Disclaimer: Erm-who owns HP again? Me? No, that can't be right, I'm too poor to be a billionaire author. Oh, yeah! That would be JK Rowling. Shucks.

Just Right

Harry looked down at the worn parchment he had just been reading. At the top, in crimson red ink, was the title: 8 Simple Rules for Being a Marauder's Son. In the midst of reading it he almost laughed himself into hysterics, and now he was wiping the tears of laughter away from his eyes. He had seen the agonizing that his father and his friends had went through in order to come up with this list; somehow, the list had provided a way for him to observe the proceedings. It depressed him at first, but he soon became lost in the hilarity of it all.

He set the parchment down before sorting through the rest of his parents' things. His Aunt Petunia had sent him to the attic, ordering him to, "Get rid of all that rubbish," and he hadn't refused; he was in desperate need for any kind of distraction these days. He couldn't believe that after all those years with the Dursleys, the secrets to his past were sitting in a molding box in the attic. He shook his head and looked at the array of items around him. The parchment near his hand was the first thing he picked up.

He hadn't expected this kind of distraction.

Harry knew that he had a lot of work to do in order to catch up with the list. He had no problem in the detentions area, but the pranks were something he needed to work on. The fact was, Harry had every intention of fulfilling the list's request to the best of his ability. The last rule was the one that really heartened him. He wasn't going to let Malfoy or Snivellus bother him any longer-on the contrary, he was planning several nasty pranks to pull on them. And as for the prophecy and Voldemort-there was no way he would let that slimeball control him, and the after seeing the list, there came a new light into Harry's eyes. They were practically on fire with determination, a determination to avenge his parents and Sirius, to punish the one responsible for all of his pain. Anyone on the receiving end of that look would know-the dark lord didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of surviving.

Well, what did you think? I was a bit reluctant to put this chapter in, I thought it might ruin the story, but I couldn't resist. Something just told me to write it.-shrug- If you don't like this chapter, then disregard it, it's not a necessary part of this short story. Don't forget to leave a review and tell me how it was. ;)