Summary: After a year of running from SOLOMON, Amon and Robin return to the STN-J as hunters again. Now sixteen, Robin is learning how to deal with being the Eve, but a kidnapped child may be what unfolds her secrets. But the child may not be all that he seems. Perhaps someone finished Toudo's work with the perfect child of Eve.
Hello everyone! Here is my newest WHR story. This is an Amon/Robin story of course. This is one year after the Factory collapse and the STN-J was allowed to let Amon and Robin to come back. Their relationship did not change much, but a little. Well, read on!
Nero's Fiddle
Chapter One: Fifth Emperor
"Alright, the information and profile should be coming up on screen…now," Michael announced as the STN-J sat around the briefing table. Amon leaned forward in interest, skimming the newest witch's information. Robin followed suite, her finger tracing lines over important aspects. On the other side of the table, Doujima leaned back in her chair; constantly blowing bubbles with her newest piece of bubblegum meant to annoy her coworkers. Sakaki winced every time his partner popped a bubble, distracting him as well as Karasuma who desperately tried to ignore everyone and everything in the room besides the newest information.
"His name is Norman Nao, a visiting Cambodian citizen. He's been in Japan for two months and in Tokyo for three weeks. Nao's power is something we haven't really dealt with before. He kidnaps his victims and keeps them prisoner, almost literally sucking these people alive slowly. He also seems to be able to control electromagnetic waves. He uses his victims own EM waves that they emit. The difference from any similar cases is that Nao is nondiscriminatory. His victims are witches, seeds, and normal humans." Michael read out for those who were obviously not paying attention. He shook his head, switching through open files.
"Are there any recent victims? Any recent kidnappings?" Robin asked quietly from her place next to Amon. Michael nodded, loading a new file.
"Mr. and Mrs. Makida. They were reported missing last week and are registered witches." Amon leaned back slightly, looking at the hacker.
"Do they have any family?" Michael shook his head.
"They had a kid, but I found a death certificate. It looks like the kid died in the struggle. His name was Lucan Makida, age six." Three collective gasps came from the women of the group. Doujima had straightened and was looking at what looked like the child's kindergarten picture. Karasuma shook her head as Robin held her hand to her lips. Sakaki also seemed alert, paying attention.
"He's got red hair. Japanese?" Sakaki asked.
"Half. His mother was three quarters Irish and a quarter Italian. Hence the red hair." Robin nodded, glancing down again at child's picture again and reading his information.
"How did he die?" Karasuma inquired quietly. Michael typed away at the computer as he spoke.
"Supposedly the cops say they found him in his bed, dead. No marks, no blood. Just how some people pass away in their sleep that's what allegedly happened to the boy."
"Allegedly?" Doujima asked suspiciously, meeting Sakaki's glance.
"Yeah, it sounds too…perfect for it to be true. But the death certificate is legit. Signed by the corner and everything." The group was silent, quietly going through the information. Kosaka's voice came from Zaizen's previously occupied office.
"We have a lock on the target. He's held up in a warehouse downtown." The group nodded.
"Always in a warehouse. Always." Sakaki remarked, pressed the palms of his hands over his eyes. Robin glanced quickly up at her partner before looking down at the little boy's picture.
"Let's go." Amon muttered, standing. The group followed, quickly grabbing needed items. Amon and Robin were the first ones on the elevator. Watching the doors close as her friends grabbed jackets, Robin sighed, lifting a hand to her head. Amon glanced imperceptibly down at the fire witch.
"Robin?" That one word let her know that her warden was simply asking what was wrong. She shook her head, looking up at him.
"I'm fine. It's just, he was a little kid. I just can't get over that." She let her hand drop before fully turning to face her partner.
"I agree with Michael, something is too perfect." Amon jaw tightened but he nodded slightly as he stepped out of the elevator with Robin trailing. The elevator quickly traveled back up to the top floor, carrying the rest of the STN-J minus Michael down to their leader and his partner.
"Alright, that should be the building there. There are three exits. The front, a side entrance, and roof access." Michael's voice sounded through the communicators. Amon glanced at the building in front of them.
"Is there anything else we should be worried about?" Michael was quiet for a time, the sound of his typing keys breaking the quiet static.
"Iie. Except maybe a trap or two. This guy doesn't seem to be pro." Amon nodded.
"Karasuma, you take the side entrance. Sakaki, Doujima take the front. Robin and I'll take the roof." Robin looked at him, eyebrow raised in question but Doujima beat her to it.
"How are you going to get up there, Amon? That's gotta three stories. You guys gonna grow wings?" Amon glared at the communicator ignoring his partner's small smile.
"There's a fire escape." A soft, "Oh." came from the blonde before Sakaki took her communicator.
"We're in position, Amon."
"Hai, me too." Karasuma's soft voice was heard from the communicator.
"Alright, wait for further instruction." Closing the phone, he glanced at Robin.
"Let's go." Robin nodded, half moon glasses resting on her nose. Amon pulled down the black fire escape, before it came to a stop six feet from the ground. He motioned for her to come forward.
"Go, I'll push you up." The girl nodded silently, jumping to grab hold of the first bar. She dangled shortly before feeling Amon's arm warp around her waist, pushing her higher. She compensated for her added height and clamored for the next few rails, ignoring the soft blush that rested on her cheeks. Once to the first landing, she watched her partner pull himself up the ladder, with no help. The sixteen year old could only imagine how hard it was.
Once the two had both made it to the first landing, Amon went first up the three flights of rickety stairs, gun out, Robin following cautiously behind. Snow fell gently from the gray storm clouds above their heads, mixing with the old slush from the night before. Robin's boot kicked some of the old snow from the stairs, uncovering ice she might have stepped on and slipped. She shuddered slightly, no longer liking the unsafe stairs she was on, but dutifully followed directly behind her partner.
Amon was first to vault onto the roof, pulling Robin up after he deemed it safe. Glancing at each other, they stalked up to the door, checking for any sign of danger. Amon pulled out the communicator as Robin glanced up at the gray morning sky.
"Go." With one word, five Hunters rushed silently into the abandoned building. Amon carefully picked the lock, making as little noise as possible. Robin anxiously stood, watching him. Something wasn't right.
Sakaki and Doujima made it in with no problem. They cautiously pushed the door and it opened. Doujima leaned close to her partner whispering, "I don't like this…"
Karasuma was forced to also pick the lock, keeping an eye out for any markings of any sort. Her hand barely touched the door and she accidentally scryed the door. She gasped and quickly pulled out the communicator.
"Be careful, I think he was expecting something."
Robin jumped slightly when she heard Karasuma's soft voice interrupt the eerie silence of the warehouse. Amon only looked at her and she knew he was feeling it too. Nao was expecting them. The old wooden stairs creaked beneath the two Hunters' weight. Robin carefully took note of her surroundings, noticing every little suspicious thing, except on the floor. Only Amon's arm kept her from stepping on a symbol that would have obviously alerted their witch. Great, a security system.
As they made it down the first flight of stairs, Robin noticed the second floor was completely different. Doors lined the long hallway that led to the next flight of stairs and to the witch. The two hunters cautiously went past each door, waiting for anything to come out at them. Each door proved either the room empty or nothing that was interested in them. But at the last door, the Eve stopped, frozen to the floor. Amon whipped back to look at her, looking for any indication of a spell holding her. Robin turned to the door, her hand resting on the handle.
"Robin…" Amon's voice reached her ears, but she was deaf to all but what she had heard in a quick instance. She slowly turned the handle, earning another hiss of her name, but she did not care. Carefully stepping into the room, Robin looked around for what she had heard. Her partner swiftly followed her, shutting the door behind them.
"What do you think you're doing?" He demanded, grabbing her arm and forcing her to face him. She pushed away from him, wincing slightly.
"I heard something." Robin stepped farther into the room, only to be stopped by her furious partner again.
"I don't care what you heard. It isn't safe here." He started pulling her away when he froze. They both did. A soft sobbing floated to their ears. Faster than she could have noticed, Amon had pushed her behind him, his gun out. Robin stumbled, grabbing onto his arm to keep from falling. She peered over his shoulder, emerald eyes searching. The room was bare save for a day bed. No windows, nothing but peeling wallpaper.
Amon advanced slowly, silver eyes examining everything. His right arm kept his hasty partner behind him and held her back from running around the room. Robin glanced around the room, her instincts drawing her eyes towards the bed. She hastily pushed past her partner, kneeling at the bed. Amon grabbed her shoulder roughly, pulling her away from the bed. Instead, Amon kneeled in front of her, his gun sweeping under the bed. Robin watched anxiously, wanting to know what was under there. When Amon's gun brushed against something soft, causing a surprised yip from the creature under the bed, Robin jumped slightly. The dark hunter took a silent breath before sticking his arm under the bed and pulling out what hid under there. Robin gasped and fell back onto her haunches. Amon couldn't even repress the shocked gasp that came from his mouth. A six year old boy with red hair hung captive in Amon's hand, his green eyes wide with fear.
Robin felt her heart stop as she looked the child over. The boy in the picture was right there, staring at the pair with wide emerald eyes, tears waiting to spill over. He glanced at Amon once before dissolving into pitiful sobs. The Eve's maternal senses kicked in, and she took the child from her stoic warden. He in turn let her take him without a fight, completely in shock. Not much shook Amon like that, but this definitely did.
The child sobbed gently into Robin's chest, clinging tightly to her shoulders. Robin's eyes met Amon's gunmetal eyes in shock. She was distracted by the elevated sound from the boy, his wails increasing.
"Shh…It'll be okay," She whispered, gently rocking him. As if woken from his stupor, Amon stood and raced to the door. With an ear pressed against the wooden portal, he hissed back at his charge.
"Get him to be quiet, Robin." Robin nodded, but he did not see it. Instead, he pulled the gun back into his grip, prepared for anything that may have heard the child.
"Hush, little one. Hush." She glanced around the room for help, finding none.
"Your name is Lucan, right? And you're in kindergarten." At this, Lucan raised his tear stricken face to hers. Robin let a comforting smile form on her lips, before standing and settling the child on her hip.
"My name is Robin, Lucan, and I'm sixteen. How old are you?" She whispered. The boy looked at his fingers, silently calculating before answering.
"Six." A smile formed on his lips as his tears began to dry. Robin nodded, glancing at Amon's back.
"That's Amon. He's twenty-six. Can you count to twenty-six?" Lucan giggled slightly, shaking his head. Amon whipped his head, silencing the two. Robin bit her lip and nodded.
"Lucan, we got to be quiet, ok?" She pressed a finger to lips, indicating for him to do the same. Lucan giggled slightly as he pressed his own stubby finger to his lips. Emerald met emerald and for a moment, something passed between them. Only Amon loading his gun stirred the pair from the thrall.
"Robin." That one word conveyed so much and yet so little between the two. Her green eyes looked into his, sobering her.
"Keep the kid close to you. Keep silent and stay behind me." And with that, Amon opened the door, gun drawn. When deeming it safe, Robin and Lucan followed, her arms wrapped tightly around the child. She followed closely behind her warden, her eyes searching for anything. Had anyone seen them, they would have undoubtedly been able to tell that this was the maternal Eve of Witches and her aloof but protective Guardian.
What do you think? I hope you liked it! Please review!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own WHR.