Valkyrie Ranma: Prologue
Disclaimer: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are
the creation of Rumiko Takahashi
and of Enix and Project Profile.
No assumption of ownership is made and this writing is only for
the enjoyment of fans of both
series. In short, do not sue me please; I'm only a poor student.
Poems to Sacred Death.
Up above the mortal world of Midgard, known as Earth to her inhabitants.
Lies the realm known as Asgard, home of the beings known as the Aseir,
the gods of old mythology.
Their time as the Supreme rulers of all creations had long passed,
ever since Ragnarok,
the Destruction of the Powers & the Doom of the Gods.
Out of the Ashes of Creation, one being rose to power and was for a
short time the All-Mother.
She was of the Aesir, and yet she alone amongst them has went through
Life, Death & Rebirth.
She also like the rest of the Gods was able to live forever, and like
the Undead was
beyond the ravages of time. She was everything and the same time
none of the above.
Truly an Enigma even a Race like the Gods who are they uncanny by definition,
if that word can truly be used to describe them.
She gave up the power over creation when the Creator of all,
including the lands of Nifelheim
the great void Ginnugagap from which Migard & Asgard was
made awakened and once claimed the
Throne of Life and the Name of the All Father and while retaining
her powers from which the
current World was recreated from,
she retreated into the Halls of Valhalla, made of gold and of
five hundred and fifty doors, and the rafters
were made from spears of the finest craftsmanship,
a roof of shields and where Breastplates and Armor litter the benches.
There she silently watched Humans
slowly rebuild their homes and lives war after war, disaster
after disaster and even the plagues sent down by her new liege and sometimes,
even the new gods
who were given their godhood, until the new Yggdrasil.
Was made, fashioned by the new Goddess of the Future,
The one with the name Skuld ended the abuse of powers by the new gods.
The sight of the young Goddess always brought a tear to the former
All Mother's eye, as she
mourned the memory of Slimeria,
her own Sister who was the Goddess of the Future,
back when she
was the Middle of the Three Goddess of Destiny before Ragnarok.
Before, the Vampire King Brahms
captured the Soul of the Youngest of her sisters.
After she had restored the Worlds with her new powers
from her rebirth into a homunculus, a
construct of Human, Elf and Aseir and the Demon Sword
"Levantine" own powers. She had searched
the worlds for her, yet no trace was found of her.
Her fractured memory of her did not help either.
Thus with a heavy heart she decided to stop the search
and concentrate on her duties as the
All Mother, until the one True God Awakened and took charge again.
With her duties lessened,
Valkyrie returned to Valhalla and waited, for her sister to be reborn.
Asgard Hill.
The tallest point of all Asgard, the peak of the
Hill was the place where she had fought Loki
and his Dragon Orb and Ascended to power.
Lenneth Valkyrie was a Stunning vision
of Heavenly beauty in her white slip dress with sapphire
blue tapestry and sandals held together with straps of the finest
"Both gifts from Freya." thought Valkyrie to herself
as she brushed her hip long platinum hair
from her shoulders, a move that caught the sunlight in the
silvery strands and making her hair
look as if containing the morning stars.
She felt a familiar presence materialize behind her and
cocked her head slightly to acknowledge
it. "About time too" she thought to herself. She felt hands
gently begin to braid her hair while
the owner of said hands began to breath down her neck,
while blowing with extra force occasional
ly to tease her even more.
"Hmmmm" Valkyrie purred in pleasure while closing her
eyes " You are late, Freya.
I should.. OHH!!" gasped Valkryie when Freya gently
bit into her neck as her nibbling drew
some blood from her lover.
"You should what? Hmm Lenneth? Punish me? Please do.
It's been so long since you last did,"
breathed Freya as she lifted her head up from nibbling
on Valkyrie's neck. " We only had a
session with two days ago, you shameless harlot."
Said Valkyrie in a teasing tone, "or are you
eager for more already. Hmm?"
"Oooohhh, insulting me now hmm? Give me more,
if you are up to it, well?" Freya
dared Valkyrie, knowing full well that
the silver-haired Battle Maiden will reciprocate her
actions in full.
"Very well, You.... what's this" Valkyrie's
reply to Freya was interrupted as she felt signals
her being was giving out that signified the Death of a
Warrior worthy enough to be Chosen by her
personally for entry into the Ranks of the Einherjars.
Her smile changed into a near emotionless
mask as she prepared herself for her duty as the Chooser of the Slain.
A vocation she has held
for many eons since the end of Ragnarok,
as she has not found yet anyone capable of taking her
place yet. Freya sensing her lover's sudden change
looked at her face and recognized the
expression that Valkyrie had.
Feeling both nostalgic and worried at the same time,
she asked, "Who is the one? Lenneth?" as her
face switched into a serious look.
Valkyrie's response was " A very talented one, Freya,
Very Talented indeed. Freya, do me a favor and Inform Kami-Sama's
office of a new Einherjar
in our Ranks." With that she teleported to Midgard, leaving a watery
like ripple in the space
where she was before, while Freya followed suit to Kami-sama's office.
Skies of Midgard.
Upon reaching the Midgard Plane, Valkyrie began
to expand her senses to detect the warrior worthy
to chosen by the Battle Maiden. Frowning as she realized exactly
where the signal is coming
from, she changed into the Battle Gear of the Valkyrie,
consisting of navy blue armor, greaves
and gauntlets along with a skirt weighted by a light golden chain mail
and a winged helmet.
2 floating blue pieces of armor hovers protectively around her
while a magnificent sword with a
slight glow emitting from the blade hangs on her side
She chose to fly to her destination, as well as giving
herself time to think how to approach him.
"Saffron's Realm? Why any mortal not directly related
to Phoenix Mountain. Is the dead warrior a Musk or Amazon?"
She said to herself as she reached the Bayakanla Mountain range.
Phoenix Mountain.
The battle was hard and long.
Most parts of the Mountain was smashed by a chi blast
that was generated by a youth all of
18 years. a blast that was the result
of a battle between a cursed youth who has the
touch of Jusenkyo upon his person and the other
a Phoenix demi-god who wields the fires of his
The end result was the unexpected defeat of the King of Phoenix Mountain
at the hands of the
young upstart who unleashed a blast of cold chi that froze the demi-god
known as Saffron &
shattering the form he had frozen with his own hands.
The demi-god did not die but rather rose from
the pieces of his old form, much like his other
brethren whom rose from their own ashes, as a child perhaps,
but risen from the dead
The woman known as Akane Tendo however will not rise
again should her life and mortal form
The youth of Jusenkyo, who had fought for her freedom, now fights for her life.
The choices were clear to him,
save his own self by refusing to lend any of his own depleted chi
reserves and let others do it instead?
Which according to the code he follows is a dishonorable
Mere survival instinct, but the code he follows
would never forgive him if he allows others to
save his fiancée, even a reluctant one and one he never asked for.
Still the Code demands that he acts to save his fiancée &
by extension his responsibility,
even at the extent of himself.
As demanded by the Code & Honor,
the 2 cornerstones of his existence. Without them he would feel
less than worthless. Never mind that some of those present would
not object while others are only
too happy to take the burden into their less strained hands.
For it is his duty to do so, as dictated by the Code & Honor?
Their demands had already made him
age beyond his years. Now the Code & Honor have demanded of him
a task that will ultimately kill
him. After years of hell on earth,
they will finally send him there.
Of course, had the threat of death ever stopped this youth?
Not once.
No, like the many other challenges that should have killed him,
The youth will accept this challenge like the many already thrown
in his direction.
Who gives a Damn about Death's shadow?
Because, as you are likely to hear from the horse's mouth,
Ranma Saotome never loses.
Even if it will kill him when numerous ambushes,
chi attacks and various pressure point attacks
have failed.
Choice made, Ranma forcibly infused his remaining
chi into the possibly lifeless form of Akane
Tendo, hoping the life force will allow her to live,
so that his efforts will not be in vain.
Without the chi to continue the healing his body needs,
Or to support his already failing system.
Ranma collapsed and took his last breath.
Ranma Saotome, one of the most promising students the Art ever had
Has ended his life on Migard.
Of course, Death is but the beginning, as the Gods can testify.
One of their best will personally inform Ranma Saotome of this fact.
The edge between life and death.
"Where am I? Aren't I supposed ta be dead. "
Stated Ranma to himself as his eyes scanned the
pitch-black surroundings for signs of danger.
"This is the Place where dead guys go?
Feh! Nothing much to look at." Ranma said in a
derisive tone.
"Hopefully, this won't be the place
I'm gonna be spending eter...err forever in" as he got bored
and decided to begin exploring.
"Trust me Ranma. This will not be the
place you will be spending eternity in." a voice came from
behind him.
Spinning into a defensive position,
he began to assess the threat the silver-haired woman may be
to him
And reached a conclusion that he didn't like at all
"Oh shit, this chick here is at least
stronger than the Old Ghoul, Saffron,
and the Old Freak & Herb combined. And that's from what I
CAN feel."
He automatically tensed up in anticipation for a fight he
feels is coming up.
"I just died and now some girl is after me for something
or another. Story of my life.
At least I wont have ta hold back against her."
Seemingly oblivious to Ranma's threatening stance,
the silver-haired woman replied
" I am here to tell you that you have been given a chance to live.
I am known as the Chooser of
the Slain. Also Called the Battle Maiden.
Although you probably know of me as the Valkyrie."
End of prologue. (Draft 2)
Author's notes: My second X-over fiction. Can't believe I actually finished it.
The Prologue that is.
Anyway, Since I do have more source material this time round.
(The Valkyrie Profile FAQS and the official strategy guide.
Along with the Ranma1/2 manga volumes
) I will make it as Canon as possible although
some characters may be omitted.
Especially the VP characters since it did not specify
who were brought back at the A ending.
As always , all feedback appreciated.
Disclaimer: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are
the creation of Rumiko Takahashi
and of Enix and Project Profile.
No assumption of ownership is made and this writing is only for
the enjoyment of fans of both
series. In short, do not sue me please; I'm only a poor student.
Poems to Sacred Death.
Up above the mortal world of Midgard, known as Earth to her inhabitants.
Lies the realm known as Asgard, home of the beings known as the Aseir,
the gods of old mythology.
Their time as the Supreme rulers of all creations had long passed,
ever since Ragnarok,
the Destruction of the Powers & the Doom of the Gods.
Out of the Ashes of Creation, one being rose to power and was for a
short time the All-Mother.
She was of the Aesir, and yet she alone amongst them has went through
Life, Death & Rebirth.
She also like the rest of the Gods was able to live forever, and like
the Undead was
beyond the ravages of time. She was everything and the same time
none of the above.
Truly an Enigma even a Race like the Gods who are they uncanny by definition,
if that word can truly be used to describe them.
She gave up the power over creation when the Creator of all,
including the lands of Nifelheim
the great void Ginnugagap from which Migard & Asgard was
made awakened and once claimed the
Throne of Life and the Name of the All Father and while retaining
her powers from which the
current World was recreated from,
she retreated into the Halls of Valhalla, made of gold and of
five hundred and fifty doors, and the rafters
were made from spears of the finest craftsmanship,
a roof of shields and where Breastplates and Armor litter the benches.
There she silently watched Humans
slowly rebuild their homes and lives war after war, disaster
after disaster and even the plagues sent down by her new liege and sometimes,
even the new gods
who were given their godhood, until the new Yggdrasil.
Was made, fashioned by the new Goddess of the Future,
The one with the name Skuld ended the abuse of powers by the new gods.
The sight of the young Goddess always brought a tear to the former
All Mother's eye, as she
mourned the memory of Slimeria,
her own Sister who was the Goddess of the Future,
back when she
was the Middle of the Three Goddess of Destiny before Ragnarok.
Before, the Vampire King Brahms
captured the Soul of the Youngest of her sisters.
After she had restored the Worlds with her new powers
from her rebirth into a homunculus, a
construct of Human, Elf and Aseir and the Demon Sword
"Levantine" own powers. She had searched
the worlds for her, yet no trace was found of her.
Her fractured memory of her did not help either.
Thus with a heavy heart she decided to stop the search
and concentrate on her duties as the
All Mother, until the one True God Awakened and took charge again.
With her duties lessened,
Valkyrie returned to Valhalla and waited, for her sister to be reborn.
Asgard Hill.
The tallest point of all Asgard, the peak of the
Hill was the place where she had fought Loki
and his Dragon Orb and Ascended to power.
Lenneth Valkyrie was a Stunning vision
of Heavenly beauty in her white slip dress with sapphire
blue tapestry and sandals held together with straps of the finest
"Both gifts from Freya." thought Valkyrie to herself
as she brushed her hip long platinum hair
from her shoulders, a move that caught the sunlight in the
silvery strands and making her hair
look as if containing the morning stars.
She felt a familiar presence materialize behind her and
cocked her head slightly to acknowledge
it. "About time too" she thought to herself. She felt hands
gently begin to braid her hair while
the owner of said hands began to breath down her neck,
while blowing with extra force occasional
ly to tease her even more.
"Hmmmm" Valkyrie purred in pleasure while closing her
eyes " You are late, Freya.
I should.. OHH!!" gasped Valkryie when Freya gently
bit into her neck as her nibbling drew
some blood from her lover.
"You should what? Hmm Lenneth? Punish me? Please do.
It's been so long since you last did,"
breathed Freya as she lifted her head up from nibbling
on Valkyrie's neck. " We only had a
session with two days ago, you shameless harlot."
Said Valkyrie in a teasing tone, "or are you
eager for more already. Hmm?"
"Oooohhh, insulting me now hmm? Give me more,
if you are up to it, well?" Freya
dared Valkyrie, knowing full well that
the silver-haired Battle Maiden will reciprocate her
actions in full.
"Very well, You.... what's this" Valkyrie's
reply to Freya was interrupted as she felt signals
her being was giving out that signified the Death of a
Warrior worthy enough to be Chosen by her
personally for entry into the Ranks of the Einherjars.
Her smile changed into a near emotionless
mask as she prepared herself for her duty as the Chooser of the Slain.
A vocation she has held
for many eons since the end of Ragnarok,
as she has not found yet anyone capable of taking her
place yet. Freya sensing her lover's sudden change
looked at her face and recognized the
expression that Valkyrie had.
Feeling both nostalgic and worried at the same time,
she asked, "Who is the one? Lenneth?" as her
face switched into a serious look.
Valkyrie's response was " A very talented one, Freya,
Very Talented indeed. Freya, do me a favor and Inform Kami-Sama's
office of a new Einherjar
in our Ranks." With that she teleported to Midgard, leaving a watery
like ripple in the space
where she was before, while Freya followed suit to Kami-sama's office.
Skies of Midgard.
Upon reaching the Midgard Plane, Valkyrie began
to expand her senses to detect the warrior worthy
to chosen by the Battle Maiden. Frowning as she realized exactly
where the signal is coming
from, she changed into the Battle Gear of the Valkyrie,
consisting of navy blue armor, greaves
and gauntlets along with a skirt weighted by a light golden chain mail
and a winged helmet.
2 floating blue pieces of armor hovers protectively around her
while a magnificent sword with a
slight glow emitting from the blade hangs on her side
She chose to fly to her destination, as well as giving
herself time to think how to approach him.
"Saffron's Realm? Why any mortal not directly related
to Phoenix Mountain. Is the dead warrior a Musk or Amazon?"
She said to herself as she reached the Bayakanla Mountain range.
Phoenix Mountain.
The battle was hard and long.
Most parts of the Mountain was smashed by a chi blast
that was generated by a youth all of
18 years. a blast that was the result
of a battle between a cursed youth who has the
touch of Jusenkyo upon his person and the other
a Phoenix demi-god who wields the fires of his
The end result was the unexpected defeat of the King of Phoenix Mountain
at the hands of the
young upstart who unleashed a blast of cold chi that froze the demi-god
known as Saffron &
shattering the form he had frozen with his own hands.
The demi-god did not die but rather rose from
the pieces of his old form, much like his other
brethren whom rose from their own ashes, as a child perhaps,
but risen from the dead
The woman known as Akane Tendo however will not rise
again should her life and mortal form
The youth of Jusenkyo, who had fought for her freedom, now fights for her life.
The choices were clear to him,
save his own self by refusing to lend any of his own depleted chi
reserves and let others do it instead?
Which according to the code he follows is a dishonorable
Mere survival instinct, but the code he follows
would never forgive him if he allows others to
save his fiancée, even a reluctant one and one he never asked for.
Still the Code demands that he acts to save his fiancée &
by extension his responsibility,
even at the extent of himself.
As demanded by the Code & Honor,
the 2 cornerstones of his existence. Without them he would feel
less than worthless. Never mind that some of those present would
not object while others are only
too happy to take the burden into their less strained hands.
For it is his duty to do so, as dictated by the Code & Honor?
Their demands had already made him
age beyond his years. Now the Code & Honor have demanded of him
a task that will ultimately kill
him. After years of hell on earth,
they will finally send him there.
Of course, had the threat of death ever stopped this youth?
Not once.
No, like the many other challenges that should have killed him,
The youth will accept this challenge like the many already thrown
in his direction.
Who gives a Damn about Death's shadow?
Because, as you are likely to hear from the horse's mouth,
Ranma Saotome never loses.
Even if it will kill him when numerous ambushes,
chi attacks and various pressure point attacks
have failed.
Choice made, Ranma forcibly infused his remaining
chi into the possibly lifeless form of Akane
Tendo, hoping the life force will allow her to live,
so that his efforts will not be in vain.
Without the chi to continue the healing his body needs,
Or to support his already failing system.
Ranma collapsed and took his last breath.
Ranma Saotome, one of the most promising students the Art ever had
Has ended his life on Migard.
Of course, Death is but the beginning, as the Gods can testify.
One of their best will personally inform Ranma Saotome of this fact.
The edge between life and death.
"Where am I? Aren't I supposed ta be dead. "
Stated Ranma to himself as his eyes scanned the
pitch-black surroundings for signs of danger.
"This is the Place where dead guys go?
Feh! Nothing much to look at." Ranma said in a
derisive tone.
"Hopefully, this won't be the place
I'm gonna be spending eter...err forever in" as he got bored
and decided to begin exploring.
"Trust me Ranma. This will not be the
place you will be spending eternity in." a voice came from
behind him.
Spinning into a defensive position,
he began to assess the threat the silver-haired woman may be
to him
And reached a conclusion that he didn't like at all
"Oh shit, this chick here is at least
stronger than the Old Ghoul, Saffron,
and the Old Freak & Herb combined. And that's from what I
CAN feel."
He automatically tensed up in anticipation for a fight he
feels is coming up.
"I just died and now some girl is after me for something
or another. Story of my life.
At least I wont have ta hold back against her."
Seemingly oblivious to Ranma's threatening stance,
the silver-haired woman replied
" I am here to tell you that you have been given a chance to live.
I am known as the Chooser of
the Slain. Also Called the Battle Maiden.
Although you probably know of me as the Valkyrie."
End of prologue. (Draft 2)
Author's notes: My second X-over fiction. Can't believe I actually finished it.
The Prologue that is.
Anyway, Since I do have more source material this time round.
(The Valkyrie Profile FAQS and the official strategy guide.
Along with the Ranma1/2 manga volumes
) I will make it as Canon as possible although
some characters may be omitted.
Especially the VP characters since it did not specify
who were brought back at the A ending.
As always , all feedback appreciated.