Maru-sha: I'm back ! I know you all missed me and my very funny story so much ! As you may or may not know, this one-of-a-kind story was deleted a while back, it was the longest Inu-yasha story on this whole site ! Anyway, enough of my grief. Time to get this show back on the road ! Here's the plot of this story. Inu-yasha and the rest of the gang (except the bad guys) are living in one house with one 12 year old girl who happens to be Inu-yasha little sister. Kagome and Sango went on somekind of vacation so they're not in the story. (Sorry Kagome and Sango fans) so that leaves Inu-yasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku, Shippo, Koga, and Inu-yasha's little sister Serenity. What you are about to witness is my imagination at serious work, so laugh and enjoy as the mini adventures unfold !
Chapter one: meet the gang.
A loud alarm clock went off. Serenity fell out of bed trying to turn it off. "It can't be 6:00 already !" shouted Serenity. She got up and ran into her closet and 2 minutes later came out in her school uniform. The 4 ½ foot tall half demon walked down the hallway and went into Inu-yasha's room. "Inu-yasha, wake up" said serenity. The only responds she got was Inu-yasha snoring. Serenity went over to him and pulled his ears once. Inu-yasha covered his head with a pillow in his sleep. Serenity took a deep breath and shouted. "Inu-yasha ! Will you wake up !" shouted serenity.
Surprisingly, Inu-yasha was still fast asleep. "Sheesh ! He'll sleep through anything ! I know what to do" thought serenity as she went back to her room. Serenity grabbed her electric guitar and plugged it into a speaker and turned the volume up at full blast. "This should wake everyone up in the house" said serenity. She started playing her guitar and the horrible sound was heard all throughout the house, making everyone jump up out of bed in shock.
"Cant a guy get any sleep around here !" shouted Koga.
"I was in the middle of a pleasant dream !" shouted Miroku.
"Are you trying to make us all deaf !" cried Shippo.
"It's too early to wake up !" yelled Inu-yasha.
"I don't mind waking up early, really" said Sesshomaru.
Serenity ran down the hall and knocked on everyone's door. "Come on, wake up everyone ! I don't wanna be late for school again !"
"Then walk !" shouted Inu-yasha as he laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. "Yeah, sure...I'll walk...10 miles to school !" yelled serenity. "Fine ! Im up !" shouted Inu-yasha. Serenity giggled. "I knew you'd see it my way !"
Maru-sha: Cliff hanger ! I'll keep in touch with this story as much as I can for my fans. Send me reviews for the story so far !