Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own any of the characters known from the novel series "Harry Potter", which was created by the amazing J.K. Rowling. I am merely borrowing characters from this series as a means of creative outlet. No profit is gained from the writing and publishing of this story, but should the authorities holding the legal rights to Harry Potter find this story offensive and demand for it to be taken down and deleted, their wishes will of course be respected. (There… I think I'm safe now…)
Summary: Against his better judgment Severus Snape reveals to Lucius Malfoy that he is a spy for the Order of the Phoenix and offers him to join forces with Dumbledore in order to protect his long-standing friend and his family. Lucius declines, of course, but his last words to his friend will have a heavy influence on his son's life – more so than he could ever imagine.
Rating: Presently PG-13, I am not intending to go beyond that at present. It all depends on the way the story develops.
Time Frame: End of 5th year, beginning of 6th year. Will we see a lot of Voldemort? Nah. Seeing that the new HP volume is coming out this summer, I guess that qualifies this story to be an A/U.
Pairings: DM/HG (obviously), others – no clue!
A/N: This is my very first Harry Potter fanfiction. I therefore apologize should the characters be too OOC – I still need to gather some experience writing HP fics. Nevertheless, any constructive criticism is welcomed and greatly appreciated
As English is not my native language, I am likely to mess up some sayings etc. and I hope you won't hold this against me. :P
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my story and if you want to make yourself a fan, drop me a review to tell me what you thought of this story.
Insanely yours,
Warning: I really really tried hard not to let it happen, but for the sake of the prologue it was virtually impossible to keep Snape and Lucius Malfoy in character. My aplogies!
Chapter revised: 2005-12-01
matchmaker, make me a match.
Find me a find; Catch me a catch.
Matchmaker, matchmaker, look through your book
and make me
the perfect match.
- From "Fiddler on the roof" (musical)
Lucius Malfoy's eyes were fixed on the man sitting vis-à-vis to him, finding it very hard to breathe all of a sudden. He closed his eyes and shook his head, as if a stray ray of light had blinded him temporarily and he needed to force the world back into focus.
Hesitantly, he studied the face of his guest: the sharp, hooked nose; the lank, pitch black hair; the solemn, dark eyes – there was absolutely no doubt that the person facing him so calmly was indeed Severus Snape, yet somehow, Lucius expected to find a flaw, a proof that would defy the words of this man and reveal him to be the impostor Lucius was convinced he was. Briefly, he wondered whether he should wait for an hour or two to make sure that there was no Polyjuice Potion involved, but a tiny nagging voice deep inside of him reminded him that the effect of such a potion would have worn off some time ago – Severus Snape had been a guest at his house all night long.
"You mean to tell me… you… you mean to tell me that you are on… on their side!" he suddenly exclaimed, jumping out of his chair and knocking it over. Severus Snape nodded calmly. He didn't seem to be in the least phased by his host's sudden outburst; in fact, he seemed to be disturbingly calm which fuelled Lucius' anger more than anything else.
It was infuriating to find that the man he had thought to be one of his closest friends, the man who had been his best man and had agreed to be his only son's godfather, the very man who was as close to him as a brother, the man he would blindly entrust with not only his own life but that of his beloved family, as well, revealed himself to be a traitor to their noble cause. If someone else had told him that Severus Snape was a supporter of the "Light Side", Lucius Malfoy would have tortured them until they would have taken that accusation back. No, on second thought, he would have not even bothered to waste that much time – he would have simply killed the offender.
But it hadn't been someone else. It had been Severus Snape, who told him personally that he was a member of the dreaded Order of Phoenix. Severus' calmness had been unnerving while he had revealed a story to Lucius that had served to not only drain all the colour from his admittedly already very pale features, but had also forced his eyes open so wide, that Lucius was sure they would roll out onto the floor with a soft 'pop' any moment now. And then, after finishing his blood curling tale, Severus Snape had asked him, Lucius Malfoy, to turn traitor on the Dark Lord as well, to join the Light Side, to fight alongside Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter! All that with the solemn expression and calm voice that Lucius had come to value so much in the past.
It wasn't infuriating. It didn't make him feel as if the weight of the world had suddenly come crashing down onto his shoulders. It didn't even leave him in the wake of almost unbearable emotional pain.
It was a combination of all those things and a sudden, overwhelming emptiness that took a hold of his soul. The feeling was indescribable, he didn't want to be able to describe it; no, he didn't even want to feel it in the first place!
"But… Severus! Have you forgotten our cause, our noble task, the glorious goal we've been working so hard for all our life? How can you turn your back on our lord? How can you turn your back on me? Me, Severus, how can you do this to me?" Lucius asked, his voice shaking.
"It's a fool's errand; don't you see that, Lucius? Yes, I admit it, when I was younger I clung to his every word and I thought with him in charge the world would be… different. Better," Severus answered his voice still unnervingly calm. "But I was foolish. You know the price I had to pay; you were there that night, Lucius! Loyal or not, he will make you pay just the same – do your really want to jeopardize Narcissa's life like that? Is it really worth risking losing your only son? Tell me, Lucius, is it?" he asked sharply and the blond man recoiled, as if he had been slapped forcefully.
"You are talking nonsense. You… you are not yourself. You must be under the influence of some… potion. Or did they resort to actually using the Imperius Curse on you? It must be! I wouldn't put it past that Mad-Eye Moody or anyone else of that blasted order…" Lucius began and Snape realized he was ranting, pacing the room like a caged animal, desperately trying to find a solution where there was no problem that required one.
"I assure you, I am fine. I am neither under the influence of a personality-altering nor under that of a mind-controlling potion and we both know that I am well capable of throwing off an Imperius Curse. I am absolutely in control of myself and what I have just told you is nothing but the truth," Severus said.
This conversation wasn't going the way Snape had hoped it would, but considering Lucius position he had known not to expect anything else. He was well aware that he might not have a chance to leave this house alive, but it was not in his nature to fret and panic. He would accept whatever came his way – even if it was death.
The two men looked at each other, neither saying a word. The dull roaring of the fire place was almost deafening in their ears, the heat suddenly unbearable. Lucius Malfoy felt as if he were suffocating. He turned to a window and pushed it open, allowing the cool night air inside. He didn't turn around as he addressed Snape again.
"I thank you for your concern; I know that it was your worry for me and my family's safety that has allowed you to confess your betrayal to me tonight. I appreciate that more than you know. However, I cannot support you on the path you have chosen, Severus, nor am I capable or willing to join you. My loyalties lie clearly with the Dark Lord.
"I won't speak of your betrayal to anyone, but I won't hesitate to point you out as a traitor should you appear in midst of His loyal servants, feigning to be one of them – make no mistakes about that.
"You may leave my properties, I will not seek to harm or kill you." Lucius finished.
"If that is your final word," Snape said softly, regret seeping into his voice.
"The day I join forces with Dumbledore is the day my son declares his undying love for a mudblood! That's my final word," Lucius snapped.
Severus Snape picked up his cloak, putting great effort into wrapping it around himself and tying the silver fastenings. When he was done, he nodded his head in a silent greeting, grabbed a handful of floo powder from a crystal bowl on the fireplace and tossed it onto the fire, mumbling his destination and stepping into the emerald green flames without looking back once. As he began to spin in the fire, his thoughts returned to Lucius last words.
"The day I join forces with Dumbledore is the day my son declares his undying love for a mudblood!"
'We'll see,' Severus Snape mused. 'I have paired one Malfoy with his perfect match. Don't think I can't do it again, Lucius.'