A Field of Daisies

Disclaimer: my best friend's dream wedding inspired this story so the story REALLY isn't mine but OH WELL!

A/N: I am kinda having a brain fart so I don't know what to write now. PLEASE give me advise! I will love you FOREVER!

Setting: A field of daisies, in the summer, right outside of the Malfoy Manor. (They are living together)

Hermione: wearing a bright, floral, sundress. Also she has a crown of flowers on her straight brown hair.

Draco: wearing a loose creamy-white button-up shirt with black cargo pants.

A Dream Come True

There was Hermione her sundress whipping around her legs. She was spinning with a bunch of daisies in her hand. As Draco a now very frequent smile appeared on his lips. He started running and tackled her.

"DRACO!!!" Hermione yelped.

"Yes my love?" Draco grinned at her.

"I love you."


They rolled around in the daisies for a while. Then finally Hermione got up and brushed herself off. Draco proceeded to do the same.


"Yes Draco?"

"I love you with all my heart," he got down on bended knee, "and I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, was wondering if you would marry me."

"Draco…I…I…I, Hermione Abbot Granger, say yes to your request."

Draco swiftly stood up, grabbed her by the hips, and lifted her into the air. Hermione giggled. He then lowered her down and whipped out a little black box. He opened it in a flash and slipped a ring on her finger.

The ring was gorgeous. It must have cost a fortune. But that fortune was one the Malfoys had. It had a large diamond at the top of the band. Around the diamond were red and green stones. On one side was a serpent and on the other was a lioness. Hermione almost fainted out of realization. She, HERMIONE ABBOT GRANGER, was going to marry the man of her dreams. She was so happy. She stared at Draco.

"I…I…How…A…D…" Hermione rambled.

Draco just covered her mouth with his own. Then he swept her up, their lips never breaking, and began to carry her to the manor just as the sunset. Then as got to the manor steps Draco broke away.


"Yes?" Hermione said getting lost in his pools of gray.

"I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

The Dream Begins

Hermione wandered around the shop looking at EVERY dress possible. Ginny just sat there. Annoyed. She had been there for about 7 hours already. All of a sudden she heard Hermione scream.

"Hermione! Are you ok? What's wrong?" Ginny said as she jumped up and ran to her friend.

Then she saw it. It was beautiful.

"I am going to wear this Ginny. I…I…Hold on I am going to try it on!"

"Ok HURRY! I HAVE to see you in it."

As Hermione stepped out of the changing room Ginny screamed. She looked like a fairy in…

A/N: I know cliffe but hey I am mean and can't think of anything yet. I want AT LEAST 10 reviews before I continue! I LOVE YOU ALL!!

