

Kagome sighed as she walked to her room. Inuyasha was being a major pain...again! He wanted her to come back the past tomorrow! She needed at least three days here in her own time! She walked into her room quietly, closing the door behind her. She walked over to her bed and fell on it.


Kagome jumbed back, she was surprised someone was on her bed. The covers were now at the edge of the bed, her pillow laying limply (is that even a word?) on the floor. In the mess of it wall sat a short but masculine teenager. Hisdeep crimson eyes wide in shock, his black gravity defying hair slightly rustled.

His eyes found her and he glared at Kagome's surprised form.

"Onna, why did you bring me here?" His smooth voice growled out. Kagome was snapped out of her shock from his voice and she blushed.

"Onna, why am I here?" The mysterious boy repeated angrily.

"I don't know," Kagome replied, her cheeks still bright red.

"Hn," The boy replied and left.

It was a few weeks after Kagome had seen the mysterious boy. She was now back in her own era. She sighed as she entered her house. Her mother, grandfather, and brother were visting her uncle's so she was left alone. She was soon inside her cozy room once again.

Kagome looked around her pink room. Just to make sure no more strange boys are hiding in here. Kagome thought to herself. She spotted something on her desk. She walked over to the desk only to find a note and a small black round stone. Kagome picked up the stone. It had a small black string attached to it. It was a necklace. She carefully put on the beautiful black stone on the same string as the Shikon no Tama.

Kagome then picked up the note. It read:


Meet me in the park tomorrow at 5:00 P.M.


Kagome blinked a few times. Who was Hiei? Could it be that strange boy she had met before. Kagome was determined to find out.


It was 5:00 and Kagome was in the park just as the note had told her to be. There was still no sign of anyone. She then suddenly felt a warm hand on her shoulder.


"Relax onna," A familiar voice answered. Kagome turned around to see the same teenager as before.

"So you're Hiei?" Kagome thought outloud, "Why did you give me this pretty stone."

The demon sighed.

"It's mating season."

Kagome looked at him curiously, "What's that?"

"It's when a demon finds a life mate, onna."

Kagome blushed.

"Usually the male gives the female a gift. If you reject it then you obviously reject the male and visa versa," the demon replied. Kagome nodded.

"But why me? I mean, we don't even know each other."

The demon pointed to his forehead, "I have the Jagan eyes, onna. It commands you for a mate. I have been watching you as well. You are strong and able to take care of yourself. You also remind me of my sister in some ways."


"Kagome," Hiei let her name roll off his tounge, "Will you accept me, Hiei the Forbidden Child, as your mate?"

Kagome blinked. You mean...he wasn't going to start acting like Kouga and Inuyasha? He was going to give her a choice?

"I don't know. I mean I don't really know you very well. But, I'll agree if you let me get to know you before you mate with me," Kagome blushed.

Hiei nodded in agreement. Hiei then walked over to Kagome. He made her bend down abit and then kissed her passonatly much to Kagome's surprise.

A few months later Hiei and Kagome were very close to each other. In fact they had been mated only a few weeks ago.

The End!