This is long overdue and yes, I do believe that some people deserve some explanations. I'm sorry, this isn't a chapter and yes, I do know this isn't allowed, I'll probably take it down some days after if people read this conveniently.
Eventually, I did lose touch with the story. I wrote for a long long time and I got attached to my kids. To some point, it was a place where I could do whatever I could imagine and it was so nice. I do know it has loads of mistakes and problems – go with me, I know – but considering how I started and when I did so? I guess it could be worse. I won't bother reply to any flames because, honestly, nothing makes me laugh more. No one knows better than I the mistakes I did and it's not insults that will make me feel wrongly.
I am happy some of you stuck to this story and my kids for so long. I'm thanking you properly here because I think you've been too awesome all this time. And I wish I had more explanations than college that never seems to end and internships bringing me out of the country. It seems like my time went out the window.
But I do say one thing. If I am able to find the file of this story – because I do have more of this written – I will see if I have the time to just give you guys a conclusion. I'll try that.
Once again, thank you very much. I am truly happy.
To everyone who didn't like it or sees the huge amount of problems this thing has, I also thank. Frankly, I think I write better now, 23 year old and getting older, than I did then. But then again, we can't fault a kid for dreaming and I dreamt a lot.