Depp or Jack Sparrow looks forward to this one part even though they have frustration that they do not play the right strip music.

Well, Jack began to strip down (to) his effects while saying to the two upstanding gentlemen, "Pearl of the king's navy you are."

He practically threw his gun, coat and hat in both of their faces, "Do not lose these."

As the water steamed because of the hotness (Jack, Jack stripping Elizabeth and the like), the flag changed directions from the sudden heat wave (only the fans don't think THAT, but that it must be important to the plot of the story– such as the Black Pearl was now headed toward the piece of gold hung around Elizabeth's neck).

The only think missing from the escapade were the commentators for the water ballet. Jack finally reached the top of the water and swam to the dock. Thankfully the TUG were there.

"I got her," Murtogg said. "Not breathing!"

Jack pulled himself onto the dock, "Move!"

Murtogg did not move fast enough and was then shoved aside. Jack pulled his knife from his boot and slit open Elizabeth's corset, who promptly turned to her side and coughed up water.

The innocent soldier spoke, "Never would've thought of that."

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore."

JACK: 2-----------TUG: 0

Jack was still looming over Elizabeth and noticed a certain gold medallion which we previously read about earlier, calling a large, beautiful black ship. "Where did you get that?"

At that moment, the calvary arrived. Commodore Norrington was, oddly enough, composed and calm seeing Elizabeth only in her underwear. He drew his sword and pointed it at Jack, "On your feet."

The Governor was in a frenzied state, his eyes darting around to see if anyone had seen his daughter in ONLY her underwear. His eyes paused long enough on her to tightly secure his jacket over her shoulders, "Elizabeth, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine," she said impatiently. Jack saw that she was itching to slap her father's hands away from her. A spirited woman.

Governor Swann's eyes darted about from Mullroy to Murtogg, who was holding Elizabeth's corset, to Jack, the man Murtogg pointed to for the reason there was a cut open corset and a scantily dressed (hardly) woman in their midst.

JACK: 2-----------TUG: 1

"Shoot him!"

"Father!" Elizabeth scolded him and turned to Norrington, the one who commanded the guns (no pun intended), "Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?"

Norry did not look happy at all, but accepted his true love's words and lowered his sword (...however you want to take it)," I believe thanks are in order."

He reached out his hand and grabbed Jack's reluctant one.



"Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, pirate?"

Jack felt violated. In all his years of life he thought handshakes as a gesture of friendship or greeting, not...

"Hang him," came the Governor's sing-song, victorious voice.

... a mark of death. The noose was the last place he wanted to go.

"Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons," (as I said, however you want to take it) Norrington said. He still had a firm grip on Jack's hand and would not let go. Norrington pushed the rest of Jack's sleeve up to his elbow to reveal a tattoo of a sparrow in flight against a setting (or rising) sun. "Well, well...Jack Sparrow, isn't it?"

The commodore dropped Jack's hand like a dead rat. Jack protested, "Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir." (A mild protest).

Norrington stood there looking smug, "Well, I don't see your ship, Captian."


JACK: 0-----------NORRY/CJN: 1

Because of Jack's well-brought up background, he knew to approach the situation with the utmost politeness instead of causing a barbaric brawl which would involve someone getting hurt. Jack flashed a sarcastic smile, "I'm in the market as it were."

Both of the two upstanding gentlemen spoke up, "He said he'd come to commandeer one."

"Told ya he was telling the truth," Mullroy responded. He picked up Jack's effects and walked up to Norrington. "These are his, sir."

Norrington rifled through Jack's thing as if no one cared if they were buried at the bottom of the ocean. Jack would not stand for that and was a hair away from cracking, grabbing his things and breaking for it. Maybe the sun from that island really had made him crazy.

"No additional shots nor powder..."

Because if I did you'd be in trouble.

"A compass that doesn't point north..."

I'm not trying to find north.

Norrington unsheathed and sheathed the sword, "...And I half-expected it to be made of wood."

Ooh, below the belt.

JACK: 0-----------NORRY/CJN: 2

"You are, without doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

JACK: 1-----------NORRY/CJN: 2


Elizabeth watched as Jack was dragged to the other end of the dock. She shrugged off her father's coat, everyone had already seen her in her underwear anyway, and stood in between Norrington and Jack, "Commodore, I really must protest."

It seemed from the outside that Norrington was only half-listening to Elizabeth when he said, "Carefully Lieutenant," to Gillette, but in reality, he was hanging onto her every word.

"Pirate or not this man saved my life."

I will insert a small history lesson into this fanfic. Pirates, as do many other people, have a narrowminded tendency to formulate plans of survival. Jack's wheels were turning to find a way off the path of the gallows and onto the path of freedom.

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."

Jack could not pass this up, "Though it seems enough to condemn him."

JACK: 2-----------NORRY/CJN: 2

"Indeed." Norrington observed Jack's sudden change to watchful, almost as if...

"Finally," Jack said, and threw his chains that Gillette had just secured on his wrists overElizabeth's head, and aroundher neck.

The governor preceded to do a freakout jig in which the words, "Don't shoot," were the chorus.

"I knew you'd warm up to me," said sexy Jack (okay maybe I'm just saying that because of his voice at this moment. Isn't a growl sexy?)

Sexy Jack knew that both the Commodore and the Governor wanted Elizabeth back safe and sound, but, come on! Really, what could Jack do involving chains and effects? (evil grin), "Commodore Norrington, my effects, please...and my hat! Commodore!"

Jack paused in his delegation and turned to Elizabeth's ear, speaking softly, "Elizabeth. It is Elizabeth isn't it?"

"It's Miss Swann," she said fiercely.

Fine, Jack thought. "Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind."

She looked at Jack's pistol, sword, compass and hat that Murtogg held out for her. Any way to escape?

"Come, come, dear, we don't have all day."


Jack spun her around, now holding his pistol to her still dripping head, "Now if you'd be very kind."

Elizabeth glared daggers at him, but did as she was implied to do, very grudgingly, wrapping her arms around him to get the belt on right. Jack was loving it. He grinned from ear to ear at the Commodore and Governor.

He grunted slightly, "Easy on the goods, darling."

"You're despicable," She said with gritted teeth, finished strapping him in and resumed to glare.

"Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you saved mine, we're square," Jack said, turning Elizabeth back around to face her father and many Navy men. "Gentlemen!"

A small seductive growl escaped, "M'lady."

He took one step backwards to prepare himself to push Elizabeth forward and run, "You will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!"

Jack pushed Elizabeth away, turned, grabbed a random rope and catapulted into the air, swung around a pole (hmmm) and landed on a beam above them, in which he promptly jumped off after throwing his iron's chain over another rope and slid down to a dock a few over from the Interceptor's.

He sprinted, as best he could with sea legs and hid behind a blacksmithing statue that had a surprising resemblance to someone Jack remembered was on his crew, back when he was captain of the Black Pearl.

Jack heard guards move passed him. Ha! I win! He scooted around the statue, noticed another six red-coats were coming at him and hid in the first available cardboard box in history– a Blacksmith Shop.

JACK: 5-----------TUG/NORRY/CJN: 3

How'd you like it? It is late, I'm sorry.It'spart of my favorite chapterNext chapter soon!