Hey out there everyone! Well to those of you who are currently reading my other fic In a New York Minutethanks forreadingthat story but I already wrote the first six chapter of this story on paper like forever ago so I sat down and just decided to type as much as I could before I my eyes popped out b/c I was so tired! Well I hope you like this story.

Disclaimer- I don't own sailor moon just the plot line to this story and my made up characters.

England 1672

" Stephan!" Endymion called across the court yard. " Where in the hell can he be?" Endymion asked himself. "Most likely winching one of the maids in the castle, I should know by now. Stephan ! Where are you?" Endymion called again with annoyance. Endymion walked around the castle yard, his brother was not hard to miss. Tall with blonde hair and violet eyes with a strong muscular build, it was no questioned while all the young maidens swooned over him.

Endymion stood in the middle of the yard. Frowning his brow, making him look like a child. His black hair almost shinning blue in the sunlight, his dark blue violet eyes filled with mysteriousness. His tall 6'0 ft fame and broad shoulders shrugging as if saying he was giving up on finding his younger brother. He leaned his head back in to the sun turning his tan a golden brown. He was handsome no doubt, but was unreachable.

Stephan loved watching his younger brother look for him, it was very amusing. He took great pleasure in seeing him scurry about as if he was a chicken about to be cooked for dinner. Stephan chuckled to him self finally having enough enjoyment on his brother's expense he emerged from his hiding spot in the stables. Endymion face completely consumed by anger as Stephan walked up to him very casually and laughing.

" Why do you do that? Honestly!" Endymion yelled at Stephan.

"Calm down Darien I was only joking!" Stephan said trying to gain composure.

" How many times have I told you not to call me by my middle name!" Endymion hissed.

" I don't know. How many times have you bedded that maid you like?" Stephan questioned arching an eye brow with a smug smile.

Endymion waved a hand. " Enough. Father wishes to speak to us."

" His majesty why didn't you come get me?" Stephan asked with a sly smile and turned around and walked in to the castle. Endymion followed him and pretended to strangle him from behind using hand motions.

As they entered the thrown room the both bowed in unison.

" Arise my sons" the kings powerful voice rang out.

Endymion walked up to where his fathers throne was. " Father, Mother, little sister. I bid you good morning".

Stephan simply nodded. The King sat up straight and stared at both the young men. " I have a great deal to talk to you all about, but before I do let me wish Endymion a happy birthday. You will be 23 tomorrow. Which brings me to my discussion today its time all three of you started thinking about your betrotheds. Stephan you being the oldest son will rule England when your mother and I renounce the thrown. But for now you and the Countess of Beacks in Austria will spend time together in her home. You will leave to her in two weeks." Stephan nodded. Endymion rolled his eyes. It was no secret that the Countess was skilled in the manors of love making. " And now you Endymion, you will be meeting Serenity LeBlanc the Princess of France in early September."

Endymion rolled his eyes. Yes he though to him self the Princess of France she was promised to him when she was 7 and he 12 making her 18. He only knew of her age because her birthday was in late April and he had sent her a box of jewels. Endymion straightened up a bit " Father I do not even know this girl.." Endymion stopped mid sentence. " Hush" the Queen put up her hand. " Serenity comes in September. You will be married in late October. She is the only heir to the French throne. You will marry herein the Catholic Church in front of god and the Pope. After you marry you will return back to France and rule as King and Queen." She finished and stared at him. " Yes mother. May I please be excused." " You may" the King said.

As Endymion walked down the hallway he could here is Father telling his sister that she would be going to Denmark when she turned 19 which would be in 5 years. He could tell she was angry by her response. Endymion chuckled a bit and continued to walk down the hall and to the grand stair case where he went to his chamber.

ok well i hope you like it guys! please review !! thx! love y'all byebye