Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or related characters they are apart of J.K. Rowlings talented mind, and the Warner Brothers company. I am however the wonderful creater of Dragon and Melissa. So please do not sue.

A/N: First off I want to thank my good friend Amanda (Potter) for coming up with the title to this story. I was having the worst time thinking of one. So thank you sooooooooo much. I know this is a new story but I would like to bring up the story the Malfoy-Snape relationship. If you happened to be reading that particular story I would like to inform you that I have not finished that story, but I have found myself a beta and we will be taking it down and making a whole bunch of corrections. I will be taking it down by the end of this week and promise all of you that I will post the chapters one by one once we have finished correcting them and re-writing them. However I hope that you enjoy this story. While I've been writing this I've had three great friends read it over to make sure it wasn't a load of crap. So supposedly it's a good story so if you would like to please review however I am sick and tired of reading Flames from the Malfoy-Snape story and really do not want them on this story if you really feel that a chapter needs to be corrected because it is absoultely horrid please email me or review since those go straight to my email, but please only if necessary. I am still in the process of writing this story, and it is no where near finished. Sorry that the first couple of chapters are short.

Chapter 1: Leaving

The war had just ended and Harry didn't want to stick around after. He picked up the bag he just packed adn left Hogwarts. Leaving behind his friends, and the love of his life. 'It's better this way. They won't be hurt.' Harry thought to himself before apparating to America. By the time the newspapers were released the whoel of the wizarding world thought Harry Potter was either dead or feared missing. "Hermione he's not dead, we would have found his body like we did Voldemorts." Ron tried to assure her.

"Dang it Draco! What's your problem?" Pansy yelled out in the Great Hall.

"Imightbepregnant." Draco mumbled.

"You what!?" Pansy screached. "But that's impossible."

"No Pansy it's not, yes I am gay, and if you even try to ask about the other person I'll hex you." Draco yelled and ran from the Great Hall.