A/N: This is the sequel to Time Between, however you don't need to have read that to get this, not really… but if you want to feel free to read it. I would like to thank all of you who did read it and reviewed for me. Hopefully this won't suck as much, and it does have a plot –gasps are heard- I know! Setting is after ROTG

Disclaimer: I don't own the character, just the plot

Chapter 1- Secrets and Spies

Onua Chamtong clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp. She ducked behind a nearby tree to recover from her shock, and the horse mistress was not a person to be easily shocked. She glanced back again, as though to be certain of what she had seen. There was no mistaking it, her best friend and her assistant locked in a passionate kiss. They released each other, and then Numair said something to Daine that she could not hear.

When did this happen? How could I not know? She shook her head to clear her thoughts. This is something I have to keep to myself. They'll tell me when they are ready. Quietly, she backtracked to a reasonable distance before approaching the duo. Hopefully they've stopped by now. She could hear voices. "I will resume persuading you in regard to matrimony at another time." Did Numair just use the word matrimony?

They walked out of the clearing towards where Onua stood. Numair's arm was still wraped around Daine's shoulders. Upon seeing Onua, Daine hesitated. She was uncomfortably aware of how close she and Numair were walking. Numair seemed to notice too, because he slipped his arm off her shoulder as inconspicuously as possible. "There you two are." Onua told them as she and Tahoi approached. "Glad to see you alive, Mage" She grinned at Numair.

"Glad to be alive." He replied. Suddenly he wavered, nearly collapsing to the ground. Daine braced a hand against his chest, their faces were very close, and worry filled blue eyes meeting his brown ones. "I'm alright, Daine." He managed to gasp, before she asked him.

"Here," Daine replied, taking a hold of Cloud's bridle. "Take Cloud back." He nodded at her, knowing it was fruitless to argue. Daine ignored Clouds complaints as Numair climbed on her. Be nice, She warned.

The group made their way back to Legann. Daine filled Onua in on what she missed while Numair rested. At the fortress, he was immediately taken to a healer. Daine would rather have helped Onua, but she too was attacked by healers. Her wounds were relatively minor, for the experienced royal healers, and apart from being exhausted, it was a quick heal. Numair, on the other hand, needed several weeks rest. Both his injuries and his gift needed to heal. A few days later Daine sat by his bedside.

"How are you?" She stroked his cheek softly. Numair smiled under her gentle touch. He twisted his head to kiss her palm. She smiled at him.

"I would be better if I could just get out of this blasted bed."

She frowned. "Numair, you know you need rest."

"I know, I just feel so useless. Everyone is repairing the damages of the war and all they will let me do is sit here." He sighed. "I'm sorry, Magelet. I need not take my frustrations out on you."

"It's alright." She soothed. "I'm always here for you." His reply was to pull her down to him, so that her head could rest against his chest. Her arms went around him. A sound from outside the door made her jump away. "Shh Sweet, there is no one there." He pulled her back to him, this time he caught her with his lips. She stiffened from the awkward position before melting into his arms. He kissed her softly before she wove her fingers into his hair, inviting him to deepen it. Suddenly he felt a light wetness on his cheeks. He reached up to wipe away a salty tear.

"Daine? Sweet, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, wiping the tears off her face with frustration. "I was just remembering—"


"—When I left you, before the battle, I just thought— I thought I might never see you again."

He caressed her face in his hand. "You will always have me Daine, that much I can promise you." Very gently she lowered herself back against him, but not before lovingly kissing his forehead. .

"When did this happen?" A very confused looking Queen Thayet asked. She and her company were peaking through the cracked door.

"It must have been while they were in the realm of the gods. I don't think it was before."

"Its about time." Alanna interjected. They stared at her. "Well, it is. They have been in love for forever. I'm glad they finally saw it."

"Do you think we should confront them, or at least Daine? I'm worried about this. I mean, we all love Numair, but—" Thayet pondered.

"No" Onua said. "I think we should let them keep it to themselves as long as they want to. Besides, look at him." They glanced in again. "Have you ever seen Numair look like that?"

"I agree. They don't need us butting into their private lives. Besides, I know from his own mouth that he loves her" Allana agreed.

"I never said he didn't" the queen contradicted.

"Are we going to go in?" An impatient Jonathan asked.

"Alright," Thayet agreed, "just open the door slowly. Give them some time to pull apart, and don't one of you grin." She glared threateningly at her companions.

"Oh I wouldn't dream of it." Alanna smirked. .

They opened the door to a very flustered Daine, and an out of breath Numair. Both were trying desperately to hide their symptoms, and failing.

"Well, Numair, since you cannot yet come to us, we have come to you." Jon broke the awkward silence.

Numair only glared at his King. Jon knew the blackrobe well enough to know that he was annoyed about the mandatory bed rest. "Numair and Alanna, I am going to need you two to stay here and assist the other mages with clean-up and repairs to the fortress. That is, when you have recovered, Numair." The glare deepened. "Onua and Daine, you will be returning to Corus with Thayet to help the riders and horses as they arrive back. We need a total death and casualty count as well as a supply inventory." Both Daine and Onua nodded. Thayet, they assumed, had volunteered to return home. "Does anyone have any objections?" Daine and Numair exchanged what they hoped was a private look. They really didn't want to be separated again.

"Like it would do any good." Alanna mumbled. Jon didn't appear to have heard her, or he was simply choosing to ignore. After a few more notes on what they knew so far of the affects of the war, Alanna, Jon, Thayet, and Onua left Numair and Daine.

"Think its wise to leave them alone?" Onua teased. Alanna and Thayet snickered.

"Oh, I think Daine can hold her own." Alanna proposed.

"Do you think they know?" Daine asked after their friends retreating backs.

"I think they might guess." He replied. He cocked his head at her concerned expression. "Would it be so bad if they knew?"

"Well, no, its just— just that I hoped to keep this between us for a little while." I wanted us to have some time to get use to it ourselves, before everyone else knew."

"If that's what you want, Magelet, then I'll keep that wish."

She smiled "I knew you'd understand."

"Not only that, but I agree. I'd like to have you all to myself for a while." He grinned wickedly.

She laughed as he pulled her into his arms once more. "I don't want to be separated again." Daine frowned while she absentmindedly stroked his hair.

"I know, but its only for a short time. At least this time we know that neither one of us is in any danger, unless you count those boys who flock around you at the palace." The irritation was evident in his voice.

"Jealous?" She quipped

"I love you." He responded, ignoring her question, and instead kissing her hair.

"I know, " she murmured through soft kisses as she turned to face him, "but are you jealous?"

"Do I have reason to be?"

"Of course not!"

"Then no… not really." She rested against him, content to be in his arms, especially with the idea that they would soon be parted.

Daine, Onua, and Thayet left the next day for home. Due to their royal companion, an armed escort also accompanied them. The days at the palace droned on as tedious work to Daine. The first few days she spent entirely healing horses that had been injured at some point in the war. The process tired her so much, that she had to stay in the palace for a day. Now I know how Numair feels. She thought as she lay in bed thinking of all the places she was needed. Numair… She had been thinking about him a lot. She was shocked at how deeply she missed him. We've never really been apart. She realized.

A walk to the baths found her wandering a familiar hallway, the hallway that led to Numair's palace room. Taking a small bronze key Numair had given her years ago from her belt pouch she inserted it into the lock and whispered "edro." The lock clicked open, allowing her to enter. Of course, Numair's apartment was far fancier than her room in the rider's quarters. She walked casually around the familiar setting, letting her fingers fall on piles of books, and a shirt that was tossed across his chair. She sighed, longing more than ever for her mage

She collapsed onto his bed, of course, it was also far more comfortable than hers. Normally she disliked soft beds, preferring firm earth, but something about the way that Numair's scent clung to every fiber made her really like this one. She remembered her original intention to take a bath. Walking into his spacious bathroom, she had to smile at his collection of hair lotions and tonics, as well as brushes and ties all lined up neatly on the counter. At least he keeps something clean. She drew the bath while she removed her clothes. I should ask Numair to use this more often, she thought as she slipped under the warm water. It was nice to take a private bath. She picked up a bar of soap and smelled that familiar spicy scent.

Hours later, when the water was long cense cold; she climbed out and wrapped a nearby plush towel around her. Pulling on the shirt she had found discarded over the chair, she walked around the room to blow out all of the candles she had lit. She never once stopped to think about what she was doing, all she knew was that the entire time she was here; thoughts of Numair had not made her heart ache with longing. Curled up in his bed, she drew his pillow to her. It was as if Numair was holding her against him. She fell asleep to a dream of him.

Sometime, in the middle of the night, she awoke with a start. Something, or most likely someone, had opened the apartment door. Kitten? No, it was too large to be Kit. No one else has a key. No one except… the person was walking across the room, and from the sound of it, shedding clothing as they did. That person, Numair, Daine was certain by now, settled onto the bed, right beside her. She moved; he jumped, and his head collided hard with the headboard of the bed. With a stream of curses a black and white fire lit the room. "Daine?" His expression went from relief to shock."

"What are you doing here?" She asked before he could. She really had no reason.

"I could ask you the same thing." He ran his fingers through his hair in total perplexion. "We finished in Legann, and Jon saidwe were needed here. We just got back. Now would you kindly explain what you are doing in my bed?"

She smiled coyly at him. "I was missing you."

"Ah, well that I can't complain about."

Suddenly she felt quite awkward. "I didn't think you would be back. I'll just go." She sat up, and started to climb out of the large bed; Numair's hand griped her forearm softly. She turned to look curiously at him.

"Stay" He murmured. She was glad to see that he too looked a little uncomfortable by his actions. Nonetheless she allowed him to pull her into his arms. It was odd to rest her head against his bare chest. She timidly nuzzled to him, with his chest hair lightly tickling her nose. This isn't so bad.. He squeezed her lightly against him. She suddenly didn't feel very tired. "Magelet." He whispered.

"Yes?" She asked the darkness

"Oh, nothing, its just—this is nice."

"Yeah," she kissed him softly where her head rested. "It is"

A/N: okay, so there is chap one. You have Tortall's Resident Wildchild who told me to publish this.