Lightning-Dono: A poem I decided to write since I haven't written anything lately...Kaoru's poem to Megumi (Or any girl after Kenshin) about her feelings towards him...More towards Megumi, anyway. Much more reference in the beginning.

I had a lot of fun coming up with this. :D


Without him I'd be just like you
and longingDevoid of true happiness
Watching at the autumn leaves fell
Softly to the ground

Being with like being alive again, isn't it?
The strength makes you want to cry
And the battles make you want to fight
Yet, an unmoving heart with a sweet face
Nurtures you on

Let me tell you this
He's like a red-headed angel
Let me tell you this
Desire is not a feeling but an emotion
When he's with you, I want to cry
Let him go

Without him I'd be numb
Frozen and desperate
No purpose to fulfill
on the sheet of ice
Feeling it melt around me

Being with like being freed, isn't it?
The smile makes you want to laugh
And his eyes make you want to dance
Yet, a nature of stone and care-free feelings
Nurtures you on

Let me tell you this
He's my reason
Let me tell you this
Love is pain but a definition of life
When he's with you, I want to die
Let him go

Without him I'd be a wreck
and lonely
No direction to follow
on an endless road
Plants withering at my feet

Being with like flying, isn't it?
The sword's blade makes you want to run
And the glare makes you want to turn away
Yet, the light he radiates after the battle
Is enough to nurture you on

Let me tell you this
He's my guardian angel
Let me tell you this
Tears are a weapon of the lovesick
When he's with you, I want to fall
Let him go