Disclaimer: I own nothing everything that you will read belongs to the brilliant mind of J.K Rowling

Rated: R for later

Main Pairings: L/J SB/OC RL/OC

A/N: hey guys here is chapter 10 I hope you guys like it. I tried not to take so long to get a chapter out so I hope this was quick enough it's not as long as my chapter's have been but this chapter let's out more of the plot and shows this story is not going to be just fluff and mush and I hope you like and please review. Just to be sure if I don't get another chapter out before Halloween, HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

We Are Never Leaving Hogwarts Again!

Oh that hurts.

Was the first thought the went through Lily's head as she woke up, she felt weak and even thought she just woke up she felt to tired to even open her own eyes also something was squeezing her hand so tight she could barely feel her fingers. She also could tell she was lying on her stomach which she never liked and was in a bed she had never slept in before.

Groaning Lily forced her eyes open and came face to face with a sleeping James Potter sitting in a chair with his head laying on the bed right next to her head, looking around him she saw she was in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, but she couldn't remember how she got there.

Let's see she thought I remember waking up with James, that was nice, Sirius and Micayla fighting, walking around Hogsmeade, then having a picnic with James and then…..VOLDEMORT!

"HOLY SHIT." Lily yelled out and tried to sit up but pain in her back like she had never felt before caused another scream from her jerking James out of his slumber. James jumped up at hearing Lily scream to see her screaming louder with every move she made, he grabbed both of her hands trying to hold her still.

"Lily, baby you've got to stop moving I know it hurts but if you keep moving your back not only will the pain get worse it will start bleeding again." James said moving both of her hands above her head holding them with one hand as he ran his other hand through her hair still whispering in her ear until she stopped moving and her screaming went down to just painful whimpers.

"Its ok baby I got you." James whispered in her ear kissing her temple, he hated not being able to stop her pain.

"What is wrong with my back? I remember Voldemort and the Deatheaters and us running but then it just all goes blank." Lily said taking deep breaths, the pain in her back was still bad but thank Merlin it didn't feel like knifes running down her back.

"Well while we were running one of the Deatheaters saw us running and he hit you with a curse. The curse that hit your was some kind of cutting curse it cut your back up pretty bad. What is even worse is no one had ever heard of it not even Dumbledore and every healing potion and spell that Madam Pompfry had tried hasn't worked so your going to have to heal the muggle way." James explained sitting back down in his seat letting her left hand go but keeping her right hand and never taking his hand away from her hair.

"Did they catch Voldemort or any of the Deatheaters?" Lily asked finally able to open her eyes to look at James who was frowning down at her.

"No all the fucking bastards got away. Merlin Lily." James whispered tightening his hold on both her hand and her hair as he leaned his elbows on her bed bringing his face right in front of hers.

"When I heard you scream and looked there was so much blood and you turned so white I thought you were going……"James stopped closing his eyes at the thought and leaning to give her a lingering kiss to her lips. "I won't let this happen again." James said opening his eyes to look into her bright green eyes. Lily could hear the determination in his voice and gave him a small smile.

"James I know you like to think you can do anything, but you can't stop things like this from happening." she said she wanted to kiss him for thinking he could protect her like this but it hurt to much to move so she settled for giving his hand a squeeze.

"The fuck I can't. We are never leaving Hogwarts again." James said. Lily couldn't help but laugh cause looking at his face she knew he was serious.

"Oh James don't make me laugh it hurts." she giggled trying to stop so she wouldn't be in more pain.

"I'm not fucking kidding Lily I'll find some way but you are never leaving Hogwarts again you could teach or something." James said sitting back a looking proud of him.

"James you know as well as I do that I can't stay here, it's really sweet that you are worry about me like this but your just being crazy plus I don't think I would like to teach that would mean putting up with boys like you every day of my life and I can only handle one of you." Lily smiled happy when James laughed and leaned forward onto the bed again.

"I better be the only one you handle." James smirked leaning down and gave her bottom lip a little nibble soothing the sting with a lick of his tongue before sealing her lips with his own, moving his lips over hers slowly feeling Lily respond with a lick of her tongue across his lips, allowing him to suck her tongue into his mouth to play with his own.

"Ahem, I hope I'm not interrupting."

At hearing Dumbledore's voice Lily jerked her head back a blush covering her face but James just sat back with a smirk on his face as he looked at his aging headmaster who came to stand behind James so that Lily could see him.

"Nothing I won't just start all over when we are alone again but just to be sure, would I get detention if I said yes?" James grinned as he looked up at Professor Dumbledore, only reaching down to rub his knee when Lily punched it hard her blush spreading but Dumbledore just laughed.

"Mr. Potter I am sure that even if the thought of detention was in account if you wanted something bad enough I don't think you would pay any mind." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he watched James cross his arms over his chest looking proud that the headmaster thought that about him to which Lily just rolled her eyes.

"So Lily dear how are you feeling?" Dumbledore asked looking over his half moon speckles at the injured girl the twinkle in his eyes dimming just a bit.

"I'm ok I guess, hurts a lot if I move." Lily said watching as Dumbledore configured a small stepping stool into a big comfortable looking chair and sat down beside James.

"Professor has Madam Pompfry or Professor Slughorn came up with anything that will heal her?" James asked looking from Lily's back to Dumbledore.

"I'm afraid not Mr. Potter it seems that the curse that was used is one that the caster created and as far as we know there are not Miss. Evens I'm very sorry." Dumbledore said looking down at Lily.

"It's ok I'm just glad it was just my back and me or James wasn't really hurt." Lily said giving both faces a small smile.

"Professor I've been thinking about something." James said turning to look at Dumbledore. "I've been here since Lily was brought here and she was the first one and I've not seen anyone that was brought in here with more than a broken arm and that was from a fall and all of them said that they didn't see Voldemort at all. Why did Voldemort come to us himself?" James asked keeping his eyes on Dumbledore, watching as the twinkle in the blue eyes dimmed even more.

"Mr. Potter, Miss Evens there is something I have been wanting to talk to you two about. Miss. Evens this summer did any of the Deatheaters try to kill you or harm you in any way?" Dumbledore asked leaning forward to listen to Lily looking deep in thought.

"No, but I did hear one of them say something about the dark Lord wanting me alive or something like that." Lily said trying to remember what the Deatheaters had said but the thought of that night was still painful to think about.

"That is correct, and Mr. Potter I do believe you remember that when Miss. Evens was brought to your home I wanted to have a word with her." Dumbledore said, nodding his head at James's own nod.

"Yes, I was in fact going to come have a word with you Lily but it came to my attention that this is more complicated than I first thought. This past summer Lord Voldemort came across a much respected seer, and he consulted with her all summer. We are not for sure what her name is only that it is a female and this summer she made a production and we have reason to believe that is involves you Miss. Evens." Dumbledore finished looking at a wide eyed Lily.

"Do you know exactly what she said, Professor?" James asked looking as wide eyed as Lily. Dumbledore just sighed and nodded his head again.

"In the days of adolescent the Stag will find his Emerald, and by doing so will create a bond

With this bond the Stag and his Emerald will make a powerful treasure.

This treasure and this bond will be the key downfall of the Dark Lord." Dumbledore finished concern and confusion in his eyes.

"Professor I don't understand I don't know what anything about stags or jewels." Lily said looking from Dumbledore over to James who had a very weird look on his face as he stared at the floor.

"I thought that at first it had something to do with jewels to Miss. Evens mostly because of the mention of a treasure but then as myself and Jason Potter were talking about it he told me that it was a strange thing about emeralds, said his son would come home every summer and talk non stop about the girl with the eyes that were as green as emeralds and was like no one else's." Dumbledore grinned looking at a blushing James and Lily couldn't help but smile at seeing James Potter blushing like a school girl.

"As I was saying we started looking at all the pictures of emeralds we could find and we discovered that your eyes Miss. Evens is the same exact color of an emerald. So naturally we went to talk to you that night and seeing your family being attacked we came to the conclusion that you what the Emerald but we have yet to figure out what the Stag means nor the bond and the treasure." Dumbledore completed his speech with a confused look, one Lily had never seen on her headmaster before. Looking over at James she saw that he still had that weird look on his face but now it was like he was arguing with himself until suddenly he cleared his throat and looked up at Dumbledore.

"Um Professor I think I might know something about the Stag part." James said quietly only breaking eye contact with Dumbledore for a brief second when the old man turned his eyes to him.

"Yes Mr. Potter."

"Um well it's like this during our second Sirius, Peter, and I was starting to get suspicious about Remus and after a lot of fights and sneaking around we found out about his…um condition." James told Dumbledore looking real quiet over at Lily when he said condition; Lily stared at James silently asking him what he was talking about.

"Ah yes I thought you three would figure that out. He could only come up with so many excuses." Dumbledore laughed, Lily looked between the two not knowing what they were talking about.

"Well when we found out about what he was we thought about ways to help him, and that lead us to finding a book about becoming an animagus." James looked down as he spoke not wanting to see the looks on neither Dumbledore nor Lily's face, he really didn't want to tell them any of this but if the Stag was talking about him then Dumbledore needed to know. "And well to make a long story short we became animagus and my form is a Stag." James spoke the last bit a bit quick almost so fast that Lily almost missed what he said.

"James Potter you didn't. You could be put in Azkaban. Are you crazy?" Lily snapped raising her head off the bed but stopped as the pain once again ran through her back.

"Lily dear you have to be still or the cuts on your back will reopen, right now that's not important. James your animagus form is a stag." Dumbledore conformed looking like a piece of a puzzle just feel into place at James's nod.

"Yes sir, do you think the stag and his emerald is talking about me and Lily?" James asked reaching over to grab Lily's hand that he had dropped at hearing about the seer.

"I'm almost certain, now we just have to figure out what the bond and the treasure is." Dumbledore said staring off into space obviously thinking. James looked over at Lily to see her looking at the bed.

"Well I suppose for now all we can do is wait but if you think of anything that could help in anyway you know where to find me." Dumbledore said before standing preoccupied with his own thoughts.

"Why do you think Dumbledore didn't say anymore than that?" Lily wondered aloud she found it odd the way the headmaster was acting he usually had all the answers.

"I don't know I guess that's all he knows. It is a very strange prediction. What the hell kind of bond and treasure are we supposed to find?" James asked, moving his chair closer to Lily and leaning down to place a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm not sure. What were you talking about when you were talking about Remus? What's wrong with him?" Lily asked staring into James's brown eyes.

"I can't Lily it's not my secret to tell it's his." James replied looking away he felt guilty not telling her but it wasn't his place to tell her.

"Is it that he's a werewolf?" Lily asked making sure to watch his face she could always tell if he was lying by just his expression.

"How did you know that?" James asked shocked he thought he Sirius and Peter were the only ones that knew besides the teachers, and well the greasy git but that is a different story. Lily rolled her eyes at the look of shock on his face.

"Oh please, I'm not stupid. He leaves a few days before the full moon every month also he get really grumpy right before he has to leave also I think if the past year he has had at least 6 grandmothers to die and I'm pretty sure you have no more than two when your parents are still married which I know for a fact that Remus's parents are still married. Plus I, Micayla, and Alexis overheard you and Sirius talking about Remus being a werewolf about two years ago." Lily tried to give James her sweetest smile when telling him about listening to his conversation but knew it wasn't working when he glared at her.

"And why the fuck was you listening to me and Sirius talking if it was none of your fucking business?" James demanded. He didn't like the fact that someone could have found out about Remus, he knew if it got out that Remus was a werewolf than he would have to leave school. The only thing keeping his temper in check was the fact that it was Lily and since Remus was still at school they didn't tell anyone else. Plus Lily was making one of the sexiest smiles he had ever seen.

"Well you had just transfigured all my pajamas see through and I didn't know it and walked around the common room for at least 20 minutes until Micayla finally came and told me, and get that smirk off your face before I smack it off that wasn't funny, but I wanted to get you back and we followed you around I was hoping we would hear one of your deep dark secrets but we didn't know we would hear one of Remus's. We didn't tell anyone I promise." Lily told him not liking that the smirk was still there.

"Oh yeah I remember that, damn did I have good dreams after that." James's smirk grew as he thought back on Lily walking around with see through pajamas showing off her matching red lace bra and boy shorts…Mmmmm lacey……ouch!

James glared at Lily while rubbing his knee where she once again punched him.

"If you had been listening to me instead of in naughty land I wouldn't have hit you." Lily laughed as a small blush spread over her cheeks.

"What makes you think I was in naughty land?" James asked grinning at the blush, only laughing and shrugging his shoulders when Lily just looked down at his lap where you could see just how much he was enjoying the thought of a Lacy Lily.

"I'm not about to say sorry for that, it's all your fault but I'm sorry for not listening, what was you saying?" James asked trying to listen to her and keep his mind away from naughty land as Lily called.

"I asked if Remus being a werewolf was what you were talking about with Dumbledore."

"Yeah, when we were in our second year we started thinking about the excuses, him leaving every full moon, plus he's really afraid of the moon won't even look at it. When we finally figured it out and he told us we were right we started looking up ways to maybe cure him or make it easier that's when we found out that when animals are bitten they don't turn and Sirius found a book on Animagus's. It took us until 5th year to be able to do it but we finally did, I'm a stag, Sirius is a dog looks a lot like the grim, and Peter is a rat." James said thinking about his friends with a smile a pride shining on his face.

"Oh so that's why you all started calling each other those nicknames I always wondered were you guys came up with them." Lily said just staring at James. It was one of the nicest, sweetest, most thoughtful thing she had ever heard someone do for a friend, they could have killed themselves trying to do that kind of magic so that their friend wouldn't have to go through one of the worst time of their life by his self. It also showed how powerful James was, it was kinda hot to Lily.

"So about the prediction do we tell anyone or do nothing and just hope Dumbledore can figure it out or what?" James asked leaning back in his chair trying to get comfortable while still being able to hold onto Lily's hand.

"I think we should just keep it to ourselves and do a little research on our own. We can look up the different types of bonds and treasures and with us and Dumbledore on it we'll figure it out, but right now I'm so tired." Lily said closing her eyes but not once loosening her grip on James's hand.

"That's ok let's both get some sleep we'll talk about it tomorrow." James whispered leaning forward again to kiss her once again on the lips then leaning back watching as a peaceful look took over her worried one as she drifted off to sleep before closing his own.