A Series of Unfortunate Substitutes-
samuraiduck27 and PsychoKitty13
A/N: (teary-eyed) I can't believe this is the last chappie. Excuse me. (walks away sobbing)
PK13: Geez…she was really attached to this fic, ne? Well, here it is. The final chapter for ASOUS. We have reached our goal of 100 + reviews, so thanks a bunch!
SD27: (still crying in background)
PK13: (sighs) Aw, shut up!
SD27: (stops) You don't have to be so mean about it. Anywho- the sequel shouldn't be up for a little while, more than likely, I shall be taking a break from the writing thing.
PK13: At least let us get about two or three chappies written out before we post.
DISCLAIMER: SD and PK do not own anything but themselves. And the plot. But that's not important since there isn't really a plot. AND THAT'S THE LAST TIME WE'LL HAVE TO SAY THAT! THANK RA!
Just an interesting little bit of info…
GDP and I had a sub for Health a few days ago… the one nicknamed by the students as either "Unicorn Man" (his hair is balding all around the top except for a little patch that looks like a unicorn horn'll be growing out of it) or "Molester Chester" cause he always hits on the girls and checks them out. Well, that day, the teachers had to be off the computers by 11:00 for some reason, and the kid sitting a few seats behind me raised his hand, and the teacher called on him. He told the teacher, "Hey, if you wanna look at porn on the computer, ya gotta be off by 11:00."
The class cracked up, and the sub replied: "Why would you say that to me? I may look at that stuff, but never at school!" Not the smartest thing to say…
Anyone besides me make a small connection to Chapter 8 here?
SD27: Anyways… ONWARD!
Chapter 10- After the Last Bell Rings…
PK and SD literally burst out the school doors- running quickly through the grounds and trampling any poor student who got in their way.
"Whew… glad to be free!" exclaimed SD, once the two had slowed down.
"Yeah…y-you sure they're not following us?" PK asked, a very paranoid look on her face; making her look like she was on withdrawal from something.
Just then, a blondish-brown haired, green-eyed girl very familiar to the two troublemakers, who was known as Kim Zephyr, passed by and bumped into PK. She took one look at the girl's stressed out face and yelled out "Look! Run everyone! It's Crack-head Mary!" before bursting into a fit of laughter and walking off.
PK glared at the girl behind her back, "How the hell do you put up with her, SD? She's as bad as you!"
SD shrugged, "She's my sister- you get used to it after awhile…and what was that supposed to mea-"
PK, who had been walking a little ahead of SD, stopped and turned around as she noticed her friend had been cut off from whatever she had said. PK looked around and didn't see the vertically challenged blond anywhere in sight.
She'd definitely pull something like this…trying to get me all freaked out…PK thought as she looked for her friend.
"SD? SD, this better not be a trick! I'm warning y-"
PK felt herself being grabbed by the arms as something was thrown over her head.
Oh my god… oh my god…I'm being fricking kidnapped here! Wait a sec- SD pulled something like this last year! Grrrr…she is SO dead!
A foul stench of garbage reached PK's nose through the covering- she concluded that her 'kidnapper' had led her into the alley near the school- only a few yards away from where SD and PK were walking, yet secluded enough for no one to notice they would be gong in there. No one went near that alley- except the garbage men, that is. And the stoners.
PK let herself be dragged, but let out an "oomph" sound when she came in contact with what she assumed was the alley wall. The covering over her head was ripped off violently, and a bright light blinded her temporarily before her eyes went back into focus.
"Ookay… SD, great trick 'n all- but this is going a bit overboard." PK said.
Any sign of her abductor was gone, and the alley seemed unnaturally dark; it was only 2:30 in the afternoon after all- yet to PK, it seemed like it was a little after sunset. Various noises came from all around PK- scaring the wits out of the girl as it happened every minute or so.
PK took a step back, expecting to come in contact with the wall again, but she came into contact with air.
Strange…is it just me, or does it seem like the alley just got a helluva lot longer and wider?
Then, it clicked in PK's mind on where she really was.
"Aw crap! I'm in the bloody Shadow Realm!" she moaned.
A scream broke PK out of her thoughts, and she rushed towards the familiar sound.
"SD! SD, where the hell are you?" PK yelled out as she ran through the Shadows- ignoring the various sounds and scrapes coming from all around her as she ran.
PK stopped to take a breath- she wasn't getting any closer to SD, and if her calculations were correct, SD must've come in contact with a monster…or whoever sent them here. That, and PK had the sneaking suspicion she was running in a circle. That lump of Shadow over there looked vaguely familiar…
PK was cut off from her musing as something collided into her and knocked her onto the ground. More specifically, someone knocked her over.
"SD! There you are! Are you okay?" sighed PK, getting up.
SD let out a stream of babbling, all of it incoherent. She kept gesturing and looking fearfully behind her as she spoke, getting PK agitated. The brunette finally had enough and shook the girl by her shoulders.
"SD, talk right, damn it!"
The shorter girl blinked in surprise, but before she could respond, the two heard a faint call of "White Lightning!" in the distance followed by the roar of a dragon.
"Run!" cried SD, pulling PK out of the way as a bolt of bright, white, light hit the spot the two were previously occupying.
"You have a Blue Eyes after you?" exclaimed PK as the two ran for their lives.
"No… I have all three, plus an enraged CEO on my ass!" SD replied.
"Why SD- I would have thought you'd like having Seto chase after you…" smirked PK.
"Not when he's trying to kill me, you baka! Now pick up the pace- or else we'll be Blue Eyes food!"
Just when the two thought they had lost the CEO and his dragons, a deep voice yelled out from the Shadows…
"Swords of Revealing Light! Spellbinding Circle!"
SD yelped as three bright swords fell from the sky, trapping her within a cage formed by the three and blinding the girl.
PK yelled as well as she was suspended in midair by a bright, multicolored ring inscribed with runes- rendering the girl immobile.
"This is all your fault, SD!" PK cried.
"What? Why is it my fault?" SD shot back, "You were the one who wanted to prank the Pharaoh! And may I remind you that these are his cards?"
"Well- we might not have run into this problem if we hadn't been running from the three BEWDs and Seto! That's all your fault!"
"You mean those dragons, PK?"
PK bit back her retort and muttered a curse under her breath as she noticed that they had been surrounded by a number of monsters… and their owners.
There was Seto and his three Blue Eyes, Yami and his Dark Magician, and a Dark Necrofear accompanying the one and only Bakura, all smirking evilly at them. Speaking of 'Kura…
"…what in Ra's name happened to your hair, Kura?" PK gaped, almost in tears at the sight of the tomb robber while SD tried hard not to laugh.
Bakura though, he just twitched violently and glared at the girls, his mind replaying what had happened earlier that day…
Flashback… 30 minutes earlier-
Yami nodded at the secretary as he made his way into the office. It was his planning period, and he had decided to exact his revenge for earlier. But, figuring out that SD and PK would be in class and he didn't feel like tracking them down- he decided to go after the instigator of the whole affair.
After all- since Bakura was oh so kind enough to tell him where he resided in the school, he'd be rude if he didn't go pay the thief a visit.
Yami burst open the door, preparing to see Bakura's shocked and arrogant face peering at him before he did his little speech and sent him to the Shadow Realm. What he wasn't expecting though, was to open the door to a dimly lit room- the only source of light being the minimal amount of sunlight streaming through the closed blinds- to see his nemesis sleeping like a baby, curled up in the comfort of the oversized Italian leather chair, thumb in mouth.
(A/N: Cue the awwwwing from the various Bakura fangirls. …okay, back to the fic)
Yami blinked- this was just…awkward. Walking forward slowly, he reached the desk and looked at the sleeping albino. Yami held off on the banishing- after all, this could be Ryou, not Bakura. It wasn't like the tomb robber to let his guard down so easily; that, and he just looked too innocent.
Besides- Yugi would be very upset if he accidentally sent the British boy to the Shadow Realm instead of the thief. Not to mention how angry Ryou would be…
Yami shuddered- an angry Ryou was one of the scariest things one could ever see. Not smart to be on the receiving end of his temper. But, the spirit's fears were soon dispelled as the figure curled up in the chair shifted and mumbled "Baka Pharaoh… to the Shadows with you…" in his sleep.
At least I know now it's not Ryou… Yami mentally sighed in relief, But what to do with him now?
Yami looked around the office for an revenge idea. After all- he decided not to send the spirit to the Shadow Realm because 1) Ryou'd be pissed 2) He always managed to get out anyways and 3) Bakura didn't really seemed to mind getting sent there- but rather saw it as a minor annoyance now.
Looking around the office- he frowned at the sight of the makeshift dartboard, and noticed that the Yami in the photo had had his hair scribbled in with a green Sharpie. The former Pharaoh growled and sent a glare towards the sleeping tomb robber. Finally figuring out a plan of revenge, Yami adopted a smirk rivaling one of Bakura's and stalked over to the sleeping spirit.
"Hey Bakura…Bakura?" called Yami, poking Bakura in the chest and arm. All the robber did was sit there, snoring lightly.
Seeing that there was no change in the sleeping pattern, Yami's hands inched towards a shining pair of scissors laying on the desk.
"An eye for an eye, and a hairstyle for a hairstyle…"
End Flashback
Bakura growled as he recalled the memory. The only reason he got pranked by the Pharaoh was because Yami couldn't find the girls! It was all their fault!
"What happened to my hair? What happened to my hair? The Ra-damned pharaoh happened to my hair! Since he couldn't find you two onnas, he went after me and…and did this!"
Bakura got within a 3 inch radius of the two girls and yelled in their faces as he said this, and SD couldn't take it anymore. She burst out laughing hysterically at the situation- falling against one of the Swords trapping her and sliding down to the ground.
Bakura's hair had gone from its- as PK liked to call it- silky soft, long white hairstyle to one that had been unevenly sheared to his ears and the 'bat wing effect' that distinguished yami from hikari totally chopped off as well. The overall effect was a tousled, just rolled out of bed look gone wrong that didn't fit the tomb robber.
Not to mention the fact that one doesn't look very intimidating with a mix of cherry Kool-Aid powder and ink poured over their head- giving the hair a spotted white, black, red, and red-black effect.
Ah yes…Yami did well on his plan of revenge.
When SD stopped laughing, she voiced the question lingering on her and PK's minds.
"Um…if Yami did that to you, why exactly are you working with him?"
"Because. He wanted revenge, I wanted revenge, we share similar interests so we're allies for the moment. But he had better watch his back because the second I'm done with him it's his turn." Bakura answered.
"And did you two honestly believe you'd get away with everything that you pulled off today?" asked Kaiba, "Your little games were clever, I'll admit; seeing that ego-crazed Pharaoh over there with a neon green hairstyle made my day, but hacking into my computer was going too far."
"And spraying me with that crap!" added Yami.
"And leaving me to deal with the Pharaoh-no-baka!" yelled Bakura.
"And not to mention the other angry people waiting outside the Shadows for us." smirked Seto, "We thought it odd that so many substitutes were getting pranked, and that you two fit the descriptions of those who had caused the incidents."
"And since you lost the Shadow Game we played…" smirked Yami.
PK blinked, "Hold on a second- I never agreed to any Shadow Game!"
SD gulped from her prison and began to whistle innocently. PK's head turned so quickly it was surprising that the girl didn't get whiplash.
"What did you do?" PK ground out.
"Hehe… I um, accepted the challenge Seto proposed?" squeaked SD.
"And how did he do that? He doesn't have a bloody Millennium Item!" yelled PK.
Seto coughed and held up the Millennium Rod that he had been forced to take from Isis. She had practically shoved the thing down his throat, after all. He may not have wanted it- but it did have its perks.
"Ah… right then." PK sweatdropped, "SO what exactly did you get us into, SD?"
"….." SD mumbled something that PK barely heard.
"You did what?" she screeched.
SD had agreed to the terms of the game- being that if SD had managed to get out of sight of the Blue Eyes White Dragons or Seto for at least 30 seconds in a row, she would win. But- she didn't realize that they'd be chasing her, or that there'd be all three of them and they'd be shooting at her. SD wasn't too smart that way. Consequences? Both her and PK would have to suffer the same fate if she had been caught. And well, as you can see…
"Now- Penalty Game!" yelled Yami as the Shadows began to disintegrate.
SD and PK were confused- wasn't the spirit gonna Mind Crush them? But their confusion quickly formed into fear and apprehension as they saw what was waiting for them outside the purplish mist.
A Mind Crush sounded really good right about now.
Outside the Shadow Realm, in the alley, stood a group of very pissed off demon and half-demon substitute teachers.
Hiei, Kurama, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Yusuke.
"Ooh…this aint good. Not good at all." mumbled SD and both her and PK paled at the sight.
"Onna- where is my katana?" growled Hiei.
"Ano…" SD thought for a second- where did she put it?- "I dunno, Hiei?"
"And my personal belongings?" added Kurama, a deadly flash of anger stirring in his eyes.
"Hehe… I dunno either- I stashed them with SD's stuff." PK managed to get out.
"You're gonna pay for tripping me earlier." Yusuke added.
"And for shoving me in the pool!" yelled/said Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, before looking at each other in disgust at saying the same thing at the same time.
The group of demons, half-demons, spirits, and a reincarnated High Priest advanced on the two girls, bloodlust shining in their eyes. SD and PK backed into the wall, realizing they were trapped and had nowhere to go.
"Well…it's been nice knowing ya, PK." said SD.
"Yeah- ditto, SD."
Just then- the mob of angry substitutes closed in. Kurama raised a rose above his head and Sesshomaru bared his claws. They brought the weapons down and SD and PK shut their eyes-
(A/N: Should I leave it here? Nah…….)
"Rae…Rae! Raechel Marie Zephyr, get your ass out of bed! You're gonna be late for school!"
SD opened her eyes to the sound of her mother yelling at her to get up.
Dude… that was a fricking awesome dream. Ending though- not so nice. I have to tell PK about that.
"I'm up, I'm up! Gah! I gotta get ready!" SD yelled downstairs before rushing around trying to get ready.
"And then, they're all ready to kill us- and I wake up."
"…That is just creepy. But sounds like fun!"
PK and SD were in the Gym locker room, getting ready for another wonderful day of Gym class. SD had just finished PK about her odd dream. PK, on one hand, was glad that she 'kissed' Bakura in SD's dream- and didn't find it odd at all that something happened like that in SD's and not her's- but not so happy about the whole hair issue.
The two finished getting their uniforms on and were talking when annoying, preppy Jessica waltzed into the locker room.
"Hey! Did you hear? Emerick had a total mental breakdown! He's not gonna be here for a few weeks!"
"Who's the sub?"
"Some Asian guy- pretty cute though."
"…SD? SD are you okay? SD!"
SD27: It's done…it's all done…
PK13: (throws confetti) Wahoo!
SD27: We'd like to thank everyone who's supported us throughout this whole ficcie. THANKS YOU SO MUCH! (throws plushies, candy, cookies, money to reviewers)
PK13: And here's the replies- for the last time!
SD27: (cries) Nooooooo!
Reviewer Replies-
Jasmine Reinier- Thanks for reviewing! Glad you liked your plushie! Hope you liked this chappie as well- thanks so much for reviewing over the last couple chapters, we really appreciate it! You rock!
Go Drink PineSol- Yeah, I'm a bitch, aint I? (LMAO) I had to do it though… I is sorry! Woohoo- sequel here we come!
Nytingale- Thanks for reviewing! We really appreciate all the support you've given us throughout this fic! You rock! We'll send you an email when I post the sequel, no prob! Hope you liked the ending!
Shadowed Kitsune- Thanks for reviewing! YOU ARE OUR 100TH REVIEWER! (gives Sephiroth plushie to you) Yay! Glad you liked it- hope this one was good as well!
Alexa Midori McClinock-Kaiba- Thanks for reviewing! Glad you liked it! Thanks for supporting us since chapter one- you rock!
Ryushi Nagami- Thanks for reviewing! Yeah… they kinda got their butts kicked in the end. Hope you liked this one!
XxMidnightRosesxX- Thanks for reviewing! Glad you liked it! You rock!
Computerfreak101- Thanks for reviewing! You rock! Ooh- don't hurt yourself if you bang your head on the wall! Avoid sharp corners! LOL. Hehe- thanks for supporting us!
Baka Basher- Thanks for reviewing! You went to your first convention? Awesome! I'm going to my very first one in a little less than a week. I told Katie about the cosplay band- she found that highly amusing. Thanks for supporting us since chappie one- you rock!
brigg55- Thanks for reviewing! Yeah…we were a little mean to Yami, but we hate him SO MUCH! Glad you enjoyed the story!
Black Spell- Thanks for reviewing, glad you liked it! Hope this one was good as well- you rock!
Nausicaafan1- As hilarious as that idea would have been, you reviewed a little too late. Thanks so much for reviewing, we really appreciate it! You rock!
genny62890- Thanks so much for reviewing! We really appreciate it! Hoped the ending was good! You rock!
SD27: And here's the little teaser for the sequel to ASOUS! It should be out in about a month or so- I need to do some editing, wanna get another chapter or two of it done, and get my grades up in Geometry.
PK13: That, and the evil known as Finals Week is quickly approaching! Run!
Both girls paled as the machine's lights went on and the infrared sensor started glowing, pointing directly at the girls.
Just then, the scientists came back in- evidentially there was an alarm on the teleporting device and SD had set it off.
"What are you two doing in here?" yelled one of them, scaring the two girls.
Before they could move out of the beam's path or answer the scientist, a reddish-orange beam hit the book, SD, and PK; and they, along with the rest of their belongings, vanished into thin air.
Chaos erupted in their wake as the baffled scientists looked on in horror as the two teens disappeared.
SD27: Well, that's it minna.
PK13: Please review- and we'll see ya in the sequel!
Ja ne, minna-san!
PsychoKitty13 and samuraiduck27
Fic stared- January 12th, 2005
Fic completed- May 7th, 2005