A/N: Sorry for the long delay! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything of the Harry Potter brand.
You know you think you've got your life planned out. I mean I know I thought I did. It annoyed the hell out of Harry and Ron listening to me talking about the future, but it was true. To me it seemed like life was passing by way too fast. I guess when I first came to Hogwarts I had a plan but as the years went by I found myself changing my life plan over and over again.

At eleven I knew I was going to be the best witch Hogwarts had ever known. I planned on being the smartest, the best.

At twelve my focus shifted from my grades to the well being of others. And the barrier that some purebloods have against muggleborns. I planned on being the smartest, the best, AND show that muggleborns could do anything as well as purebloods.

A thirteen my focus was changed again to complete terror. It also opened my eyes to how lucky I was to have a family. That I could've been like Harry whose only family really, is me, Ron, and Ron's family. I planned on being the smartest, the best, show that muggleborns could do anything as well as purebloods, AND never let my family go.

At fourteen, I fell for a boy. Even though he went to a different school and I knew logically it would never work out, I still fell for him. Then just as quickly as it happened, it was taken from me just as fast. I planned on being the smartest, the best, show that muggleborns could do anything as well as purebloods, never let my family go, and find true love...

But what was my plan now? I was working in a bar, my book wasn't going to get published, and now my family seemed to be falling apart. I had to pretend Malfoy of all people was my boyfriend...

So here I was, the brink of what should be a great time in my life, and it was just...well crap. I couldn't even fullfill a few simple goals. I sighed and continued to stare at the ceiling.

"You know, staring at a ceiling isn't going to help." I heard Draco say from the doorway. I felt my lips pull into a small smile against my better judgement.

"I know." I said, turning to look at him. "But the minute I walk out of this room, life will hit me again." Okay so I was being a little childish by thinking a door would protect me from life. He nodded as if he seemed to understand. "Why are you being nice?" I asked, changing the topic.

"What do you mean?" he asked me.

"Well you apologized last night, and now your caring about my situation. You've been my sworn enemy since I was eleven. It's pretty fishy if you ask me." I pointed out.

"People change." he said simply. "I told you I have a heart. Now go get your ass off the bed and go talk to your mother." I laughed, he really thought he could tell me what to do?

"Why should I talk to her?"

"Because you've got to decide what to do about your father, does he even know he has a month to live?" I paused.

"No." I whispered. "We wanted to spare him the shock and pain."

"Then make his last month the best month of his life. God Hermione, you know of all people that you just don't sit around waiting for action to happen. Do something. If not because I said so, do it for your family. Take it from someone who has lost their father. He was a terrible man but he was my father and I would give anything to talk to him without airs for five minutes. It's not an easy way to live." I slowly got off the bed, and walked over to him. And I just looked at him good and hard, for who knows how long. "What?"

"You said people change. But yet you still look like the Malfoy I've always known. Same hair, same stature, same eyes. They still look like ice. How can I even begin to believe your changed?"

Then he did the most unexpected thing.

He kissed me.

Just a short peck, but it was enough to catch me off guard. He whispered.

"Then break the ice." and then he paused. "Go talk to your mother." and walked away.

I cautiously knocked on my mother's door. I didn't know how she would react to me being behind the door. I waited until she said for me to come in, and then I entered. She was on her bed, basically almost like I was a few minutes ago.

"What are we going to do about dad?" My mother sighed.

"I'm really not sure. We still have the option of surgery, honey."

"Well Draco just told me something that has me thinking. Dad doesn't know his condition is this bad, and we know there's only surgery left. So let's go ahead with that. But in the wizard world there are potions that can, I guess give the illusion that he's healthy. I mean there's potions for pain, and energy...It'll be enough to make him feel better at least. We can check him out of the hospital during now and the day of the surgery. And I guess we can at least try to make it some of the best days he's had in a while now. So in case he doesn't make it." I paused thewords of him not makingit soaked in. "He can have something fond to think of. "I finished and waited for my mum's reaction. She was silent for what seemed like forever and then she said finally.

"We could do that." I looked at her in surprise, expecting her to yell at me of how stupid the plan was. "It's probably not morally right, us not telling your father how bad his condition is but you are right on the fact your father should havesome good days. I'll talk to the hospital, when can you have the potions ready?" I shrugged.

"I don't know, I'll ask Draco about it." I paused. "We're seriously going to do this."It was a statement but had a question like tonein my voice.Mother nodded.


I finally located Draco in the kitchen and was about to say something, when I for some reason stopped. I mean all he was doing was turning on the fucet, and getting himself a glass of water. It wasn't like he was suddenly tearing the kitchen to pieces, but I found myself stopped in my tracks. I couldn't quite place it, but I didn't find it weird that he was in my kitchen. Sure, I knew he was staying in my house, but I guess he looked good being in my kitchen. It gave him more character somehow, something more than him smirking or sneering. Something about seeing the light hit his hair, making it seem like he had some halo of some sort made him seem heavenly. My breath caught in my throat.

Any more thoughts like that and I was going to be in big trouble.

Draco suddenly seemed to sense I was looking at him and asked,


I resisted the urge to say 'You belong here.'

"I talked to my mother." I blurted out. I felt the blood instantly go to my face, and I stepped into the kitchen.

"And..?" he trailed off. I sighed.

"Looks like we've got a plan." I said simply. Draco smirked.

"See? I might've been second in the class but Malfoys are always right." I had to roll my eyes at that.

"Sure, keeping believing that. I'm not surprised you came up with a plan though, Slytherin is a snake after all. Very sneaky creatures." I pointed out.

"And you were brave enough to take the snake's advice knowing one bite could kill you, Gryffindor." I smiled.

"You know, your alright when your not a jerk."

"Gee, thanks." he answered sarcastically. I was so surprised at how far he and I had come in so little time. Maybe all the theories on opposites attracting are true? Could it be because he actually tried to do more than just saying 'I'm sorry' like everyone else? I wasn't sure, but something was telling me, this was right. Me and him, together. It sounded insane on paper, him a pureblood, me a muggleborn. Him born rich, me...well okay maybe not rich. Him seemingly cold and aloof, tormenting me at every possible moment for seven years. Me, part of a legendary trio the smartest witch of our year. I was the Princess of Gryffindor and...

Well every girl needs a prince...even if he was in Slytherin.

I realized that I was staring at him again when Draco asked me what I was staring at.

"Nothing." I said quickly. "I was thinking."

"You know when we had dinner?" Draco asked a little while later.

"Here?" I said but Draco shook his head.

"No at your place, when this whole chaos started." I nodded. How could I forget that night? "And we slept together."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"We didn't use anything so you could be-"

"Carrying your child at this very moment?" I finished for him as it felt like a bucket of ice cubes had been poured down my back. "Yeah I just now realized that could be a possiblity." I said with fear laced in my voice. "There's only one way to find out."

As I read the result, I felt myself trembling and when I was done reading it I fell to my knees.

"What's the result?" Draco asked. I took a deep breath.


To Be Continued

Well that's interesting isn't it? Time for some voting, what do you think? Should it be positive or negative? Tell me in your review!