Taiy-Chan: Hi everyone! No, this story isn't by me. It's by my friend who is known as Micheyasha. All of the ideas that go into this story comes from her brain. Her parents didn't want her using fanfiction, so I said that I'd post her story. She put a lot of work into it, and I think it's good. So if you read the reviews and see myself reviewing it, don't say 'Why is she reviewing her own story?' cause it's not mine. Ok? Okay. On with the story!

Disclaimer: Micheyasha doesn't own Inuyasha or any of the characters in it.

Chapter One: New Moon

It was the new moon again. Inuyasha knew that he was supposed to stay hidden while in his human form, but he disliked being a coward like this.

"Argh!," Inuyasha snarled, tightening his grip on the Tetsusaiga. "These annoying human nights piss me off!" Kagome looked up from cooking what was going to be their breakfast the next morning.

"I know its hard Inuyasha, but just try to put up with it." Kagome looked at Inuyasha sympathetically.

"Feh!" Came the reply. "I'm going to sleep outside tonight." Kagome sighed and went back to her cooking, trying to ignore her worried thoughts." These human nights make me nervous too. If Naraku decides to pay us a visit, Inuyasha could be in real trouble. Kagome stood up.

"Sango-chan? Are you awake?"

"I am now." Replied Sango yawning. "What is it?"

"I need you to look after our food while I check on Inuyasha.

"Alright then, Kagome. See if you can convince him to come back inside." Kagome stepped out of the hut and looked around. Where's Inuyasha? Kagome looked up and saw a shadowed silhouette of a person sitting on a tree branch. Kagome smiled despite her worry. She should have known that Inuyasha would have gone to sleep in a tree.


Inuyasha turned around. "What do you want?" he asked rudely.

"I wanted to see if you were alright."

"Feh, I thought by now you would have figured out that worrying about me is pointless." Kagome frowned, annoyed.

"Will you stop acting like you're King-of the world and come down here?????" Inuyasha's face turned red at Kagome's remark.

"King-of the world huh?? Well what about you with your 'Inuyasha it's too dangerous to go outside, because the mean old demons might get you' you love thinking that I need protection don't you?????"

Kagome glared at Inuyasha. Inuyasha read the signs and clung to the tree as hard as he could.

"Inuyasha..." Inuyasha tensed, looking terrified.

"SIT BOY!" The poor tree wasn't strong enough to resist Kagome's command, and Inuyasha fell flat on his face but apparently Kagome wasn't satisfied.

"SIT SIT SIT SIT!!!!!!! Inuyasha pried his face from the dirt.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR????" Kagome opened her mouth to say "sit" again but before she could Inuyasha slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Not sit please!!! I'm begging you!!!!" Even thought she was supposed to be mad at him, Kagome started to laugh.

A few minutes later, the two had retreated to a grassy hill which was reasonably close to the hut where Sango and Miroku were sleeping.

Inuyasha and Kagome were sitting together on the hill staring up at the moonless but starry sky.

"Hey Inuyasha…?"

"What is it now!?"

Kagome paused before continuing.

"I've been thinking….. I know that you've decided to become a full fledged demon once we get the Shikon jewel back from Naraku, but aren't you at all worried that you'll forget everything about who you used to be?

Inuyasha stared at Kagome as though she were crazy.

"You're mental Kagome! I'd never forget about any of you, so stop worrying!" When Kagome still looked upset Inuyasha added "You know I'd never let anyone hurt you" Kagome smiled.

"You can't promise that Inuyasha, but it's nice to hear." Kagome rested her head on Inuyasha's shoulder and closed her eyes

"All I'm saying is that I like you the way you are." Inuyasha leaned back in surprise. What am I supposed to say to that?!? I don't want to end up getting Sat again. Unable to think of a reply, Inuyasha simply put an arm around Kagome's shoulder and stared up at the twinkling stars. Neither of them noticed that Sango and Miroku were NOT asleep but that they were hiding in the bushes.

Sango sighed.

"Those two look so cute together, don't you think?" Miroku didn't reply right away.

"How come we never do things like that Sango?" Sango glared at him.

"Because YOU can't last two minutes without stroking my…...!"

Sure enough Miroku's wandering hand had landed on her butt again.

"SEE WHAT I MEAN????" And with that Sango slapped Miroku in the face and headed back to the cabin in a huff. Miroku sighed

"I can never figure out what I do that makes her so mad…" So Miroku headed back to the hut as well but he didn't notice that Inuyasha and Kagome had fallen asleep.

Inuyasha was the first to awaken the next morning. He had transformed back into a hanyou while he was asleep. He felt something on his neck. When he turned to see what it was he accidentally knocked Kagome's head off his shoulder. Kagome woke up and yawned.

"Morning Inuyasha..." Kagome looked around.

"Did we stay out here all night? She asked

"Obviously or else we wouldn't be here!" Kagome laughed and flicked Inuyasha's right ear playfully. Inuyasha blushed slightly and suggested that they head back to the hut. After a nice breakfast the group set out to continue their search for Naraku. The voyage that day was unusually quiet. Kagome noticed that Inuyasha kept glancing back at her and then looking away. It got a little irritating after he did it the first seven times but Kagome decided to ignore it. She didn't think it was important.

Inuyasha was silent as he walked.

The things Kagome had said to him last night were echoing in side his head. I like you the way you are Inuyasha shook his head. Strange girl. She obviously hadn't believed him when he'd said that he wouldn't forget about her when he became a demon. Still… Kagome's words seemed to have had an influence on him. Was becoming a demon really such a good idea? Inuyasha dug deeper into his own thoughts. Would I become a merciless demon like Sesshoumaru? Or would I simply increase in power and have everything else remain the same? Inuyasha wasn't sure. Becoming a demon is what I've always wanted but those transformations I had when the Tetsusaiga broke... Am I going be a murderer like I was then?

The gang's travels brought them to another village, which was a few miles away from the last village they had stayed at. They were all set to walk past this particular town when suddenly Kagome stopped. I'm sensing Shikon jewel shards. But where are they? Sango noticed that Kagome had stopped walking.

"What's the matter Kagome?"

"I'm sensing jewel shards" Kagome replied. "But I can't tell where the signal is coming from." Miroku came up beside her.

"The only natural thing to do is get permission to stay here so that we can find the shards without causing a scene. I'll find the headman, while you all stay here." Sango gave Miroku a formidable glare.

"I don't think so. I'm coming with you in case you decide to try something." Miroku gave Sango a nervous smile. Then he gave a defeated sigh "Let's go then." It took longer than they thought to convince the headman to let them stay. Finally Miroku had to resort to his 'There's an ominous cloud hanging over your house' routine. Since the headman couldn't be sure whether he was lying or not, he had no choice but to let them stay. Meanwhile, Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippou were starting to get impatient.

"This is taking way too long! They should have gotten back by now."Inuysha complained.Kagome smiled.

"If it makes you feel any better Inuyasha, I think I know where the jewel shards are now." This got Inuyasha's attention.

"Are you sure Kagome?" Inuyasha sounded excited.

"I'm positive." Kagome paused, then added

"The signal is coming from a shrine in the middle of the village." Shippou hopped up onto Kagome's shoulder.

"Kagome look! Sango and Miroku are coming back!"

"Well Miroku? Are we allowed in?"

"Yes we are, but we're going to have to fake a demon exorcism"

When Kagome, Shippou, and Inuyasha looked confused Sango decided to explain it to them.

"The headman didn't want us to stay so Miroku had to resort to saying that there was an ominous cloud hanging over the headman's mansion." Miroku looked back to see that Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippou all had fallen over anime-style.

"Is something wrong?" Miroku asked. Inuyasha stood up and gave Miroku a 'you're – completely-hopeless' look.

"I swear Miroku, you never change!"

"Will everyone calm down? I got us in remember?" Sango rolled her eyes and headed to the village entrance Baka Houshi! I can't believe how stupid this headman is. He actually fell for Houshi-Sama's ominous cloud routine. What an idiot!

Oh well, were leaving as soon as we get the shard.

"The jewel shard is over there." Kagome said as they walked through the villiage. She waspointing towardsa mini shrine at the end of the road.

Sango lookedin the direction she was pointing and sighed.

"How are we going to take it without making a scene? The villagers all hang around here like they're guarding the shard. This could get complicated."

Miroku smiled.

"I guess they'resmarter than I thought"

Taiy-Chan: That's about it! I know it's a bit short, but please be nice! I wanted to get this up ASAP for Miceyasha! Anyways, I hope you liked it! Please R&R and I'll send your reviews to Miceyasha! Bye bye!