Dearest Readers,
Well… It has been ages hasn't it? Surprised by the sudden update to this story? Ready to throw me off a cliff for leaving that last hanger (honestly I sure would be…). However, I'm here to tell you some wonderful news!
First off, I would like to direct everyone to my profile for some important information regarding all of my stories and plans for the upcoming months. So please check that out, I wouldn't want anyone to get upset if they find one of my stories gone… For good. ^ ^"
More importantly, as one reading this update would suspect, are my plans for A Change in Perspective. I will be updating this story asap. Right now I'm gathering ideas and planning out the story in its entirety so I can make sure never to stray and completely lose my train of thought. After all of the wonderful reviews over the past few years I want to make sure this story continues down an exciting path for all of my readers- you guys deserve it.
So keep watch! I will add chapter 8 hopefully sometime in August, and then after that I'll be revising all of the previous chapters. There is a lot of confusion and grammatical errors in the story, therefore I would like to clean it and make it all shiny and new! As a writer, it is important to me to work on old projects. I've grown a lot in the past few years and I want to express that in my work. It is only natural for me to revise. I won't change the plot, not at all, mostly grammar, and maybe some other small things in order to add a stronger sense of reality and understanding. These changes will probably go unnoticed to many, and that is totally fine.
I cannot apologize for my long stray from this story, yes it is disappointing, but you have to understand that I've been living my life and doing wonderful things. I'm sure everyone out there has as well, so it should not be too difficult to understand.
This story is one that I definitely plan on finishing. I want to end it, eventually (there is definitely a long way to go), but it takes time in order to create a work one is pleased with. I'm happy with what I've written so far and I do not want to ruin it… So I just ask for a little more patience. I know, I know, *slaps self*, but it is wonderful to still hear from my readers every once in a while. You guys really are the reason why I don't shut down my account permanently.
So until next time, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and keep watch! I will be updating this story soon!