SL: Okay, so I haven't finished my other YGO story yet, but I just had to write a Seto/Serenity fic! If you have any questions, complaints, gripes, or bribes, leave them in the reviews. FYI: I'm using the American names.

Disclaimer: Don't disappoint me by not knowing what I'm going to write here.


Seto closed his eyes, /Why?/ he thought, /Why did Mokuba drag me here of all places?/

"Hi!" The far-too-peppy waitress said far-too-loudly, "Welcome to Burger World! What would you like for starters?"

"For you to shut up." Seto mumbled under his breath.

Subject "A": Seto Kaiba

Age: 17 years, 8 months, and 11 days

Adopted by a cruel business owner at a very young age, Subject "A" appears aloof and indifferent to every human being on the face of the planet, save his little brother Mokuba, to whom he shows great compassion; but locked within his heart, in the deepest corner of his soul, lies a secret love for a single other person, a young woman…

"Hey Yugi, is that, that jerk Kaiba?" A Tea asked her friend at another table.

"Yeah, I guess it is… since when did you think Kaiba was a jerk?" the short boy answered/asked.

"Yo Kaiba!" One of the other boys called, waving at Seto and Mokuba.

/Spectacular./ Seto thought, pinching the bridge of his nose, /Just fuckin' perfect. Why did Yugi Mutou and his pathetic little fan club have to be here today of all the stupid days in the stupid week?/

"Hi guys!" Mokuba called to the gang, "Come on over and sit with us!"

"Hey Mokuba!" The tall blond boy Joey yelled back (although they were only 20 feet from each other) "How did ya' get your bro' to take ya' here? I'd have thought he'd be on a leash!"

"That wasn't nice Joey apologize!"

…Serenity Wheeler.

Subject "B": Serenity Wheeler

Age: 16 years, 4 months and 23 days

Subject be is very sweet, even naïve at times, but is extremely fierce if her family or friends are in danger. She shares nearly all of her feelings with her big brother Joey, or will write them down in the form of poetry of stories; but there is one emotion she has yet to write, love. Not the sort of love felt for Joey when he helped her pay for her eye operation, but the love that can only be felt for the one guy in life that can make all your dreams come true; in this particular case, we believe that person is none other that Seto Kaiba.

Subject "A" and Subject "B" share an unspoken bond, neither of them know it quite yet, but in the duration of this story that bond will grow to an enormous size… that is, unless Serenity and Seto's other suitors get in the way.

"Sorry Kaiba." Joey apologized sarcastically.

"Heh." Seto laughed, "It appears your younger sister has you on the leash, Wheeler."

"Yup!" Serenity giggled, "My big brother is my puppy, sometimes he barks like one too ."

"Hey! And you think I'm not nice?"

"You're right Serenity!" Mokuba laughed, "He does bark!"

"Cut it out guys!" Tea said defensively, "Poor Joey. You should be ashamed of yourself Kaiba!"

"I'm with Tea," Yugi said, "You guys are being mean to Joey."

"Eh… Yugi? I hate to tell you this, but you always side with Tea!" Tristan pointed out, "Are you sure you're not ever going to go out?"

"Well, I… um…"

"Oh come on! You so like her!"

"That's enough out of you!" SLAP!!

"Ow Tea! That hurt!"

"Well you deserved it."

"Who asked you?"

"The voices inside his head."

"Why you little-"

All thoughts of food aside, the teens (and Mokuba) threw insults back and forth for a good half hour, but people began to complain, so they left (a very wise thing to do if people are complaining) and decided to go to Duke Devlin's game shop (Seto was only dragged along by Mokuba who wanted to hang out with older people to make him look cool)

"Hey bro!" Mokuba exclaimed, "Wanna' play me in DDR?"

"I think I'll sit this one out." Seto half-said/half-groaned.

Noting the disappointed expression on the younger Kaiba's face, Serenity tapped Mokuba on the shoulder, "Can I play with you?"

Mokuba's grey eyes brightened, "OK Serenity!"

Seto couldn't help but stare at Serenity as she bounced up and down on the footpads, /Wow./ He thought, / Serenity can dance! She's as good or better that Tea!"

I'm pretty sure I know what you're thinking: "How does Seto know how well Tea can dance?" Well even if you weren't wondering that I'll tell you anyways. At one point in time, almost directly after the Dartz/Oricalcos incident, Seto Kaiba and Tea Gardener were dating. An odd pair, I know, but it seemed to work out fine for a few months… until Seto caught her making out with Yami Yugi in a closet at her annual end-of-school party. This gave him a new reason entirely to despise the short boy's darker half.

"Yay! Big brother I won!"

Seto shook his head; there was no point whatsoever dwelling on thought of that slut Tea.


SL: So that probably sucked ass right? Tell me in you reviews.