An: Sorry for the screw up the first time I posted this. I wasn't sure what I was doing but now I think I have a better idea at how to do this. This is my first fanfict so please don't flame me for mistakes though your opinions are welcome for they will help me become a better writer. Oh and one more thing then I will shut up and get on with the story WARNING: I am bad at spelling though I have a little help with that but if I spell something wrong sorry.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha if I did I would be sure to give you all that review free Inuyasha merchandise but sadly I don't.

Oh Brother!

A six year old Sango was running and hiding under her bed "Mommy I

don't wanna go pwease don't make me go boys got icky cooties." Sango's mom bent over and looked under the bed. "Oh Sango be nice you've never even met him before. Anyway after a while I bet you two will become the best of friends."

Sango looked at her mom like she was crazy. "No we won't cause I'll get cooties all over me and die from cootielaria a bad disease." Sango's mom almost burst out laughing at sango's remark. "Sango who told you such a thing? There is no such thing as 'cooties' and if there is then I am sure Miroku doesn't have them. Plus you shouldn't act that way Miroku wants to meet you."

Sango knew she was going to lose this battle with her mom so she decided she would try just one more thing to change her mothers mind. So she put on the oh so famous puppy dog pout. "but mommy." Sango's mom was about to give in when she saw the face but she didn't, she held her ground.

"Sango I've heard enough! Now get out here and get dressed you are going whether you want to or not!" Sango's mom almost yelled. Sango then looked at her mom like she was the worst mom ever.

" Fine mean mommy but when I get weely sick and die from cootielaria you will feel weely bad." Sango's mom went to Sango's dresser and pulled out some clothes for her to wear.

"Sango just get dressed, and dress warmly. We are going to walk there they only live down the street. That means boots, coat, hat, and mittens. I don't want you to catch a cold." Sango's mom then turned around and left to get ready herself.

Sango was walking down the street with her mommy on her way to meet Miroku. "Mommy can I ring the doorbell please please please please?''Sango's mom looked down at her with a smile on her face. " you can if you promise not to ring it five hundred times like you did at your Aunt Sarah's house."

" Ok but I couldn't help it, it was just so fun." Sango's mom stopped in front of a house and started walking up the drive way. "ok Sango you may ring the bell now but remember only once."


Inside the house frantic voices could be heard then someone running down the stairs." I'm coming!"

"Miroku honey could you please go answer the door I'm kind of busy." Miroku nodded. "going mom." Miroku quickly ran down the stairs to answer the door. ''Hello who are you? are you mommy's friends?"

Sango walked up to him and held out her hand. "Hellwo I'm Sango and you must be Roku the boy with no cooties your wwwiiiieeeeerrrdd!" After those words had left her mouth Miroku had not enough time to reply for Miroku's mom was standing where Miroku once stood. "Sorry it took so long." Miroku's mom said as she bent down to thank him.

Miroku's mom finally looked up and saw who was standing at the door. "Oh I see you have met Sango, so why don't you two go up stairs and go find Inuyasha." Sango and Miroku just stood there looking at each other for a couple of minutes before they both screamed out "race yah!"As they both started to run for the stairs Sango in lead though she had no idea where she was going.

"Oh I haven't seen you in ages Akiko its so good to see you." Akiko then walked over to the woman standing there and embraced in a friendly hug. "It's really good to see you too I never thought I would ever see my best friend again." The two ended their so surprised moment and Inuyasha's mom led Miss. Taija to the living room to sit down.

"So how has life been for you over the years?" asked Akiko as she looked at the pictures she saw hanging on the wall.

" Well fairly good when your trying to raise a Hanyou I just can't stand the look on his face when the kids pick on him and to add on top of that he really misses his father."

" Speaking of Inutaisho where is he?" Izayoi sighed Akiko could have sworn she saw a look of loneliness and sadness in her friends eyes.

"At work as usual, but enough about me I wanna hear about you." Akiko fidgeted a little the past had been very rough for her and she really didn't want to talk about it.

"Well Sango has been doing better now that she finally realized her father wasn't coming back, but after he passed away I realized she slowly started to get very lonely. It is a very good thing you moved here or she would not have anyone to play with." Izayoi got up and patted her best friend on the back.

" Akiko I'm so sorry I didn't know, are you ok?" Akiko looked up at her friend with a reassuring smile.

" Yeah I'm ok don't worry about it, it was the past and I am trying to get past that." Izayoi looked at Akiko as if she was unsure but decided to let it go. "Ok then, well make yourself at home while I go make us some tea.

Sango and Miroku were now up stairs but on their way to find Inuyasha Miroku had stopped in the middle of the hall. "So Sango you want to meet my brother Inuyasha?" Sango started jumping up and down clapping her hands.

"Yeah I want to meet him then I will have two friends to play with!" Miroku placed his arm on her shoulder to stop her from jumping up and down.

" But before we go you have got to promise me you will not be mean to him and can keep a secret, he's a little different. But if you tell anyone what's different about him or be mean then I will have to beat you up, and I don't like beating up girls." Sango put on a serious face, a face about as serious as a six year old could make.

"Ok I pwomise I won't tell anyone cross my heart and hope to pie." Sango then placed her hand over her heart.

" Ok lets go then." Miroku walked over to a door Sango assumed to be Inuyasha's and knocked on it.

" Go away Miroku." Inuyasha's voice was heard through the door. He did not seem too happy.

"Inuyasha please let us in she promised to not make fun of you." Miroku said this in a calm voice almost so calm that if I were to tell you he was only six you would think I was some lunatic. But that was Miroku always acting so mature when he wasn't being a perv.

"No Miroku no stupid baby girl is coming in my room!" Sango looked over at Miroku then at the ground thinking to herself I'll show him I'm no baby girl I'm six I'm a big girl. Miroku looked over at Sango and thought she was going to cry so he decided he wouldn't give up until Inuyasha let them in.

"Inuyasha she is not a baby girl she is only one year younger then you now don't be mean."

"No Miroku she isn't coming in!" Miroku then was struck with a good idea he knew it would work.

"Fine you won't let us in then I guess I will just have to get mom." Sango and Miroku could hear growls within the room as Inuyasha got up and unlocked the door. Sango and Miroku both walked in. Sango looked around the room wondering where he disappeared to when she saw a lump of covers on the bed so she walked over to them and threw the covers off to find Inuyasha. She then held out her hand.

" Hi my names Sango.'' Inuyasha looked at Sango like she was one of the foulest things on Earth.

"Well then Sango go away and leave me alone I don't shake hands with stupid girls." Miroku wanted to make himself noticed so he walked over and stood by Sango.

" Sango I am so sorry for the way he is acting, he only acts that way to people he has just met but once you get to know him you'll find out he is a pretty nice Hanyou." Miroku then turned to Inuyasha. " Sango do you want to play a game and Mr. Meanie would you like to play also?"

''Yeah I wanna play I wanna play!" Sango seemed to be very energetic today cause once again she started to jump around.

"Well if she is playing I have to play also cause seeing how stupid she looks right now she would probably break my Play station 2." Inuyasha said puffing out his chest and acting like he was the smartest and greatest living thing.

Miroku ignored Inuyasha as he turned to Sango. "What would you like to play?"

"Its my Play station and I should get to choose and I say Mortal Combat." ( AN: I have know idea what this game is about or anything so I will not go into detail The only thing I know about it is its name. Igot the idea to use this game from kgb) Sango again started to run around.

"Inuyasha I don't think she knows how to play that game." Sango suddenly stopped and looked at Miroku.

"But Miroku I want to play Mortal Wombat." Inuyasha scowled " Its Mortal Combat wench get it right or are you too stupid." Miroku told Sango to just ignore him as he walked over and picked up two controllers. He handed one to Sango and Inuyasha walked over and picked one up for himself as they started playing.

" Here's your tea Akiko. I was wondering would you mind staying for dinner I want to know more about how you are doing." Akiko looked at Izayoi before sipping her tea.

"Sure I would love to, and it seems so would Sango." Izayoi had a big smile on her face. "Yeah its great that they have become friends, kind of reminds me of us when we were little." Akiko set her cup down and turned to where she was facing Izayoi. "Yeah back then things were so great." "Speaking of things, how are things going for you?" Akiko sighed. "Well everything's fine the only problem is that I can't find a job and since my husbands death we haven't any money." Izayoi placed her hand on her friends shoulder. '' Stop that nonsense we can help you.'' The frown that Akiko was wearing turned into that of a sad smile. "No I am afraid this is something I must do without help." Izayoi nodded. " Always like that Akiko never let anyone help you in troubled times that is what makes you such a strong person."

"Well if we are to have dinner then I best get to cooking it." Izayoi said as she stood up. "Then I shall help you make it anyway it wouldn't be as great without my help.'' Akiko joked to lighten the mood. "I think this just might turn out to be fun." " Yeah I hope it is so what are we making?" Izayoi placed a finger on her chin to think. " I think we'll make Ramen, Sushi, and some rice."

" No move over there! No over there!" The sound of someone yelling these words could be heard from Inuyasha's room. ''Miroku shut up she obviously knows what she is doing besides like your help would be any good you lost way at the beginning."

"YES HA-HA I BEAT YOU AND YOU CALLED ME A STUPID WENCH AND I PROVED YOU WRONG!" Sango started to jump around him laughing and making faces. "SHUT UP! the only reason you won was because I was talking to this idiot other wise you wouldn't have stood a chance." Inuyasha said while pointing at Miroku. Then some yelling from down stairs could be heard interrupting their arguing.


All three of them ran down stairs as quick as they could as if it was a race and sat down at the table. All of them ate Sushi and rice with the exception of Inuyasha who just ate Ramen.

Akiko finished eating and cleared her throat. Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku had finished eating long ago and had went back up stairs. "I really enjoyed this visit Izayoi but as soon as I help you clean up I really must get going." Izayoi was starting to clean up as she turned to face Akiko " I don't think that would be necessary. It would be rude to have your guests clean up after them selves plus I will have my maids do it." Akiko nodded then I must get going." Izayoi walked over to where Akiko was standing. "why must you rush off?"

Akiko sighed " Today I'm going to sign Sango up for school."

"Oh well that is great I hope she enjoys school. and I hope you come back and visit us soon." Izayoi hugged her friend. "I will, promise." Akiko walked over to the stairs and yelled up them "Sango its time to go!" Sango ran down the stairs yelling her goodbyes and Izayoi walked them to the door as they left.

Sango kept visiting them every day she could until one day...


"Mom I'm home, can I go to Miroku's house?" Sango asked while throwing her books on the table. "Yeah but could you come here for a minute I have something very important to tell you." Sango ran to the kitchen where her mom was doing dishes. "Ok mom what did you want to tell me?" Sango's mom dried off her hand and walked over to Sango and motioned her to sit down. ''Uhm honey I got a promotion." Sango smile widened "Mom that is great I can't wait to tell Miroku and Inuyasha." Sango's mom frowned. "No you see in order to get that promotion we have to move to Japan." Sango stood up. ''But mom you can't I won't be able to see Miroku or Inuyasha ever again." Sango's mom placed a hand on her shoulder. "Honey I'm sorry. I will give you three hours to go say good bye to Miroku and Inuyasha but then you have to come home and pack our plane leaves tomorrow." Sango started crying as she ran out the door slamming it.

Sango ran to her destination and knocked on the door. Izayoi answered it. "Oh my Sango why are you crying?" Izayoi ushered Sango to come in. "Because Mrs.Taisho mom said we were moving back to Japan tomorrow." Mrs.Taisho walked over to Sango and hugged her. "Oh I'm sorry Sango but your mom really needs that job." Mrs.Taisho let Sango go figuring she didn't come to talk to her but to Miroku and Inuyasha. "Where's Miroku and Inuyasha?" Mrs. Taisho went back to do what she was doing. " I believe they are up stairs."

Sango ran up stairs and looked in Miroku's room but no one was in there so she went to Inuyasha's room. Where she found Miroku and Inuyasha playing a game. Miroku heard the door open and looked up to see Sango's tear stained face. "What's wrong Sango?" Sango walked over to Inuyasha's bed and sat down. ''I'm moving to Japan tomorrow." Miroku paused his game and walked over to Sango. "What Sango you can't leave.'' Sango started to play with a loose string on Inuyasha's red comforter. "Miroku I have no choice I can't be selfish my mom needs that job." Miroku walked over to her and hugged her to try and stop her crying. Inuyasha walked over to her also and handed her his hankerchief. ''Feh quit crying we might as well enjoy our last night together and besides it makes you look like a big baby.'' Sango took the hankerchief and wiped the tears from her face. "Inuyasha you always try to be a jerk don't you?"

She laughed. "Well thank you Inuyasha and Miroku for cheering me up." Miroku walked over to the game they were playing and took it out and put in a different game. ''Who wants to play our all time favorite game?" Sango and Inuyasha both got off the bed and picked up their controllers and started their game.


"Sango your mom called and she wants you to come home." Sango paused the game. "Ok I will be there in a couple of minutes." Miroku got up and walked over to Sango."Sango I promise I will save every penny I get to buy you a plane ticket so I can see you again I promise." Sango hugged Miroku. "Ok Miroku don't forget me ever ok, I got to go." and she ran out the door she knew if she was to stay any longer it would have been harder for her to leave.

Miroku ran down the stairs after her and out the door in hopes of catching her but it was too late she was already at her house. Miroku turned around and went back in the house. How could one's heart be crushed within a matter of seconds was all he thought as he went back upstairs.

Sango ran up to her room Ignoring her mother calling her name. when she got to her room she started to pack. She really didn't want to go but what choice did she have? She finally finished packing at twelve midnight and fell asleep in the floor.

Mrs. Taija slowly crept up to Sango's room. '' Sango wake up our plane leaves at eight come on." Sango got up and walked over to her bed and laid down. ''Sango you need to get up." "I'm going, I'm going just leave me alone." she got up and started her daily morning routine.


Sango and Mrs. Taija were waiting for their plane to be called. " Mom can I go see Miroku over the summer?" Mrs.Taija looked at Sango sympathetically with guilt in her eyes. "I'm so sorry honey but you know I won't have enough money." Sango looked down at her hands that lay motionless in her lap trying to keep her tears from flowing. ''Oh... I .. understand." Thats when their plane was called. "Ok thats our plane its time to go." Sango took one last look at her former home and boarded the plane.


A lady walked up to Sango and Mrs. Taija "Ma'am would you or your daughter like anything?" Mrs.Taija looked at the lady. "Yes four packages of Juicy fruit gum please." "Ok I will be right back in a minute." The lady left to go get their gum. within minutes the lady was back with their gum. "Here is your gum ma'am." Mrs.Taija picked up her purse. "How much do I owe you?" "A dollar fifty." Mrs. Taija paid for the gum and gave a pack to Sango.

We are now lifting off. A lady said over an intercom. Sango looked out the window to watch the clouds go by until she slowly drifted off to sleep...

AN: Finally end of chapter. I hope you liked it and I hope you review. I don't know when I can post the next chapter but hopefully soon until next time, later.

Shadow of a lost soul