Darkness tamer: Well of COURES you would like it! You've already read it!

Storyweaver1: Well if you thought the last chapter was creepy, the original version of this one would have scared the CRAP outta ya!

Absh: Sorry, I had to do something to show Lilo what the heck happens to the Hamsterveil experiments.

Mimic12355: OH! Thank you!

Ex624Angel: Well………uh……………..thanks for the compliments I guess. And yes, I know I might have gone a tad overboard, but I was trying to replicate another person's POV on her. (shrugs) As for the torture stuff: yes, Jesus DID go through that, but so did millions of common criminals and thugs of Ancient Rome, and since the experiments are tougher then humans, I think she'll be fine. And, I doubt if you've noticed, but……..this is my FIRST story.

Vinnie the Geek: OH! Thanks! Think you could do a second chap to YOUR story? Anyway, I'm glade you liked the way I portray characters! And yes, I do realize the danger.

(blah blah blah) translated Queltic Quon.

215, A.K.A Terror, belong to Storyweaver1

The experiment ran and leaped through the underbrush of the tropical paradise until he came to a cliff, the cliff itself was level enough for a human to walk up it while simultaneously holding the many boulders on its slope. Near its middle was a cave, partially hidden amongst the rocks, but could still be noticed by the trained eye. The experiment quickly scaled the cliff and into the cave. There wasn't that much in it, just a small circle for a fire and a water source. After telekinetically moving a boulder over the entrance, the experiment waltzed over to his 'pacing spot' to think. The attempt to eradicate the little girl was surprisingly a failed gesture, had he not taken so long he would have phase one already completed. But it was no matter, it was in the past and there was nothing anyone could do about it, there would be a next time, there would ALWAYS be a next time. The experiment started to plan another possibility to get rid of her for the first step in his master plan. Then a devious little plan developed, and he loved it. When the time was right and security was foolishly sparse enough, he would make his move. Happy with himself, he went into his 'nest' to sleep.

At the Pelikai household, Stitch was pacing like a stereotypical father-to-be in those old Warner Brothers cartoons minus the cigarette, thank goodness, while David was comforting a very worried Nani as they waited for Jumba to step out of his room and told them how the stitching he was presently putting into the little girls face went, and Pleakley, who had made another of his miraculous recoveries, was somewhere else in the house.

"Okay," said the Cyclops inspired noodle as he walked in, ACTUALLY wearing men's clothes, his UGF uniform, "I have just informed the Grand Councilwoman of the situation, she sends her condolences and wishes us to tell her of any further updates."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of the door to the room Jumba had taken Lilo opening and shutting was heard. Everyone turned toward the large scientist as he entered the living room.

"Jumba? How's Lilo?" Nani asked timidly.

"Little Girl vill be being fine, Bigger Girl can be going to see her now. But I vould be careful, she seems a bit uhh… 'shacking up' as you Earthling say. I put her in your room"

"Thanks Jumba. And David? Thanks…for staying with me so late, it really means a lot."

"Hey no problem." David said with a yawn. It was at least half past one in the mourning. "Sure I was hoping for a chance to catch a few waves tomorrow, but you and Lilo are more important to me then a few rides."

And with that, Nani gave him a VERY brief peck on the cheek before she ran to see her little sister, leaving a slightly shocked David in her wake, who felt it was time to go home. Stitch was about to follow when Jumba stopped him.

"626, could I speak vith you for one moment? Good." the scientist asked Stitch without waiting for an answer, and walked over to his room/'laboratory' with Stitch literally in tow. Pleakley, having nothing else to do and felt this was related to what the heck was going on, followed.


Nani quietly opened the door to her room to see Lilo on her bed, staring into space. Take note that Nani can only see Lilo's right side. She silently knelt down to her sister's side and gently rubbed her hand.

"Lilo honey? Are you okay?" she asked motherly.

"Yes." Lilo answered in a depressing monotone voice. Then she turned her head to face Nani, revealing at the most, ten stitches across her face. "Nani. I've been bad…I need to be punished."

Obviously this weirded out Nani out the wazzu. "Who told you that Lilo?"

"The experiment. I must be punished."

Not knowing what to say or do, Nani kept silent until she went to sleep.

Meanwhile, in the 'lab', Jumba had booted up his 'evil genius' computer, and had activated his experiment files.

"Now telling me 626, could you being describing to me the experiment that attacked Little Girl?"

"Ih." Stitch answered as he started to describe the experiment's first form, and then moved on to his second form, describing it all to the last detail. The more and more Stitch described him, the more and more Jumba's face lost its color. When Stitch was done Jumba was as white as a sheet as he continued in a horrified voice.

"Telling me 626…when this experiment sliced Little Girl's cheek like hot knife through stick of saturated fat, did he by chance be getting taste of Little Girl's blood?"

"Ih…" Stitch answered slowly, not knowing where this was going. When Jumba heard that, his face lost all its color, and all four of his eyes grew so wide it looked as though they might roll out of his head.

"Oh…blitzgorb." was all the scientist could say.

"What's wrong Jumba?" asked a curious, but anxious Pleakley.

Somehow, Jumba seemed three times older then usual as he rubbed his temples. It was obvious he was about to visit a very unpleasant memory. Before he started, Jumba typed in an interesting number, he pressed the zero number three times. The computer searched its files longer then usual, an indication that it wasn't visited that often. When the searching was done, the computer asked for a long series of highly complicated codes and asked countless seemingly unsolvable riddles that Jumba had trouble remembering. At the press of the 'ENTER' button, the computer searched through the files again, verifying the codes and such, the computer then showed two drawings of the experiment, one of his first and second forms each. It was apparent that this was the experiment because the second Stitch saw the images, his extra arms, quills and antenna extended, and started growling like mad with his usual blind rage as Jumba explained what this experiment was capable of.

"This is Experiment 000, is 'Ultimate Super Weapon', he is original experiment and prototype code-numbered: 0001. His vas built in the abandoned 'Bio-Engineered Soldier Project'. He has all the ability's of experiments, can lift 18,000 times his veight, has full-spectrum eye sight and invisibility, telekinetic ability, inter-stellar flight capability, can smell the pheromones given off by different emotions, and, in theory, can generate enough concentrated energy to destroy a small asteroid in an explosion equal to a level 15 asteroid-asteroid collision." the geneticist explained, taking a breath before continuing. It was painfully obvious that he and this experiment had an unpleasant history.

"But in my opinion, his most deadly ability is the one that vas made for assassination missions. All he need's is to be tasting at least one drop of his target's blood, and he vill have locked on his or her genetic signature."

"So what's the big deal? Can't we just move her off planet?" Pleakley inquired.

"It still vouldn't matter, since he now has Little Girl's genetic signature lock-ed in his mind he could still find her no matter vat. And before you ask, no, I cannot be making him forgetting it. The only vay that could happen is vhen Little Girl dies."

Stitch, no longer able to hold in his fiery temper, ran over to Jumba's trunk and pulled out four plasma blasters and cried out "MEEGA NAL-LA QUEESTA 000!" at which Jumba actually found hilarious.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 626-AAAHAHA-T-THAT IS-AAAAAAAHAHAHA-MAKING VITH-AAAAAAHAHAHA-THE FUNNYNESS! AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAH!" Jumba struggled to say through the fits of laughter. "You cannot even HOPE to be standing chance in fight vith him! BWAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-THAT, vould be sight for me to be seeing! –BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- I vould be paying money to be seeing that! BMWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

But Stitch just growled and left. Pleakley and Jumba, the later of which still in a major fit of the giggles, followed.

After exiting the room, Jumba ran into Nani, or vise-versa, however you see it, it didn't take a genius to figure out she was distraught.

"Vat is vith to vorry Bigger Girl?"

"It's Lilo, she seems a bit…um. (twirls her finger around in a circle next to her ear)"

"Ah yes! 000 probably used ability I took for 215. She vas WERY evil experiment, Ahahaha!"

"Wait a sec. '000'?"

"I vill explain later, right now I am going to vatch 626 get patuky pummeled. You stay here and vatch Little Girl, I vile look at her vhen I get back." the geneticist said as he left without waiting for an answer.

When Jumba joined Pleakley outside, Stitch was still searching out a scent trail of some sort, which seemed to be more of a challenge then first thought.

"Do you really think Stitch doesn't stand a chance against that horrid monster?" Pleakley whispered to Jumba.

"Bah! Of course not! 000 is countless times stronger then a THOUSAND 626's put together! He vill be ripped limb from limb! Ahahaha! Ahrm, shouldn't laugh. Hrrmmm, now, you to be staying here vith Bigger Girl. Excusing me"

Suddenly Stitch, who was paying no attention to Jumba, caught a vague scent. It wasn't much, and he was male enough to admit that he was no Finder, but it most definitely 000's scent. And he followed it as far as he could trace it, with Jumba in tow, but it wasn't that far, he only got as far as Mrs. Hasagawa's market when the scent faded into nothingness. Agitated, Stitch kept going, relying on his other sensory ability's to track down 000 with the expected results…nothing. So he started waking the other experiments to ask if they had seen or heard anything, starting with Yin and Yang who were the closest.

When he got there, he stopped for a minute, one, to let an exhausted Jumba catch up, and two, to admire Yin and Yang's work on their little island. It was now about three-hundred yards across, and about sixty feet above sea level. Yin had apparently ground some of the rocky surface into soil because small shrubs and saplings could be seen dotting the surface, and they had even added a small land bridge connecting their island with Kauai.

Stitch ran across the land bridge to leave Jumba, who had passed out from tiredness and exhaustion, on the main island. He walked along the uneven surface yelling the names of the elemental experiments. When he heard what sounded like…laughter? At first he was confused, but he followed it anyway. Where it led him was an obviously artificial cave…with smoke coming out of it? No, getting closer it looked more like steam. Weird. Since Yin and Yang were the only ones on this little island, and the strange laughter was coming from this cave, Stitch figured this was where they were. Doing what he didn't know.

YIN! YANG! YOU IN THERE! Stitch shouted into the hole.

After a few seconds, the laughter stopped, and the water and lava experiments soon stepped out, they both had…weird smiles on there faces, and seemed to have trouble looking at eachother without giggling a silly highschool couple giggle.

What is it Stitch? the water experiment asked, trying to keep a straight face.

Have you ever heard of an experiment 000? Stitch asked.

Well THAT caught there attention, because they stopped giggling and there faces were dead serious. Seeing that he now had there complete and undivided attention, Stitch told them the whole story beginning to end. By the time he was done, Yin and Yang had a different odd on there face: the look of shock, and betrayal.

Umm…Stitch? Could we have a minute please? Yang asked.

Uh…okay. and with that, the two elementals walked back into there 'cave' to talk. But, being ever the curious one, Stitch couldn't help but 'accidentally' hearing there conversation.

He would never do something like this! ...Would he? Yin asked her lover hesitantly.

Had you asked a few minutes ago I would've said no, but now…I don't know any more.

This HAS to be a mistake! Or some cruel joke! Or…SOMETHING! He's been like a father to me- Yin protested before she was interrupted by Yang.

He's been like a father all the experiments that knew of him. But Stitch shouldn't know about him, he ran off before he had a chance to interact with everyone else and maybe meet him. And 000 didn't want any of us to tell anyone about him, especially Jumba. You know how he liked his privacy. So how would he know about him? And even if he did, you know Stitch wouldn't pull a prank of this magnitude…especially this late. Let's face it love, 000's changed. Yang brooded.

But it just doesn't sit right, attacking an innocent little girl?

I know…but how do you think Angel will take this? Those two were the closest from what I've seen.

He was always telling us how violence put him in that cage. What caused him to change so much?

I don't know love…I just don't know…

Outside, Stitch was…surprised to say the least. That monster who just a few hours ago almost killed Lilo was looked upon as a FATHER! From what he just heard, there was a lot more to this 000 that he was still in the dark about, later he would ask around for information.

"626! (pant) There you are being. (pant pant) I have you found 501 and 502?" Jumba asked as he walked up.

"Uh…ih." Stitch answered distractedly.

"Vell? Did they see anything?"

"Naga. Letsega Sparky keen anching Jumba."

"Uhh…Okay." Jumba hesitantly responded. He quickly noticed a change in Stitches posture, like he was distracted.

And with that they left the little island and walked to the Lighthouse in silence, Jumba didn't talk because he was so dead tired, but Stitch was thinking about what he heard.

When they arrived at the lighthouse Sparky had taken residence in, it had to be about three in the morning, Stitch left Jumba at the door as he climbed the many steps to the roof of the old building.

Sparky was pleasantly surprised to see Stitch. In his line of 'work', he wasn't able to get out as much in the day like the others and have a decent social life, so he was glad when he came in contact with people.

"ZZZZZZZZZZZZTITCH!" Sparky exclaimed at seeing his younger 'sibling', his joy quickly changed to concern when he saw Stitches down trodden face. "Gaba izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wrozzzzzkan couzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzin?" he inquired.

Stitch sighed as he was forced to tell frightening story again, but was even more saddened with similar results as his last interrogation.

"Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzoka Couzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzin, Naga heard of bad couzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzin."

Sighing again, Stitch turned around and trudged down the stairs, the running of the night had calmed him down somewhat so he could clearly think, and he realized that this experiment was NOT going to be found unless he wanted to be, so he decided to call it a night as he walked down to the doorway where Jumba was now well rested.

"AHH! 626! Have you been finding anything out about 000's vere about's?"


"Hmmmm…..vould you be liking to see if 619 has?"

"……………….Naga. …….Wesa go home."

As Stitch walked off in the general direction of the household, Jumba put a thoughtful hand to his chin. Seeing that Stitch was going to leave him, Dr. Jookiba jogged up to the three-foot tall blue Koala-like creature.

"Jumba?" Stitch asked distantly.

"Yes 626." the formally Mad Scientist responded.

"Yin and Yang say 000 is gascher… that true?" Stitch pried, looking into his makers eyes.

Upon hearing this, the geneticist's head jerked to his creations direction. There was a lull in the conversation with a counterpoint of total silence, save for the sounds of night life, and the twigs snapping under there feet as they entered to woods.

"Hmmm………………………Yes 626….it is true, in a vay." Jumba answered in a voice that was dripping with a depressed inevitability of the situation and would show you that he knew this would happen sooner or later, just not under these circumstances.

Meanwhile, in a cave on the far side of the island, experiment 000 was tossing and turning in his sleep, occasionally moaning as if in great pain, his fur damp with sweat and caked with dirt. This continued for some time until he suddenly sat up screaming a terrible cry of terror. He instantly started pawing and groping at himself as if to check he was still in one piece. His breathing ragged and forced, and his eyes like that of a wild man's. He then looked at his surroundings and realized he was still safe and sound at 'home'.

After sighing with relief and chuckling at his stupidity, 000 stood up with a grunt, rubbing the small of his back like a veteran would rub an old war wound that acted up now and again. He walked toward the entrance of his domain and watched the glowing rays of the planet's star rise in the sky and fade the darkness and nightmares of the nocturnal cycle.

"Easy there 000." He said to himself aloud to help calm himself down as he took soothing breaths. "It was just a dream………..a very disturbing dream. Nothing more"

K9: Well! THERES CHAPTER TWO! And if you're wonderin' what Yin and Yang did….I'm afraid I can't tell you!

629: …………………..They got there freak on didn't they?

K9: Weeeeeeeeeel, yeah.


K9: What? And get banned! Besides, a Lava Lizard and a Jelly Fish lookin' thing? (shudders)

629: Well could you at least show ME!

K9: Trust me, you DON'T wanna see it.

629: Oh YES I do!

K9: Alright, don't say I didn't I didn't warn ya. (snaps fingers and a virtual reality helmet appears on his head)

629: ……………………HOLY CRAP! Okay, I KNOW she's gelatinous but……………DANG!

K9: I warned ya. (rolls eyes)