Hi! Sorry for the delay, but my ENG teacher seems to have an obsession with giving her students piles of homework (literally). So this ones a little bit longer! Consider it a sort of treat…from me.



Pietre glanced down at the map again. "How does this thing work?" He studied it then looked at it portrait, then upside down. "None of these pen marks make sense."

Topaz zipped up her backpack then sighed, "Maybe we should've attended school before coming out here."

Noel spat the twig he was biting, narrowly missing Pietre's foot.

"Ahh! You…you, watch where you shoot those things."

"Fine." Noel used both hands to support his head then grabbed another twig and stared.

Pietre stopped cleaning and glared, "What are you doing?"

"Watching where I'm shooting." Another twig flew past Topaz and landed in front of Pietre making him squeak.

"Darn missed!" He tried again.

"Stop it Noel!" Pietre jumped about, dodging the twigs that rained down.

Noel twitch in annoyance, "Missed again! Oh stuff." He broke off a big branch and hurled it at Pietre.

"Cut it out!" Pietre jumped up and down in frustration.

"Noel!" Topaz scolded before using ember. The branch burst into flames then hit the ground. She gasped.

"Pietre put it out now!" Noel barked and jumped down to help.

"What are you doing-"A Pokemon Ranger stepped out from behind them, followed closely by a Mightyena. When she saw the flaming grasslands she gasped. "Pokeball go!" Topaz watched in amazement as a Pelipper appeared from the Pokeball.

"Don't just stand there, help us!" Pietre grumbled.

"Pelipper, use water gun on the fire!"

Pietre quickly jumped out of the jet of water's path, unfortunately Noel wasn't so lucky.

"Noel, look ou-"She shrugged helplessly as Noel turned, looking like a melting zombie.

"Uh uh, don't look at me. I didn't do it." Pietre held his hands up as if to prove his innocence. "Besides you look…cool, and well…refreshed? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mercy!" Pietre flung his arms in the air and ran around madly, with Noel hot on his heels.

Topaz shook her head and turned to glance at the Pokemon Ranger. She had purple hair, a finely structured body, violet eyes and appeared to be in her late teens.

The ranger felt someone staring at her and looked up. She blinked at Topaz then started patting her Mightyena. "Do you know who set the fire?"

"Oh no!" Topaz panicked. "U-uhh." She stuttered.

"I did." Noel cut in. "I'm so sorry, there was a sudden gust of wind and it blew some dry leaves into our campfire, when I turned around I found that I'd started a wildfire by being careless."

"Hmm." The Pokemon Ranger pursed her lips and let the story sink in. "Very well, just don't let it happen again."

Topaz frowned at Noel, "Don't play hero, please." She sighed, then hung her head in shame.

"Your name is…" Pietre asked.

"How rude of me! My name is Katrina, and this is Mightyena." She beamed at the trio.

"I'm Topaz." She smiled.

"My name's Pietre."

"Noel." The green haired teen mumbled carelessly.

"Let's all go back to the ranch and have a snack." Katrina seemed to wink at Noel, but Pietre wasn't sure.

Topaz had her head down for most of the discussion and kept it like that for the trip to the ranch, as Katrina chatted non-stop to Noel.

"So where did you come from?"

"Littleroot, at Prof. Oak's new lab."

Katrina didn't seem to notice anything wrong with that and chatted on happily.

"Help me please!" Noel begged.

Topaz seemed to have been zoned out, small jolts of confusion filled the aura around her. Noel could feel it, and he was pretty sure Pietre could too. The signal was fairly strong.

"…Noel? Noel! Hello, anyone in there?" Katrina waved one hand in front of his face.

Noel blinked. "I'm so sorry, I-"

"Did I bore you? Well sorry!" She huffed and fell back to talk to Topaz.

Feeling guiltily he kicked whatever was unfortunate to land in his path, he soon got sick of that and went to Pietre to distract his attention away from the guilt.

Pietre looked up. "Oh so you turn to me to ease your pain, after all you've done to me. Hmm, let me think." His voice filled with sarcasm. "I know, I'll just talk to take your mind off it. Say, why do you always pick on me? I Know! Because I'm dumb, old Pietre with no feelings." He placed a finger on his temple and stared heavenward.

"Didn't fool you did I?" Noel laughed bitterly. "I feel much better, thanks. Now I fell like I'd just blew up a whole shipload of innocent people." He glanced up at the two girls in front of them. They seem to be getting along quite well.


Thanks a bunch to the people who reviewed:

x636 you have a good habit that I should take up!

XXZackxMaddieXX thank you heaps for reviewing! Twice too!

clara200 hmm… I don't know, but that is an interesting idea! I never considered that!

Norcinu Hi hi again! Was it your B-day? If it was then happy b-day (sorry, a little late) and if it wasn't then …pass it on to the person who's b-day it was please.