
Rayne-kun: I truly don't understand the point of disclaimers. Are there any REAL owners of these things that write fanfiction? and if there were, why are they doing it? why not just write it in their own damn story?! their wasting their time!!!

Hazel: don't mind her. what she means to say is... pokes Blaze

Blaze: Why the F-ck do I have to say it!?

Hazel: LANGUAGE BLAZE! there could be CHILDREN reading this! And you have to say it because I said so.

Blaze: -rolls eyes- Rayne-kun doesn't own Shaman King.


blaze and hazel: -roll eyes-

Rayne-kun: Oh! But I do own them! -points at Blaze and Hazel- They're not in the story, but they are in the ending thing and the disclaimer.

Blaze: I am not owned by anyone.

Rayne-kun: ;; but i CREATED you!


Rayne-kun: heh heh... -backs away- Oh! and also! i'm not sure they even celebrate Arbor Day in Japan, so lets just pretend they do.

Chapter One:

Every last Friday in April, humans would stop their destruction of nature, and instead plant a tree and care about the world. Of course, after the day ended, it would be back to death and destruction for the environment. They called this separation from reality Arbor Day.

Living with the Ainu all his life, Horohoro had celebrated nature every day, and was delighted to learn that non-shamanic people did so at least once a year. He was even more ecstatic to discover that there would be a festival for it.

Horohoro burst into the kitchen of Yoh Asakura's house. All of Yoh's friends had decided to stay with him for a few weeks after the Shaman Tournament, so that was where he was currently living.

Up until that point, Tao Ren had been calmly drinking glass of his much needed milk in the said kitchen, when he was interrupted by the Ainu shaman.

"REN! Guess what?" the bluenette(A/N is that a word?) bounced happily to the young Chinese shaman.

"There's an Arbor Day festival tomorrow and you want me to go with you," Ren replied lazily.

Horohoro gaped. "How did you know that? Can you read minds??"

Ren rolled his eyes and took another sip of his milk. "No, you Ainu-baka. You've been asking everyone in this house if they would go with you. Quite loudly, I might add. And my answer is the same as theirs."

"But whyyyyyyyy?" Horohoro pouted.

All he received in answer was a cold glare.

"You're so mean to me TTTT," he whined.

"What is he shouting about, otouto?" asked Ren's older sister Jun as she too entered the kitchen.

"He wants to go to that stupid Arbor Day festival with me because no one else will go with him."

It was Jun's turn to glare. "And WHY aren't you going with him?"

"You're not gonna make me go with him, are you? Why don't YOU go?" he groaned.

"You need more time out of the house otouto. Have fun!" and with that, she exited the room as suddenly as she had appeared in it.

"So you're going to...?" Horohoro asked hopefully.

Yet again, Ren glared. "I have no choice." He then took his unfinished glass of milk and left the room to find his sister, leaving a very happy Horohoro.

Not only was Horohoro going to have someone to go with him, it was going to be Ren! He had never dreamed this sort of thing would happen. He had thought that Yoh would go with him, or anyone else, but certainly not The Great Tao Ren who positively despised the Ainu boy. Horohoro was going to a festival celebrating the joy of nature with the boy he was secretly in love with. Not that he could ever tell the Chinese shaman that. It wasn't because it would destroy the "friendship" the two boys had. No, it was because Ren would kill him. He had had countless nightmares where he had told Ren his feelings about him, only to have the sharp point of the kwan-dao thrust into his chest. They say that nothing can hurt you in dreams. Oh, they were wrong indeed. No, Horohoro would never tell the object of his affections that he was so. But he could fantasize. He could wish that one day, Ren would return his feelings. He knew, of course, that it would never happen, but it never hurt to hope.

Horohoro blinked and found a hand waving over his face.

"Earth to Horo," a voice called out to him.

"Wha-?" he started stupidly. In front of him was Yoh biting into an orange.

"You've been sitting there with that grin on your face for almost 10 minutes now," Yoh said in between orange slices.

Horohoro blinked. "Oh. I'll be going then," and he departed the room.

Meanwhile, Ren was sitting at the base of a tree thinking about his conversation with Jun a few minutes earlier.

"Why are you making me go?"

She had grinned. "Because you want to."

"What do you mean?! Of course I don't want to!"

"Oh otouto. So oblivious to your own feelings."

"What are you talking about?! Why on earth would I want to go to a nature festival, let alone with that Ainu-baka?"

"One day, you'll know what I mean."

What had she meant? It didn't make any sense.

A grinning Horohoro skipped, yes, that's right, skipped out of the house and over to him. Did that baka have to follow him everywhere? And just when things were starting to get quiet.

"Oh, hi Ren! Thank you so much for going with me!" he said.

"Its not like I want to. My sister is making me," Ren replied.

"That's ok. As long as your with me, I don't care why you are or not!" he said still grinning.

He looks so cute when he smiles like that, Ren thought. He froze. Where had THAT come from?!

"I, um, have to, uh, go..." Ren practically ran back into the house blushing madly, leaving a very confused Horohoro.


Rayne-kun: HA! There it is! A first chapter! Take THAT!

audience: ...

Rayne-kun: ' heh heh.... anyway, sorry if anyone is OOC. -.-' This is my first fic, so it might suck. Feel free to give constructive criticism, but no flamers just because there's yaoi! JUST BECAUSE TWO BOYS ARE IN LOVE DOESN'T MEAN ITS WRONG!!!!!!!!!

hazel: Sorry, she's a bit of a fanatic....

blaze: a bit?!

Rayne-kun: ' heh heh. anyway, PLEASE REVIEW! the more reviews, the faster the next chapter comes up! -