Part 5

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em

"It has come to my attention that certain people have been flaming my story and my lists." I said to the crowd. Insane people are very good listeners.

"Now I want to go over what the summary says, then we can make a list of 100 ways to kick their butts."

"But Shippou, sir, isn't that not allowed on the fanfics?" talkative Tom asked.

"Darn, your right. They won't post it. Then we'll make a list of 100 things to do to make Inuyasha and Kouga not so dumb." I replied.

"But that will be too hard!" sobbing Sally whined.

"Yeah! That's impossible!" stop watch Sam exclaimed.

"Then we'll make a list of 100 things to do to make this story so perfect they'll have to like it!" I screamed. The insane might listen well, but man do they whine a lot!

What the summary says:

Shippou got a hold of Kagome's typewriter and starts out by writing 100 things to do with: a dead Kouga! What will he write next? R&R! No flames. It's just a dumb story. Why get worked up enough over it to write hate mail?

Emphasis on:

No flames. It's just a dumb story. Why get worked up enough over it to write hate mail?

"Now I want to lecture you on why your all idiots if you come to an Inuyasha story, read it, and then review saying it is stupid and your not even a fan." I said.

After an awkward silence, I continued.

"Well, I guess that just kind of speaks for itself huh?" I asked. After a few minutes of nodding heads and mumbling words of agreement, we continued with our plan.

100 things to do to make this story perfect!

Find everyone who thinks it's stupid.

Separate the ones who are Inuyasha fans from the ones who aren't

Let the ones who aren't, go (unless they read it intentionally just to be mean and say not nice things.

Everyone who think Shippou is cute can leave too

Everyone who hates it because it is making Shippou crazy can leave (unless they wrote hate mail)

Beat the remaining people senseless until they beg for mercy

Realize that that is all we can do to them

Decide we will have to make the story better

Wonder why some guy said that this story is so not Shippou's voice when he is the one writing it.


Decide we don't care

Decide that everything being spelled perfect would help

Maybe adding one more thing on the end so it would be 101

Wonder if that is a little too much


Decide we don't care

Reread our story on the net

Realize that the wonderful numbers don't show up on it

Assure the reviewers that there is indeed 100 up here

Hope they can forgive for getting rid of the beautiful numbers

Plot to get the numbers back on

Find out that is really hard

Decide to give up

Wonder if letters will work better

Remember that there is only 26 letters and 100 things

Subtract 100 by 26

Find out it is either 84 or 74

Realize that we suck at mental math


Decide we don't' care

Thank the reviewers who were nice

Apologize for having to punish them along with the bad ones

Urge them to punish the bad ones along with us

Tell them to point and laugh

Announce that I just had a CT scan done one my head

Say that I will find out what is wrong with it on Monday

Say that this is really true

Say that it is only because the doctor's wanna make sure I don't have a sinus infection

Realize that I'm rambling


decide I don't care

Thank the Inu-pup for helping me out with this story

Tell her that I hope her CT scan went okay

Give her a cookie

Give the good reviewers a cookie

Promise that another chapter that is a good one is one the way

Tell them I just have to escape from this place soon

Tell them that the security gives everyone who leaves a lollipop and if they hyperventilate, decide they are insane people trying to get out

The innocent sane people who have fallen prey to this went crazy a while ago

Be sad that the good always are the first to go


Decide I don't care

Wonder what Inuyasha and Kouga are doing

Decide they are probably still staring at that light bulb

Shake my head


Climb into the ventilation system

Hum the James Bond theme

Wear black


Run out into the open

See a lollipop

The world slightly spins

Start to hyperventilate

Realize it is a trap

Get a hold of my self

Become calm

Escape for real

Come back

Free my insane friends

Shake my head when they fall for the lollipop trick

Realize that my sanity has come back

Jump for joy!

Go back and rescue my insane friends

Hide the lollipop so they won't be tricked

March to the Inu-pups house

Eat all the left over ramen before it goes bad

Smile causeI got chicken flavored

Smile even more cause Inuyasha gets none

Gasp when she showsme her mini Inu!

Poke the 3 inch tall mini Inu


Go back to Kagome's house

Go through the well

Find Kouga

Take his shards while he is staring at the light bulb

Run away

Bring my crazy friends with me

Sell them to a mine so they can be crazy in there

Take the complimentary bag of money and horse

Ride the horse

Realize that I can't ride horses

Sell that too

Search for Kagome

Can't find Kagome

Go back to the well


Kagome comes to give me a hug

She gives me a lollipop

Lick the lollipop

Plot to write another 100 after a nice long nap

"That is a cool list Shippou. There is only one problem." Silly sally said

"What?" I asked. I saw no flaw.

"We are in straight jackets." She replied.

"Oh. That could be a problem."

Will Shippou ever get back to Kagome? Will he ever become un-crazy like the list says? Will the Inu-pup get a cookie? Will the reviewers be mad that they had to be punished? Can they understand that I'm sorry? Will I ever stop asking questions? How far will this fic go? How many people have this on their fav's list? Can I ever get over 100 reviews? Will I get to 50? Is anyone even reading this? Find out next time on

100 things to do with!

See ya soon!