A/N nobody besides Shawn Provoncha reviewed the last couple of chapters so I'm assuming that people are getting tired of my story. So I want be doing a sequel to it like I've planned. I'll just concentrate on my other stories.

But I would like to thank all of the people who reviewed this story overall. This has been the largest number of people to review for me so thanks. Now here's the happy ending that dogbertcaroll wanted and also a bonus alternate ending.

Chapter 25

Alternate Endings

Faith immediately held onto Kendra as she broke down and started to cry. She had just lost the love of her life, and Faith could do no more then hold her and whisper sorry into her ear. That was until a voice stopped them cold.

"What's a pretty girl like you, doin' crying?" a voice asked from behind them. Turning they see a bruised and battered looking Xander, holding his left arm.

"Xander." Kendra yelled as she ran into his embrace. Xander let out a wince as she hugged him.

"Sorry." she said as she let him go. Then she slapped him across the face.

"Ow." Xander yelled bringing his hand up to his cheek. "What was that for?"

"For scaring me." Kendra said as another tear fell from her eye. "I thought dat you were dead."

"Hey." he said pulling her into a hug. "I'm to stubborn to die. Besides we have the rest of our lives to watch out for each other."

"Yeah." Kendra said silently as the two kissed.


Two Month's later

A gentle wave crashes along a beach, as wedding music plays.

"I'm very honored that you chose me to give you away." Giles whispers to Kendra as they slowly walk along the beach. Dierdre is in front of them, throwing rose petals in front of them as they walk.

"It wasn't a problem. Xander will never admit it, but he tinks of you as a father. And to be honest..." she said looking down at her beautiful white dress. "I do too." she admitted earning a blush from Giles.

"Man Kendra looks beautiful." Johnathon whispers to Xander from his position beside him. He still couldn't believe that he had asked him to be his best man.

"Yeah I know." Xander whispers back. "Oh that reminds me, a beautiful girl said she wants to talk to you after the wedding." Xander says as he looks up. Johnathon follows his line of vision and looks up at Faith, whose staring at him. As their eyes meet Faith winks at him and licks her lips seductively at him.

"Man I hope this wedding isn't long." Johnathon whispers causing Xander to laugh a little.

"You may now kiss the bride." the preacher said as he closed his book.

Xander and Kendra stare into each other's eyes for a moment and they slowly move in and give each other a long, tender, passionate kiss.

"I introduce to some and present to all, Mister and Misses Xander Harris."

Alternate Ending 2

As Kendra closes her eye's as the school burns, she quickly opens them after she starts feeling funny. With wide eyes she watches as the fire is replaced by someone she thought long dead. Drusilla.

Before she can move, Drusilla swipes her hand out and slits her throat with her finger nails. As Kendra falls to the floor, the last thing she thinks about is Dierdre, family, and Xander. Then she doesn't think at all as the blood flows from her neck and she falls into darkness.

It turns out that all of what happened in the fanfic up to the part of the school burning was just stuff, Kendra constructed in her mind because of Dru's spell over her in Becoming part 1.

The End

A/N Faith was also Kendra's maid of honor. Willow and Buffy were the brides maid's. Dierdre was her flower girl. And of course Giles gave her away.

Johnathon was Xander's best man, and Wesley and Duncan, were the rest of the bridal party.

Also the characters of Dierdre and Daihawk will return in another one of my fanfics. Thanks again to everyone who reviewed.