I warn you all now. I'm not sure I'm going to finish writing this. It's one of those spur-of-the-moment things. I saw the Phantom of the Opera twice and this popped into my head.

The Opera Populaire

Really, the phantom thought. This La Kanoe's voice is a strain upon the senses. Something must be done about her.

That something came to him. If this robe were to come loose, the set that it held would fall. It wouldn't land on La Kanoe; the positioning wasn't quite correct. It would at least startle her. Perhaps, even, enough to get her to leave the stage. With a grin on his face, the phantom loosened the rope and the set fell.

Screams filled the room. La Kanoe got up and screeched her refusal to sing in that evening's opera. The phantom smirked; his golden eyes watching the diva leave the room in anger.

"We need an understudy."

"There is no understudy."

"Subaru could sing it," a female's voice said above the murmur.

The phantom's ears pricked up. Subaru? Sing in the opera? The young Sumeragi was not one who would usually sing in front of large crowds.

"Subaru? But Subaru is a boy!" a voice said.

"He looks feminine enough for the part," the young woman from before said.

"Gee, thanks, Hokuto-chan."

Subaru moved to the front of the stage anyway and began to sing. The phantom smiled from his spot above the stage, watching with pleasure as the green-eyed young man sang.

When the song was over, it was decided that Subaru would take Kanoe's place in the opera. Hokuto squealed with glee and immediately began making plans to take one of her dresses and alter it for her twin brother. As for the phantom, he was beyond pleased. His pupil would be the star of the show, leaving tonight to be the night to set his plans in action.

He disappeared into the shadows and headed towards his home beneath the opera house.

Good Lord and Lady. This idea is growing. Someone stop me quickly!