Alright last chapter! Hope you like! Please review if you don't I'll cry.

I dedicate this story to my goldfish Cody who died on the 25th.

Cody G. Sept. 30th-Nov 25th.

He was my buddy.

Chapter 11: Epilogue: Property Of...

Minako opened her eyes slowly, noting the light pressure on her chest. Looking down she smirked as the top of her raven haired beauty came into view. Sighing she recalled the events of the previous night as she gently massaged the scalp beneath her finger tips.

She missed Rei more than she cared to admit. Suddenly she felt happy about the fact that, that time in the shower is what made her able to move passed Rei's sudden bout of foolishness and allow the older girl to worm her way back into the folds of her good side.

She felt Rei's warm breath on her skin change it's pace, as she began to awaken.

"Morning beautiful," Minako said. Smiling sheepishly down at Rei who had turned her face up to get a view of her "friend."

"Morning," Rei said smiling back. A small blush crept onto her face as she attempted to slide off of the younger girl.

"Stay," Minako urged. "Your keeping me warm."

"I'll come back..." Rei said. Indicating the she needed to use the bathroom.

Minako pulled the blankets tightly around her body before wondering how they ended up under them in the first place. shrugging she decided she didn't care.

Rolling over she spotted a small ball of fluff laying next to her pillow and it dawned on her.


"Yeah Mina?" came a sleep ridden reply.

" Did you use your human transformation to cover us?"

"Uh huh," Mina watched as he turned over on his back and stretched all four of his legs into the air before stretching out his paws, unsheathing each claw one by one. " I hear you two made up."

Minako blushed heavily.

"Something like that." Rei said re-entering the room, as Artemis began walking out.

Minako lifted one of her eyebrows as the naked priestess joined her. Minako listened to her as she sighed contently. Things just couldn't get any better than this.

--- Venus

Mars groaned as she reached out and grabbed for the body that was no longer laying next to her.

Opening her eyes she sat up, earning at light blush from Artemis who was in human form speaking to Venus while she sat wrapped in her robe on the windowsill.

"Your sheet Mars." Artemis told her.

Mars blush as she pulled the fallen sheet up to her shoulders. "Sorry."

Artemis nodded before turning to look back out at what ever they were starring at.

"What's going on?" Mars asked curiously.

"It's that time of year." Mars could see Minako's eyes sparkle with glee through Venus's eyes.

"The festival has arrived!" Artemis exclaimed happily.

Mars grinned. "The Festival of Love."

"It ought to be the best one yet." Venus commented.


" Again?" Minako asked as Rei kissed her way up her stomach.

"If you'd like," Rei answered, locking lips with the love goddess.

"Not yet." Minako mumbled into their kiss. She felt Rei nod.

"I'm hungry," Rei said laying next to her.

"Didn't you eat enough last night?" Minako teased, Rei blushed. The older girl had woken her up three more times during to night.

"Well yeah, but I want actual food."

"There has to be something down there in the kitchen." Minako cuddled into the body next to her as her phone rang.

"Aino." Minako answered with her last name.

"What are you doing?" she heard Kagome's voice travel through the phone.

"Nothing, what's up?"

"Haven't spoken to you in a while."

"Two days isn't a while." Minako grinned at Kagome's laugh.

"Yeah but I miss you."

"I miss you too. How about we get together later?"

" Can't I'm still making up to Sess for that time in the park."

"Right." Minako laughed nervously as Rei's eyebrow rose out of curiosity.


"That's fine. Call me when you ready."

"Ja Ne!"

"Matta Ne" Minako hung up the phone.

"Time at the park, huh?" Rei raised an eyebrow at her.

"Uh huh," Minako answer innocently.

"Spill," Rei said pinning her down. She straddled the younger girls waist and held her arms above her head.

Minako groaned as her arousal from the night before returned. Rei purposely pressed their naked bodies together the further coax and explanation from the younger girl.

"Remember that time you saw us kissing in the park?"

"How can I forget?" Rei asked rhetorically.

"That was planned." Minako moaned as Rei nipped at one of her exposed nipple.

"Planned?" Rei asked. Not releasing her hold.

"Uh huh, I wanted to make you jealous." Minako admitted.

"And she went along with it?"


"So that whole conversation I had with Sesshomaru was planned?"

"What discussion with Sesshomaru?"

"Guess not. Never mind then." Rei took the whole thing into her mouth.

"The real reason I broke up with you wasn't exactly because I was bored. "Rei said, continuing her sucking.

"Really now," Minako forced out while grinding her teeth.

"Yeah. Ko made me feel like we weren't good together as a couple." She answered switching breast.

"I really dislike that girl." Minako frowned. "She called me a whore."

"She also called you a bitch, but she's gone now." Rei assured her.

"Better be." Minako said, allowing Rei to satisfy her, Again.


"It should be a sin to have this much sex." Minako grinned as Rei kissed her way back up from between Minako's legs.

"It is," Rei reminded her. " Us sleeping together is one of the largest sins of all."

"That's a bullshit sin." Minako yawned.

"Yeah, But so is mixing fabrics, eating pork, lying, and having sex for purposes beyond procreation. People are compelled to lie. If God did judge us by the sins we've commented. Trust me everyone would be going to Hell. Including Usa."

"Wait so you mean we could murder someone and be forgiven for the before we could be forgiven for us, two women having sex?"

"I'd hope not...I don't think what we do is considered Sex..." Rei


Minako frowned. "Why are we talking about this as if it matters?"

"You started it." Rei grinned.

"Sod off," Minako got up and tugged Rei in the direction of the shower.


"Hi Rei," Kagome smiled nervously.

"Yo." Rei said glaring at her. A swift elbow from Mina made her grin. "Your forgiven."

Kagome smiled happily.

"Barely," Rei finished.

She pouted.

"I'm glad you had a chance to stop by. Where's Sess?" Minako asked.

"He had anger management classes today." Kagome started to laugh. "I honestly think their making him worse."

"Well come on. I need you two to help me get my clothing out of the attic."

"Why are your clothing in the attic?" both Rei and Kagome asked at the same time.

"I got angry at them for being so bright." Minako grinned. "I burned my bunny shirt."

"Loser," Kagome laughed as she walked up the stairs.

"What ever." Minako replied.


"Minako?" Rei asked as the two sat across from each other in an up scale restaurant Rei decided she wanted to treat Minako to.

" I really should have done this weeks ago." Rei stood up and took a knee in front of her while pulling out a box from her pocket she began her short speech.

"I've done a lot of dumb things in the past few months but nothing nearly as daft as breaking up with you and nearly ruining both of our lives in the process..."

Minako lifted her eyebrow wondering what the hell Rei was doing. The other people in the restaurant stopped to watch as Rei continued.

"I know that I don't deserve a second chance but I am desperately hoping you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Minako cocked her head to the side as Rei opened the box, revealing a silver bracelet with words engraved on it.

"Will you go steady with me again? Pick up where we left off?" Rei finished waiting for Minako's answer.

"Of course I will!" Minako said hugging her. As their audience applauded them.

Rei grinned. "This was really nerve wrecking."

"I can't imagine," Minako watched in fascination as Rei placed the bracelet around her wrist. "Minako Aino." Was written across the front.

"That just in case you ever forget you name" Rei joked. Turning the bracelet over "My Aijin: P.O.R"

"That is so not funny," Minako tried to keep herself from laughing. "you got Property Of Rei on my bracelet."

Rei grinned and showed Minako her wrist and her bracelet was identical to Minako's only it said her own name on the front and P.O.M on the back.

"We're even?" Rei asked.

"Not even close. You put me through hell and your gonna pay." Minako grinned mischievously.

"I'm ready for my punishment."


"Minako, I think this is a bit much." Rei said as she was turned onto her stomach, blindfolded, and handcuffed to the bed.

"Quiet my pet. Your punishment is about to begin."

Rei gulped she could've sworn that was the sound of a whip snapping. "Oh shit."


Mawhahahahaha. This last part really cracks me up. Like seriously. I

could use all the laughs a can get lately.

And if I offended anyone with the religious talk there. Sorry wasn't

intentional. Just after sex babble.

Raise your hand if you want a sequel. Or just be nice and leave it in

your review.

I love the way I ended this story lol. 'Tis was fun.

Push the button and review you know ya wanna.