Truth and Lies



What happens when everything you ever thought was good and certain in your life was truly a lie? What if good was truly evil and light was truly dark? If the cause you so fervently believed in was the one that was wrong?

If suddenly someone told you the truth, would you believe them? Or think they were insane? Would you go insane trying to find the truth, the correct explanation uncolored by the prejudices of other opinions?

Or would you begin to wonder what or who created the lie to begin with?

What if this lie was so enormous and so intricate that nearly the entire world believed it to be the ultimate truth? What if you finally met up with someone who knew the real truth, not the lie that had become truth?

And what if this person was considered part of the ultimate evil in your world? Could you believe this evil person? A person whom you have been told is a liar?

Welcome to the Wizarding world, the place where the largest lie ever told had become truth. A place where rules had been switched and evil was just fighting to be heard.

A world where prejudice ran rampant against those classified as evil and wrong.

Let me introduce you to two leaders, Dumbledore and Voldemort. Both fight for their cause. Both believe in their version of the truth, yet one is sorely wrong. Here, let me show you four other important people in this world. Meet Harry Potter the boy who lived, Hermione Granger the brightest witch of her age, Ronald Weasley best friend and superb strategist, and Draco Malfoy the boy destined to become evil and corrupt. They are all part of their own cause. They either fight for the light or the darkness, yet somehow they are all evil and all immoral.

Now let me present the young girl on whose shoulders the truth of the entire lie will rest. A girl who believes in the light but is taught the ways of the dark. She is a woman who will lose her sense of self because of the loss of truth in her world.

Ginevra Weasley, the youngest sibling and a highly unremarkable girl will become the dreams and the downfall of the world.

And yet- how is she to know the truth? After all, what is truth? Is the truth the story you grew up learning? And as a child you had been told of this truth.

Or could it be the fascinating story told to you one stormy night. A story so farfetched that it was impossible to create in ones mind; a story that a select few people had grown up believing as the truth.

Or could it be something in between?

Here, let me show you both sides of the truth. One is the story that good and right believes in. The other is the story that bad and wrong believe. One of these stories is closer to the truth. One of these is the lie. I leave it up to you to decide the truth of the matter.

You and two teenagers whose basic ideas and principles are completely opposite have been given the task of finding the truth and showing the world the lie you have been living.