Give Me One More Chance
Pairing: Lucius/James
Rating: Kneazle
Disclaimer: The characters of Harry Potter are not mine; they are the property of JK Rowling and Warner Bros. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
WARNING: This is about male pregnancy and male/male relationships. I'm letting you know now what the relationships WILL contain. So, if you are AGAINST such pairings, please find something else more to your liking, you have been WARNED.
Notes: Okay, so it has been an extremely LONG time since I've updated this fic and others and I DO apologize for that. Real Life just kicked me in the teeth and I'm still trying to recover from it. Hopefully, this will tie everyone over until I get my muses back from their vacation in lala-land. I also would like to thank everyone for being patient for this long-awaited post. Thank you.
Those who are waiting for A Mate for Sesshoumaru (Worlds Apart has been recently updated), it's coming. Please be a little more patient as I have not had access to Microsoft Word in quite some time, which was why I haven't been able to post. I still hand write my fics before typing up the final draft before posting.
Flames will be ignored.
Special thank you to: Everyone and for emailing me to update and those who have read but didn't review, I hope you had enjoyed the story thus far.
This chapter is not beta-read. All mistakes are mine.
Chapter 30: Mistakes, I made a few
Matthew stared out his bedroom window looking over the vastness of his family's estate. The castle was very old, it's construction dates back as far as the early thirteenth century. It had been modified throughout the years as the ages progress to fit the modern lifestyle of an ever-changing world.
Electric lights now adorned every room where candles and torches once hang. Gas stoves and ovens replaced wood burning spits and cauldron stew pots. The fireplaces remained untouched throughout the grand castle, which gave warmth to the old bricks of the drafty interior during the freezing season of winter.
The older wizard gave a wan smile as he thought about this was where he had wanted to spend his honeymoon with Lucien. He gave mirthless chuckle—it was ironic how a few choice words led to them breaking up. Matthew sighed in anguish. He couldn't dwell on it now—what's been done has been done and nothing was going to change that. Even his friendship with Octavious went up in a pillar of flames.
He felt more alone now than ever before.
"He loves you, my dear."
Turning around, Matthew faced the pure essence of his wife—beautiful in life with long knee length shimmering auburn hair, along with glowing milky white skin and verdant eyes to ensnare any who gazed upon her—now… she was a specter of the woman he once loved, forever bound to these lands.
Matthew never told his son how his mother died. He couldn't bare the thought of losing his only child because Mercier would allow the guilt to eat him alive of knowing that he was the reason his beloved Mihaela fell to her death. The truth would kill him. No, it was better that Matthew used a memory charm to modify Mercier's memory of that fateful night.
"And you know this, how?" he asked, searching her eyes that once held passion and affection.
"While I may be confined to these walls, I can see the outside world through your eyes and Mercier's," she answered, giving her former husband now friend a comforting smile.
"All is not lost, Matthew. Even now he speaks with our son trying to gain information of your whereabouts. He will come to you, my love. Never fear," she continued, giving him a small ounce of hope.
"Walk with me, my love," Mihaela beckoned, leading Matthew down the stairwell and outside to the winter wonderland outside.
The light pattering of rain startled Lucius awake. Looking out of the window of the infirmary, Madame Pomfrey made the private room as comfortable as she could, but no matter what, this wasn't home.
Lucius sat-up, breathing deeply then exhaling. He was tired and it showed. Walking into the adjoining bathroom, he grabbed his toiletries along with a change of clothes. Three almost four weeks passed since James nearly went into labor. It practically scared him when Poppy sent that message, briefly explaining that he had to come to the school straight away.
He didn't know what he was going find upon his arrival. Maybe one of the boys got into a fight, which probably would have been better, than to the healer tell him that James went against doctor's orders of complete bed rest and went to the school on utter foolishness. He was still mad with the Headmaster for involving James.
He still didn't get the full details of what happened but from Albus' quick explanation Sheridan was pregnant and Calhoun was the father. But once he knew that James was out of danger of premature labor, his first thought was Sirius and what the ex-convict might do to Calhoun.
Luckily, he was able to prevent Sirius from commenting murder in the first degree. It would have been awful, and Severus had once again been without his spouse for some years to come.
The hot steaming water cascade off stiff muscles and his aching back. Sitting in that chair was doing him no good. Madame Pomfrey told him that he could lay in the bed with James, but he had to be careful of not jarring him. She and Doctor Bloom felt that the baby needed to develop for another two weeks then after that, she could be safely delivered.
Lucius wondered how his father was doing. They talked momentarily when Lucien came to check on James and the baby. Lucius noticed that his father didn't look well, dark circles were under dull mercurial eyes and if he didn't know any better, Lucius felt that his father had lost some weight as well.
Something was afoot with the older Malfoy and unfortunately, Lucius couldn't be away from his husband for any length of time. Maybe he should fire call Severus to find out if anything of importance took place while he's been confined to Hogwarts.
Stepping out of the cubicle and thoroughly drying off, Lucius dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt. He threw on his robe but left it opened. He wasn't going anywhere, so there was no need for him to get dressed in his finest clothes.
Retaking his sit by James' bed, Lucius settled himself once more with some work from the school governors to chisel away the time.
James haven't stirred yet. Doctor Bloom kept him in a semi-conscious state to prevent James from unnecessary movement and to allow his body to regain strength as the baby tended to sap all of his energy.
His eyes began to droop as the lines blurred. Lucius shook his head. He needed fresh air or at the very least to get up to walk around. With his decision made, he went to visit his friend.
It felt a little strange, coming back to the mansion after their impromptu fight. Lucien stood on the elegant porch of old beechwood and intricate cravings of scrolling vines and leaves, before deciding to knock on the door. He Fire called but apparently, Matthew blocked all incoming communications.
Even his majestic bird-of-prey, Nyx, returned quickly after he sent her off with a letter for Matthew—an unplottable spell and a notice-me-not charm had been erected. Luckily, Lucien was still able to find the mansion as he had been here numerous times over. Both enchantments didn't work on him.
After staring worriedly, he knocked. Several minutes later, Lucien was greeted by Calhoun upon entering the sitting room off the left of the entryway once the house-elf showed him in.
"How are you doing?" Calhoun asked politely. He was wondering why Lucien was even here. He thought that his father and Lucien were together, apparently, he was quite mistaken.
It was a little disconcerting looking at Calhoun as a sixteen-year-old again. Whatever potion Severus brewed would keep Calhoun this way until Sheridan matured. It wasn't the cure to youthfulness only something to make Sheridan comfortable with the age difference.
"I wanted… if I may, might be able to speak with your father, Cal," Lucien requested.
Surprised by the query, did Matthew not tell his lover where he was going, Calhoun answered, "I'm sorry, Lucien, but he's not here. In fact, I thought that the two of you went on holiday together, which is why I'm surprised to see you."
If Lucien's face showed any shock, Calhoun didn't take notice or simply just ignored it.
The color drained from Lucien's face at the implication of the words. "What do you mean?" Lucien asked. His breathing quickened a bit as his heart began to race.
"My father left the day after the wedding to give Sheridan and me some privacy," Calhoun replied. "He had mentioned before that he wanted to take you with him on his next visit."
He observed the slight rapid movement of Lucien's pulse in his neck as well as hearing the speedy pounding of Lucien's heart. Calhoun also saw the dampness spreading across his friend's forehead.
Lucien was having a panic attack.
"May I ask, where did he go and how long would he be away?"
Thinking, Calhoun answered, "Well, normally, I would accompany him but with Sheridan being pregnant, it's not recommended that she travel until after the baby is born. At any rate, Father went to our family estate in Bucharest and will not be returning for three months at least.
"He may be gone longer as he left me in charge of the firm for an undetermined amount of time. He also placed some of his personal possessions in storage—others he had shipped to Romania," Calhoun explained.
Lucien's knees almost gave out. Concerned, Calhoun maneuvered the older wizard into the nearest chair. Lucien looked terribly pasty as he tried to get his breathing under control. But it did no good, they didn't make to the chaise lounge. Lucien collapsed in a dead heap upon the hardwood floor taking Calhoun with him.
The loud crash brought Sheridan as she was in the smaller library just down the hall from the receiving room near the entryway.
Upon entering the room, she gasped at the sight of her husband attempting to haul Lord Malfoy up and onto the nearest chaise lounge.
Wasting no time, she went to Calhoun's aid and grabbed on Lucien other arm.
"Sheridan, you shouldn't be lifting anything heavy! I can call one of the house-elves to help. Fire call Madame Arterberry and while you're at it, call Octavious as well. Lucien will probably need potions of some sort," Calhoun instructed his young wife.
Sheridan went to the fireplace, tossing in a handful of floo powder, cringing in pain as she relied information to the healer.
Within moments, both Octavious and Adamina was at the mansion. Octavious helped with moving Lucien into the master bedroom.
Returning downstairs leaving the healer to tend to her patient, the Potions master started questioning Calhoun.
"What the hell happened, Mercier?" Octavious rounded in on the younger looking Calhoun.
"I wish that I could tell you," the teen truthfully answered. He was still trying to process the whole situation himself as he carded his hand nervously through his hair.
"What were you discussing before he passed out? Something had to have set him off," Octavious asked pacing the length of the room in deep thought. He was clearly concerned for his longtime friend.
"He asked about my father and I told him that he's out of the country."
Pausing in mid-step, Octavious turned to face the younger wizard, clearly not understanding. Why would Matthew leave and not tell his lover where he was going? This obviously caused Lucien some distress.
"Look, Octavious, I know that this is not any of my business but whatever is going with you, Lucien, and my father needs to be straighten out," Calhoun said.
Sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose, Octavious finally sat down adjacent to the lawyer, feeling his age plus some years.
"We said some pretty nasty things to each other and I disregarded Matthew and your feelings when I discovered Sheridan's condition. I knew that night when we came over that you were not responsible for her being pregnant. I allowed my tempter to get the best of me and I took it out on the two of you, and Matthew being the loving parent that he is, he defended you and in-turn lashed out at me by stating that Sheridan had loose morals.
Calhoun couldn't believe what he just heard. Almost a whole month has went by and they still haven't gotten their crap together.
He grinded his teeth together in obvious anger.
"I gave into your demands, Octavious! And you mean to say, to tell me, that you are too goddamn proud to simply say that you're sorry?" Calhoun yelled.
"It's been three bloody weeks since Sheridan and I were wed, and you still haven't spoken to my father?! No wonder he left—he was practically thrown to the wolves by his so-called best friend and lover!"
"What would you have done if it was your grandchild? Or even your daughter?!" Octavious countered.
"I would not have made my lover or friend feel like the lowest scum on earth. Do you know that something like this of this magnitude could have an unsavory consequence? My father and I walk a very thin line of maintaining our humanity, and once we cross over, there is no way we shall recovery. We can never go back and I for one am not willing to risk Sheridan or our unborn child's life because you can't get your heads out of your arses!" Calhoun shouted.
Octavious looked aghast at the implications.
"Are you saying that-"
"You know bloody well what I'm saying, Octavious! My father and Lucien at odds—his only source of balance since my mother died has been ripped away. Plus, his friendship with you…" Calhoun trailed off before continuing, trying to calm his breathing.
"I never wanted to believe the stories. The pull. The hunger. The signs are all there. It's only a matter of time before my father and I succumb to the changes that our bodies are going through," he gave a small chuckle. "And it scares me, Octavious, and I will kill myself before I turn into a monster or be turned into a weapon for this damn war."
The Potions master couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"There must be… Something that we can do. You cannot just simply give-up, Mercier!"
"Sheridan and I have not formalized our bond yet. If I die, I know that she will survive and love me as the man that I am now, not the monster that I will become. I know how this works, remember?" Calhoun said. "This doesn't end well for me, Octavious."
Rolling his eyes, Octavious almost groaned. The youth could be so trying in the best of times.
"Then you are a fool. You half did your homework, boy! As a direct descendant of Tepes—you need only your mate's blood to sustain you. Sheridan has the strength to keep you alive. Besides, you would only need her blood if you were ever gravely injured. Stop being so overly dramatic, you're as bad a Lucius on a good day. And speaking of him, I need to let him know what's going-on with Lucien," Octavious said after he properly chastised Calhoun.
All of Calhoun's arguments were disregarded and for the first time in a while he felt a little better.
Madame Arteberry knocked before entering the parlor to let them know of her findings.
"Lord Snape? A word please," she asked.
Octavious noticed the pinched looked on the healer's face.
"Whatever you have to say to me can be said in front of Mercier," Octavious replied.
"Gentlemen, unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to discuss Lord Malfoy's condition unless related or named as a representative of the family."
"I was just about to contact Lucius. Give me a moment, if you will," Octavious swept out the room in a flurry of robes. Hoping beyond hope, that Lucien will be fine.
But fine, was a relative term and held a wide range of complex meanings and emotions. What a bloody mess, Octavious thought grimly as he through floo powder into the fireplace.
Sitting at his desk marking papers, Severus paused in giving his student a big fat Troll for not explaining in detail all the ingredients for the wit-sharpening potion.
Giving his poor brain a break from horrible grammar and spelling, Severus looked up to the sound of his name being called. He needed a distraction at any rate.
Getting up, he saw his friend standing in his chamber near the portrait entrance.
Lucius took in Severus' appearance and was surprised to see the tale-tell signs of him being pregnant.
"Why, Severus," Lucius drawled, smirking. "It seems that you and Sirius have been quite busy of late—care to share?"
In his haste to greet his friend, Severus forgot to don his robe. Plus, his frockcoat was no longer fitting properly, and he foregone wearing it in his private chambers. He didn't think he'd be receiving visitors so early in the morning. Now, his belly was on full display.
"Have a seat, Lucius. This may come as a surprise; but Sirius and I didn't plan on having any more children," Severus explained but the pink tints to his cheeks said otherwise.
Then he went on to inform Lucius of what happened when he miscarried the first time when Sirius was locked-up.
Severus didn't get far into his story when his fireplace lit-up with his father's head.
"Severus, sorry to bother you at this time of morning, but have you seen Lucius? Madame Pomfrey said that she hasn't seen him since late last night when she checking on James," Octavious asked.
"I'm here," Lucius interjected before Severus could answer.
"You're needed here at the Calhoun estate."
Frowning, Lucius negatively shook his head. "I'm sorry, Octavious, whatever it is will have to wait. I can't leave James unattended for too long."
"Lucien collapsed when Mercier told him his father left. He's been unconscious ever since. Madame Arterberry is tending to him now, but she refuses to give update on his condition with out a family member or his lawyer present. Now, Matthew is gone, so you need to get here post-haste."
Nearly stumbling over each other in haste, both former Slytherins crossed the floo to the Calhoun's estate. Lucius penned a short note to the Headmaster and to Madame Pomfrey letting them know that he was called away for an emergency concerning his father.
Bolting up the stairs, Lucius was directed to the guest bedroom near the family wing of the mansion, leaving Severus alone with his father.
"So, it this the reason why you've asked me to cover your classes in the morning," Octavious said. He was upset that his only son wouldn't tell him that he was expecting another child.
"I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, father, but considering that this is a high-risk pregnancy for me, Sirius and I felt that the best course of action was not to inform anyone until I'm at least twenty weeks along. I can still lose the child," Severus answered. "But you and mother already knew about the pregnancy."
"Yes, we did, but it would have been nice if you had told tell us directly instead of hiding it," Octavious said with a slight reprimand to his tone.
Sighing, Severus stood to his full height facing his father. "I'm pregnant. There, satisfied now."
Clenching his teeth in anger, Octavious hissed, "I meant to your mother, you arse. She nearly cried once she read the parchments from the record's office." Then the older Potions master smiled, Severus took a cautious step back (not to say that he was scared, but the look on his father's face made his heart beat just little bit faster).
"I think dinner with the kids and Sirius is in order. I'll go and inform her at once. Next Saturday should be good and do plan to stay over night," Ocativous announced walking quickly away before his son could protest or decline.
Standing alone in the middle of the foyer, Severus cussed. He should have known that his father would pull a stunt like this! Shoulders now sagging, he had no one to blame but himself for not owling his mother.
Oh, Sirius was going to have the worse fit ever.
In Calhoun's study, all was gathered waiting for Lucius to bring word on his father's condition. They didn't have long to wait when he entered with Madame Arteberry.
"Well?" Octavious asked wanting to know what was going-on with his best-friend.
"Gentlemen, it seams that Lord Malfoy is currently in a healing sleep. My best estimate is that some type of strain is on his Veela gene," the healer announced.
"I beg your pardon, Madame, but did you say, Veela?" Calhoun reiterated.
"Yes, you hear me correctly. As you know, the Malfoys along with every other pure-blood wizarding family around has some type of magical creature blood just like yours."
Calhoun shut his mouth from asking another stupid question.
"What caused him to pass out," Octavious interjected glaring at the young lord.
"And therein lays the problem. I don't know," she admitted.
"My father must have somehow bonded to Matthew. As long as he knew that Matthew was here, he was fine and as soon as Cal said he was no longer in England…" Lucius trailed off, he didn't need to rehash what happened.
Now the question was: how do they get in contact with Matthew to have him come back home?
"And we have another complication, Lord Malfoy's magical core is being drained. If he doesn't wake-up soon, I'm afraid that he will die," Madame Arteberry added, then left to see about Lucien once more before she depart. There really wasn't much she could except keep him comfortable. She would come back in the morning to check on the older Malfoy, making sure Lucien didn't take a turn for the worse.
The clock was ticking.
oOo TBC oOo
A/N: Wow-wee! What the heck is going-on? Did we just hear right? That Lucien is dying? Will they be able to get Matthew back in time to save him? Don't know? Well, stay tuned for the next chapter.
oOo Teaser for Chapter 31 oOo
"I will not allow my father to die, Calhoun! Firecall your father this instant and get him back here!" Lucius yelled.
"I can't," the youth replied.
"And why not, Cal," Severus asked, dreading what the answer would be.
"The castle… it has so many protection spells that are over hundred years. The only way to get a message through is by owl. It will never make and it's over a day's journey from the nearest apparition point and that's traveling by carriage," Calhound said.
Lucius dropped into his chair, running a pale hand over his face. His father was going to die and it was nothing that he could to stop it from happening.