Jaz: Hiya guys! Thanks for taking the time to read my story!! Anyhoo, before we start, I'd like to say that the storyline will be very similar to Case Closed, an anime show shown on Adult Swim, so ya.. I hope you like it!!



Chapter 1: The Accident

Ding Dong!

Hughes rushed hastily to the door and he quickly opened it, revealing his expected visitor, Roy Mustang.

"What now, Hughes?" Roy said monotonous, awfully tired from working all day.

Hughes grew a grin. "I wanted to show you something!"

Roy rolled his eyes. It probably was another album of pictures. "Whatever.." Roy started to ruffle his messy black hair. "Just make it quick.."

Hughes immediately dragged Roy inside the living room. Roy looked at the floor dumbfounded. "Alchemy? You're doing alchemy? Since when!?"

Hughes adjusted his glasses. "Well… you know how Ed does it? It looked pretty easy and it sort of looked fun. Sooo, I thought I'd take a crack at it!" Hughes tried to give the best answer he could think of.

"So, what are you trying to do?" Roy asked. "And does you're wife know about this?"

"I'm making flowers for Gracia and Elicia!" Hughes chirped. "And, no, neither my wife nor my daughter know about this whatsoever. They're out Grocery Shopping!"

Roy remained unamused. "So, you dragged me all the way to you're house just to show me you're going to create flowers?"

Hughes nodded with a stupid grin. "Yeah! Isn't that cool?"

"…." Roy stared blankly at Hughes for a moment. "I'm out of here.." He started to head out the door. "WAAAAITTT!!!" Hughes leaped towards Roy and held tightly on his leg making sure he wouldn't walk out.

"Hughes! GROW UP! And for goodness sake's, LET GO!!" Roy growled.

"Pleeaase!! Could you just stay just to see me perform my first transmutation??" Hughes pleaded.

Roy frowned. "Uhm.. lemme think.." Roy pondered. "NO." Roy tried to walk out but Hughes weighed him down. "For the second time, will you please let go?"

"No, wait," Hughes said. "If you don't want to see me perform my first alchemy, could you at least stay to see some of my newly developed pictures?"

Roy cringed. He has just realized that he had come to the mother ship; the source of all the Hughes' family's photo albums. Now, the decision became obvious.

"Fine, show me what you've learned so far.." Roy muttered exasperatingly.

Hughes grabbed Roy by the neck collar and dragged him in the Living Room.


"Are you sure that's the transmutation circle to make flowers?" Roy said quite unsure. "I'm pretty sure it was in a simpler form.."

Hughes glared from reading his alchemy book. "I read the book over and over and it said this is how you make it.."

Roy rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Suit yourself…"

Hughes' tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth and his rubbed his hands together. "I'm ready!"

Roy yawned. "Yeah.. whatever…"

Hughes clapped his hands and pounded them on the transmutation circle, and it started glowing. Hughes beamed. "YES! It's working!"

Well, unfortunately, things went wrong. The Wind started blowing through the room making shudders rattling rapidly, books and paper flying everywhere, and photos and frames breaking on the floor. Then, the light from the transmutation circle started to engulf Roy.

"HUGHES!!" He said as if he was going to be in deep trouble.

Hughes looked around frantically trying to think of something to stop the transmutation. He then started erasing the transmutation circle and the light dimmered and the wind went calm.

Hughes looked around in his living room, which was nothing but a pile of rubble of books, photos, and broken objects. "Oh, crap… how am I going to explain this to Gracia…" He started to scratch his head. All of the sudden, a little black ghosty-blobby thingy popped out of nowhere.

"KYAA!!! DIE! DIE!" Hughes stomped on it furiously until it died and disappeared. "Phew…. Hey, Roy.. that was a close one wasn't it?"

No reply. Hughes looked at his friend. "Roy?"

He then saw movement under the fallen window curtains. Hughes walked over to it and lifted it up. "Roy?"

A little boy with an oversized military uniform and with messy black hair glared at Hughes with his piercing black eyes. "Hughes… I'm going to kill you…." He hissed.


"Hughes… I told you that wasn't the transmutation circle for making flowers!!!" Scolded the little chibified Roy cleaning up all of Hughes' books and photos. Hughes found it weird how Roy's voice sounded as a child, but he kept the opinion to himself. He also replaced Roy's original oversized clothing with Elicia's only outfit (that could be worn by both girls and boys)

Hughes read the pages over and over scratching his head. "I was sure of it! I followed each and every--- oh…"

Chibi Roy turned around and frowned at Hughes. "That doesn't sound good.."

"Hmm.. well.. it seems I made a slight mistake…" Hughes peeled the combining pages apart revealing the rest of the original transmutation instructions.

Roy rushed over and snatched the book. "Hughes! Do you know what this means?"

"Um.. no.."

"Do you just realize that you combined two alchemy spells together? The combined spell you probably used might have given my youth back!"

"Well.. that explains everything.."

Chibi Roy sulked. "The Flame Alchemist, Colonel of the military, is turned back into a 5 year old…. THANKS TO HIS LOYAL COLLEAGUE! Great! How am I going to attract women this way…?" Roy gasped. "Or even worse! My dreams of making women wear mini-skirts is gone down the drain…"

Chibi Roy walked over to a nearby wall and hit his head over and over again.

"Roy, please don't do this to yourself! I'll figure out a solution to this!" Hughes pleaded.

"YOU BETTER!" Roy hissed.

"Well… we can't tell anyone else about this 'little incident'… So you'd minus well hang out here until I get things straightened out…" Hughes dusted up scattered broken glass on the floor into the dustpan.

Chibi Roy turned around and glared at Hughes. "I am NOT staying in this house!"

Hughes shrugged. "Where else are you going to go? You can't stay in your own apartment because… you're too young… and—"

"I don't care! I am not staying here!" Roy yelled.

Hughes adjusted his glasses and sighed. "Aren't you the persistent one? Anyway… we'd minus well go onto Plan B…"


Meanwhile at Headquarters (or the military place I forget what it was called), everyone gathered around in Mustang's office.

"Hmm.. it's not like Mustang to leave without notice…" Havoc said chewing at the end of his cigarette. "I mean, no matter how lazy he is, he'd always say goodbye or leave a note on his desk…"

Fuery turned to Hawkeye. "Hey, 1st Lieutenant, did Mustang have any current missions or cases he had to do?"

Hawkeye shook her head. "No. If he did, I would know about it right away.. even if he did try to hide it from me…"

"You guys, you're just overreacting! Mustang probably tried to play hookie or something!" Breda said.


Hawkeye frowned. "Well, if he is playing hookie, I'll be sure that the consequences give no mercy.."

"Uhm.. ookaay.."


Hughes walked with Roy through the halls. "Hey, Roy?"

"What?" He said a bit frustrated with the situation.

"Why is it that you don't want to stay at my house?"


"Yeah? Why?"


Hughes shrugged. "Geez.. you didn't have to be mad. I was only asking a question.."

Chibi Roy gritted his teeth. "So, why are we at headquarters anyways?"

"You'll see.."

Meanwhile, Hughes and Roy finally reached his office, where all of his colleagues gathered to a conversation. They immediately remained silent when Hughes entered with a little 5-year old boy.

"Hello, Hughes.. what's with the kid?" Breda said staring at the little Roy next to him. Roy looked down at the floor embarrisingly. He hated the fact his colleagues had to see him like this.

"His name is… uuhh.." Hughes thought of a name for Roy. "LANCE!!!"

Roy glared at Hughes. "Lance?--- Oh.. uhm.. ya.. My name is Lance.."

Everyone exchanged looks.

"You see, Lance is my nephew… aren't you Lance?"

Chibi Roy looked at Hughes quite confused. He didn't know where he was going with this.

"But you see… my brother is very poor… so poor.. he can't even afford anything from the dollar store. So, he gave Ro—I mean Lance to me for responsibility until he can get rid of his financial problems. Unfortunately, I can't let him stay at my house…"

Roy's eyes widened. Is he doing what he thinks he's doing?

Hughes continued. "So, I was wondering if anyone could take responsibility of poor Lance here until his father has taken care of his financial problems.."

Roy glared at Hughes, but Hughes smiled.

"God, I'm going to kill you, Hughes.." Chibi Roy muttered but no one heard him.

Hawkeye seemed suspicious. "But, Brig. Hughes… I have been to you're house before, and it seems there is nothing wrong with it.."

"Well, there is okay?" Hughes said trying to avoid suspicion.

"But due to you're files, it says—"


Everyone remained silent and exchanged looks.

Hughes caught his breath. "So anyway, who wants to take responsibility of poor, Lance here? He's a really good and smart kid!!"

Chibi Roy rolled his eyes.

Breda coughed and looked at his watch. "Well, look at that! 12PM! Let's head out to the mess-hall, shall we Fuery?"

Fuery cocked his head to the side at Breda. "What?"

Breda signaled to the door.

"Uhm.. YES! Lunch! See ya, Hughes!!!" Fuery ran out moments behind Breda hastily.

Hughes scratched his head. "That crosses them out.."

Havoc exhaled cigarette fumes from his mouth. "Well.. I can't take care of him.. because I smoke a lot!"

Hughes nodded. "True.."

Roy shook his little head. Finally, his smoking habits caused some good for him.

Hughes looked at Hawkeye. "Well… it comes down to you.. what do you say?"

Hawkeye looked concerned. "I'm sorry Brid. , but I'm pretty much concerned that he might interfere in my work and—"

Hughes pointed at Chibi Roy. "Oh come on! Look at him! He's so cute, and innocent! And he needs a home and a shelter! I mean, kids like him having a chance to live with you would be like winning a million dollars!!"

Hawkeye stared at Chibi Roy deciding whether or not she should take care of him. Roy only looked at his feet. He was pissed off, yet embarrassed at the same time.

Hawkeye sighed. "Fine, Hughes, if it really means much to him.. I'll keep him.."

"YES!" Hughes snickered.

"NO!" Cried Roy.

Hawkeye looked at Chibi Roy dumbfoundedly.

"I—I mean.." Roy tried to come up with a good excuse. "Nooo way! I'm living with.. Miss 1st Lieutenant Hawkeye! What a dream come true! Ha ha ha"

Hawkeye smiled slightly. She seemed to have bought it.

"Well, anyway, gotta scram! See ya later, NEPHEW!!!" Hughes walked out laughing manically with Roy's glare pounding his back furiously.

"I loathe you Hughes.." He muttered.


Jaz: Anyhow, is it good so far? I'm writing three fics at once so it will take me a while to write the next chapter! XDD The idea of Roy turning back into a 5-yr old is sooo Kawaii!!

Anyway, if you guys are waiting for my update on my story "Family" … Gomen Nasai.. Chapter 7 is a really long chapter and is taking me FOREVER to write. So, please, bare with me.. and you'll have to wait a little bit more.