
It's a Tricky Ride - Chapter Five

A/N: I'm so terribly sorry for never, ever, possibly getting to this story or my others. I know I had promised to get them in sooner, but that never happened. I had a major writer's block, and just a little FYI, I'm running most of my stories through my brain…So mainly its just one without a plot, one that goes with whatever I want to freely put in it. Okay, well without any further delay, here you go. Chapter 5 of Conception.

...Three Years Later…

"Kikyo, Kikyo?" A very familiar voice rang clearly within her ears as she heard the masculine voice echo within the walls of her mind. She could feel the hanyou's approach; grow stronger and stronger as it kept coming closer and closer.

"U-um, ye-yes, Inuyasha?" She paused to collect the scent of him; it had been too foreign since their last meet. "I'm here…What do you want?" She accidentally pulled a little spark of frustration and an attitude. He had pushed a screen to the side, of course…Since Naraku fled the nation, Kikyo was in control of his castle, and his little darlings had fled also. It made little since…But she didn't bug herself over the past few months. As Inuyasha drew closer to Kikyo, she had suddenly whipped around and scratched his pale face with her autumn fan. "Don't come any closer Inuyasha." He just smiled and fingered the blood that slipped his check, and then sat down respectably in front of her.

Kikyo had nothing else to say, but something was itching at her throat to spit out hell fire at him, asking hellish questions as to why he didn't save her, why he favored Kagome over her. It was all mind boggling, but she figured it out…So she thinks. "How are you, fine lady?" Inuyasha adverted eye contact, knowing if he had stared straight into her burning brown eyes, he'd see his life flash before him.

She raised her fan to cover her lower face, lips, chin, cheeks, nose…It was just a lady manner to have up-hold to the public eye. She decided to play stupid and shyly asked, "What pray tell are ye speaking of? Health isn't the issue to discuss…Is it, Inuyasha?" Inuyasha couldn't help himself, not being able to look at such a beauty; he had almost forgotten what she really did look like, he felt as if caught between fantasy and reality…What was to believe, what was to deceive?

"My fair lady—" He was cut off by Kikyo so suddenly, it had rattled his soul's bones.

"Not yer fair lady…Never I was, 'ever shall I…" She was glad to interrupt, she felt she must have…Obviously Inuyasha thought he could sucker himself within her heart again. Oh ho! So the cult thinks such things, how absurd! How preposterous! She thought as she glared at him. He deserves me not, shall he have favored me, and saved me…I would have been gleeful to agree that I belonged to him. She had furious thoughts, thoughts that if spoken would lead all to become speechless.

Inuyasha reached over and grabbed her hand, the one that held the fan; and kissed the under belly of her hand, and looked back up at her. A gesture never used before in such kind and tender traits…But, then again, it was almost like Inuyasha thought…A fantasy or reality. "I am terribly sorry for my horrible acts…Please, love me now, love me as before, and love me as me." She couldn't drag her gaze from his; it was as if their eyes had locked their lips already and frustrating them in the play of heated games. But no, she would have none of that nonsense, she was to be wed to a man of great power, riches, a kingdom, what else would she possibly want…Oh that thought drifted within her mind, she knew the answer, she wanted him.

"I cannot love ye as before, love ye now, or love ye as ye…I am to be wed, a festival of great solutions to problems I personally need fixed." She had given him a stern look, as if it had ended, their fair game, their lovely game; it all ended the night Naraku faded away with his little minions. Kikyo released her hand away from him and slapped her fan back open, it had snapped closed when he grabbed her because she had dropped it. Inuyasha just looked paranoid, as if he was desperate to get her back, if only he were like that years back. "Plus, to add some more grief, why have ye come back after such years?"

His stone face proved to be the reason to her question. He was hesitant, not ready to reason or argue, not ready to take the plunge, he wasn't ready. His lips parted to say his reason, but then they sealed such. Kikyo looked disappointed; she really was hoping he'd known by now, such ugly rumors about her past lover, or current? She abruptly stood up after a childish scream was emitted in the halls beside the room they had concealed themselves within. "Be gone, ye are not important in my life no longer." Tears had wished to form and spill down her pale face, but she figured not to, to hold back those stinging painful tears that wanted badly to cry out. And at that point, the sliding door to the room opened again, a little black haired girl stepped in, about as tall as Kikyo's thigh; she ran across the room and clung to Kikyo's left leg, wrapping arms warmly around her thigh. Revealing to Inuyasha Kikyo's bare legs; "Hakyou, please go, mama will be out soon." The little girl called Hakyou nodded her small head and smiled to Inuyasha then ran out of the room, leaving the sliding door open.

Kikyo turned to Inuyasha, "I have to take my leave…Please leave the mansion." With that, Kikyo started for the door, but quicker than the God's good wise thinking, he had leaped up and snatched her arm into his palm and jerked her to turn and face him.

"Who is she? H-Hakyou?" Inuyasha's eyes burned furiously, he wanted to know, why the little girl called Kikyo mother, why she claimed Kikyo as mother. Was Kikyo able to have children? Inuyasha was then boggled with a million of thoughts, questions, images, flashing his mind so speedily it could have been mistaken as lightning. Kikyo released herself from him again, and then walked a bit to the edge of the sliding door, touching the door gently as if it were too fragile to even have been touched.

Her eyes focused on the pale chipped wood, and dull paper that fanned it beautifully, "Hakyou is my daughter…" With that, she left the room, leaving a discomforted Inuyasha to his thoughts.

A/N: Alrightie, sorry it took forever, but yes, I fast forward it three years from the last conflict. Hopefully you enjoy, the story doesn't end just yet, keep reading! peace