Disclaimer: I don't own it. Sigh If you think I do, you have worse problems than some of my friends... and believe me, I have some screwed up friends.
A/N: Ok, this is for Abby. Jenni, I hope you're making sure Abby reads this, cause I wrote this just for you and her. Hope your whole situation straightens itself out, and I hope you enjoy my mini-fic.
Why You Shouldn't...
"You know, Gibbs, there's a reason that most people don't look over shoulders." Abby was hitting keys on the computer. Gibbs was stalking back and forth, a cup of coffee in his hands, peering over the shoulders of both his geeks. McGee was getting progressively more uncomfortable, but Abby was just ignoring it.
"Think of it as incentive to work faster." Gibbs took a sip of his coffee and leaned over McGee. When he backed off, Abby could see McGee shiver.
"Yeah?" He was breathing down her neck again.
"If you keep doing that, it's going to take me longer."
"Too bad." Gibbs grinned.
This went on for a good ten minutes. Gibbs went back and forth and back and forth, staring at computers screens at data he didn't understand.
Finally, Abby got the information she was looking for.
"GIBBS!" She spun around and realized that he had been in the process of bending over behind her. Acting purely on impulse, she leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, before bouncing back to her computer and hitting one final key.
Gibbs managed to recover from his speechless moment. "What is it?"
"He didn't get attacked. Someone stood there and dropped some blood, took a step, dropped some more..."
"Thank you, Abby!" Gibbs headed over to harass McGee some more.
"Hey, Abbs, you got a minute?"
"Sure, Gibbs." Abby turned off her music and grapped her soda.
Gibbs stood with his hands behind his back. "I should fire you, you know."
Abby almost dropped her soda. "What? I'm a good lab rat! Why would you fire me?"
Gibbs raised an eyebrow. "You kissed me," he deadpanned.
Abby blushed. "Ah. That."
"Yes, that. So, Abby, what was that about?"
"Oh." Abby set down her cup of pop and started twisting her rings. "Well, I was caught up in the heat of the moment, and I was trying to get you to stop leaning over my shoulder..." She risked a glance up into a pair of unreadable eyes. "And I kinda like you, like, I like you, so it was totally not planned. You can fire me if you want, although I'd prefer it if you didn't, I like being a lab rat, and it will never happen again..."
"Abby." Gibbs cut into Abby's babbling.
"Shut up. I'm not going to fire you." Gibbs turned to leave the lab.
"Really? Thank you! I'll never do it again, I promise."
Gibbs turned, one hand on the doorframe. "You promise?"
"Yes!" Abby nodded rapidly.
Gibbs walked out of the room, and Abby heard his parting shot as he waited for the elevator. "If you promise I might just have to fire you."
A/N: I love this! Hope you liked it too, especially Abby and Jenni! Please review!