Anime Murder 1

Introduction: In a small town of Moonlight Town, a killer is on the loose. 10 anime characters are willing to investigate this crime. Now they must go to the town of Moonlight to play the killer's twisted game and they must track down the killer and solve the mystery before they're killed off one by one.

Root for your favorite character to survive and slove the mystery and you can figure out who is the killer.

A large bus called the World Portal heading for a small city called Moonlight Town where a murder just happened a few days ago. The bus is carrying 10 anime characters are on the bus heading to the Warehouse Cabin as the Warehouse Cabin will be the headquarters of the anime characters.

The bus arrives at the headquarters to get their first information and a Secret Agent is waiting for them.

"Hello, I'm Andy Parker the leader of this investigation. Can you please tell your fellow investigators your name," said Andy.

"My name is Alfred Izuruha (Gundam 0800)," said Alfred.

"I'm Ash Ketchum (Pok'emon)," said Ash.

"I'm Li Syaoran (Cardcaptors)," said Li.

"Hello, I'm Yahiko Myojin (Rurouni Kenshin)," said Yahiko.

"My name is Ulrick Stern (Code Lyoko)," said Ulrick.

"My name is Conan Edogawa (Case Closed)," said Conan.

"I'm Jim Hawking (Outlaw Star)," said Jim.

"My name is Shute Vernon (SD Gundam Force)," said Shute.

"I'm Genki Sakura (Monster Rancher)," said Genki.

"My name is Sai Saici (G Gundam)," said Sai Saici.

"So there's ten of us. The victims were the Smith Family. The killer left a video in the mailbox to give us some information," said Andy then he plays the video and on the screen is a woman.

"That's Debbie (Mother) Smith," said Andy as they see Debbie is being forced to read the killer's message.

"Tonight I have begin my life's work at the Smith house. There will be more to come. Robert (father) and Sandra (daughter) Smith are dead and they belong to me now. I have no use for Debbie Smith and I'll send her back soon. Let's play a game, these 15 people all live the town of Moonlight. I'm one of the 15. If you want to find out who I am, you have to play be my rules you would need more than luck," said Debbie then the video shows Robert and Sandra Smith getting murdered. The killer's camera runs into Robert first then a flash and a bang then Robert falls to the ground then see Debbie and Sandra upstairs and starts running away while the killer is running after Sandra then killers her the same way as Sandra then that's the end of the tape telling Robert and Sandra are dead and Debbie might be still alive.


Erick Anderson

Tina Ryan

Neil Sanchez

Rev Bernie Knight

Amy Nakamura

Paul Dixon

Laura Powers

Daniel McKay

Randy Silver

Janet Mitchell

Fred Johnson

Kelly Baker

Carmen Rose

Timmy Ford

Calvin Brown

"Those fiftieth people are our suspects," said Andy

Then they arrive at Town Hall. Upon their arrival, they are met by Timmy Ford who is the police chief of Moonlight Town and brought into a packed and frantic town-hall meeting where they are introduced to the town. They receive a rather rude greeting and barraged with questions, which they choose not to answer at the time. Some of them laughs they investigate this crime because all of them are kids.

Then at night at the Investigation Headquarters, Timmy Ford arrives at headquarters and informs the group that Debbie Smith's was just found by Fred Johnson at Taylor's Dock.

At 9 o'clock at night Ash and Li were sent to Taylor's Dock where they help carry Debbie's body off of Johnson's boat and waiting for an ambulance. Along with the body a black envelope which as another killer video and a letter with words from a newspaper saying "The Game Has Begun," meaning the townspeople lives are endanger also they have the killer's rules.

Ash and Li takes the killer video and the rules back to Headquarters. This one shows of the ten investigators watch surveillance style through the windows of their headquarters. The voice over of the film is the killer's voice, well disguised and digitized so as to be unidentifiable. It is impossible to even determine whether it is a man or a woman.

The Killer's Message "Welcome to Moonlight. I hope you like my gift I left you. I see you have decided to play my game, so I have sent you my rules. I look forward to meeting each one of you,"

One final piece of evidence is found in the film can, another note, and similarity printed with dynotype. It's the killer rules to the game.

"These are the killer's rules. He/she will send one blue and one red envelope every three days. The red envelope will ask a question in our investigation and if we answer correctly, the killer will clear one of the 15 suspects. The blue envelope will have two maps and only two investigators will be sent out but one person must go to one location alone. One location the killer will leave an important clue, the other location the killer will be waiting and kill one of you," said Andy.

"How we suggest we do that?" ask Ash.

"The killer suggested that we vote two people to go out on those nights. The two highest votes will go out," said Andy then the team hesitated then they went the killer's way.

Later Ash, Li, Conan, and Jim went to the balcony and see men in tuxedoes standing around in the area.

"Does it seems strange men in tuxedo dress a like," said Conan.

"I wonder what are they doing here?" ask Li.

"I wonder they are working for the killer?" ask Ash.

"Or someone else," said Jim.

Day 2

The day begins Andy dividing the investigators into teams.

A quick review from the killer's film now take place as Andy preps them on the first track on they day, investigating the crime scene. They notice Robert was working on clocks in the basement when he was attacked. They think the killer might be looking for something specific and that they should find the clock Robert was working on. Also they notice a white flash in each killing and killer might be using a gun. So the evidence of the piece to look for us a bullet shell. Finally the see a reflection of a car window. The see the car in the film isn't at the house now, so they must determined what happened to the car.

"That will be Team 1's task and Team 1 will be Ash, Li, Conan, and Yahiko," said Andy.

"Team 2 assignment is to question Carmen Rose who is Robert Smith next-door neighbor. She may have some information on the night of the murder. It is also pointed out that she remands a suspect and the investigators should be careful not to divulge information. Team 2 will be Jim, Ulrick, Genki, and Sai Saici," said Andy.

"Team 3 will be headed by Shute and Alfred. They will investigate Fred Johnson. Johnson was reportedly been fired by Robert Smith in a dispute over money. The team is to get his alibi for the night of the murder and determine his relationship with Robert Smith. I should give you this warning that they should becareful and stay together. If they are ever alone they are at risk with the killer," said Andy.

Later Team 3 finds Johnson unloading crates of fish off his boat with his first mate, Ralph Green. Johnson however is no mood to talk and tells them he will meet them later that night at the Moonlight Cafe. The investigators leave empty handed.

Meanwhile, Team 1 is photographing and collecting evidences at the Smith house and found no bodies. They find the basement is flooded by water by a broken water pipe caused when Robert backed into the water heater when the killer attacked him.

"We better find that clock," said Conan.

"Li and me should investigate in the basement while you and Yahiko search the rest of the house," said Ash. Ash and Li work knee-deep water to try and find the clock and other evidence.

Upstairs Conan and Yahiko search for any evidence and see Sandra's personal computer with a mini camera. They take the computer in case there is any evidence on the hard drive.

While surveillance the scene, Tina Ryan pays an unexpected visit to the Smith house. Yahiko and Conan are adamant about not letting her in and when questioned why she's here, Tina doesn't give then a real answer why she is even there.

"I want to check thinks out," said Tina.

She finally leaves and when Conan ask her if she has any information for them, she responds that giving information is a two way street. Tina drives off. The team continues to search the house for hours. Conan finally makes a discovery, a .375 shell casing lying on Sandra's bedroom floor.

Meanwhile Team 2 is enjoying tea or cookies at Carmen Rose house. Also present is Sarah Sliver (Randy Sliver's mother) and a friend of Carmen and an owner of a hardware store.

"I remember earlier that evening of the murders that Robert and Randy Sliver where having a argument in the Smith driveway over whether Randy should be dating Sandra. Randy is 4 years older than Sandra and had returned home from Harvard University to help run the hardware business. At one point, Robert was yelling at Sandra, Randy picked up a tire iron, but them dropped it," said Carmen Rose.

"Randy does a bit of temper," said Sarah.

Once through with there tracks, Team 1 and 2 return to headquarters and find another message from the killer which is a red and blue envelope which the killer promised so they bring them inside.

At 8:43PM Team 3 was went out to the Moonlight Cafe. Sai Saici thinks Johnson is cocky and uncooperative. Kelly Baker the owner of the cafe is hobnobbing his patrons, whom are the key suspect of the investigation.

Among the other suspects they get to meet Paul Dixon a business partner with Robert and Amy Nakamura a local attorney who is showing Paul a lot of "personal" attention and Janet Mitchell a best friend to Sandra.

Johnson finally shows up and sits next to Sai Saici and Shute and treats them to dinner.

"I worked with Robert at the Fishermen's Aquaculture business, but they both knew that it wasn't a place for him. Robert gave me money to buy my own ferryboat with gentlemen's agreement that I would pay Robert back when I was able to do so. I was never fired by Robert, I quit," said Johnson.

Then Johnson tells that Robert and Paul Dixon didn't get alone even they were partners. Then he tells them that he and Tina Ryan has gone into Bangor for a VFW meeting the night of the murder. Sai Saici and Shute clearly see a connection between Fred Johnson and Tina Ryan as a new lead of the investigation.

Day 3

At the morning briefing, the group examines the evidence collected the day before the crime scene. When studying the recovered clock, they find hidden photos of an apparent affair between Robert Smith and Tina Ryan. These are surveillance type photos taken through a window as Robert and Tina were making love.

"Now I know why Tina was there. She might be looking for the photos," said Conan.

On Sandra's computer has talk between Sandra and Janet from the night of the murder. Sandra is crying, telling Janet about the fight on the driveway (the one witnessed by Carmen Rose) between her father and Randy. She said that Randy told her that he didn't love her that it was all in act. This doesn't make sense to Janet and it is unclear whether Randy actually said this or her father told her this to keep them apart. Then Sandra signs off without any further explanation. It was the last time anyone was Sandra alive.

Next briefing is the opening of the red envelope and the reading of the killer's question. If they get it right, they will clear one of the suspects.

" The question is: because no bodies were found, what did I wrap the bodies with the bodies to remove them from the house?" ask Andy reading the killer question.

"I would believe shower curtains, because on the killer and Sandra's video there were shower curtains in the background. When I was in the room the curtains was gone," said Conan.

"That's a good answer," said Ulrick so they put they type shower curtains and the answer was correct and Timmy Ford is not the killer then everyone cheered.

"Don't celebrate too long because I'll be back to open the black envelope and two of you will have to play the killers game and one of you will be not coming back," said Andy then he leave headquarters.

Downstairs Ash and Li are talking thinks over.

"I feel a bad person sending someone to their death and all of us is not older than 16," said Ash.

"I don't want to be that bad too, but we must play the killers rules. I'm afraid that that first person will be me," said Li.

"Or anyone else," said Ash then Conan and Alfred enters the room.

"That make me a bad person too. Now this makes me feel the mind of an emotional killer," said Conan.

"I would know some soldiers that the feel bad killing or sending someone to their deaths," said Alfred.

"The question is which one of us won't be alive tomorrow," said Li.

Then 6 o'clock each and one at a time the investigators go into a sound proof room and make their selections and why and they can't vote for themselves. Then Andy went to collect the votes as the investigators' back is turned then Andy tells them to turn around.

"The two people are going are Li and Genki," said Andy then opens the blue envelope gives Li and Genki each a smaller envelope with a map inside both of them. Then they both open their envelopes and tell them where they are heading.

"I'm heading to North Island," said Li.

"I'm heading to the Dairy Farm," said Genki.

"There's a last rule in this big envelope that they must go barefoot on their night alone. There's a camera in the sound proof booth and you can make your last will and testament," said Andy and Li went into the booth first.

"So I might regret saying that I may not be alive tomorrow. These last three days was a great experience for me being on a smart and strong team. Yes, I had a great life meeting a girlfriend named Sakura Avalon. If I'm dead I would like to tell the survivors that I love her and I will always be with her when ever she needs or wants me. So if you're hearing this please do that favor for me," said Li then went out to the room.

Then Genki enters the booth.

"Well the team choose Li and me to go out at night and go to the clue or to our death. If I'm ready to die for the city then I am. I would hate be the first one to go but this aren't fair as it seems. I have a girl named Holly and if I'm dead and I can't tell her directly. Just tell he that I love her, I'll miss her and I'll be with her if she wants. I hope I go to heaven even I vote someone to their death if I die tonight. I had a great life and I hope my next life is better. I hope I come back tonight or you 9 people have the best of luck in the world," said Genki then leaves the room.

It's 10:30PM at departure time. Neil Sanchez arrives at the front door to pick up Genki and Ralph Green is picking up Li.

Genki arrives at the Dairy Farm and starts heading to a building barefooted. Li's rides to North Island is via Johnson's boat drove by Ralph. Both Li and Genki following the maps to the end point and barefoot.

The map takes Genki through two barns. The first is full of junk and follows a meandering course through farm equipment and milk tanks. Then she went to the second barn where the mild tanks are running. Then she meets the end of the map and sees a Giant X made of white flowers. The flowers are covered in blood. Genki begins to walk towards them.

"Is this the clue?" ask Genki.

Meanwhile Li arrives at the island and follows the path up some stairs to a small cabin and finds a long ramp leading down to the shore on the opposite side of the island of the island from where Li landed. Up ahead Li sees a red flare burning above it and a giant X with white flowers covered with blood, Li approach.

At the Dairy Farm, Genki approaches the flowers. Behind Genki an eerie green glow spots Genki. Then without warning the glow races to Genki then he screams in fear. Then a loud gunshot sound and a white flash happen. Genki falls and lies on the ground while the killer walks away. Genki is dead.

At North Island, Li approaches the flowers. They are mounted of on the wreck of an old fishing boat. The name on the boat is still clear "Bonnie Rose." Genki takes photos with his camera, then removes the flowers.

It's almost midnight at Headquarters; the group is anxious who is coming back. Then the footsteps from the stairs and Li appear in their eyes. They cheer and applauded for Li's safe return.

"Tomorrow is a new day," said Li.

Who's Next?