Chapter 5


It had been two months since the Trials had happened. In those two months, Raven had spent much time with Terra, connected to her through their minds, slowly but surely repairing the damage that was done to her mind. Terra was slowly coming to terms with what she had done, how many people she had recruited that had been killed by Robin to save his friends. She spent nearly all of her time alone when Raven wasn't helping her. Though she had come to terms with what she had done, she didn't want to see any of the other Titans, not even Beastboy.

Robin spent a lot of his time talking to Starfire, telling her of what he had done to save them, how much it affected him. Though he showed no emotion to those he had killed on the outside, it was eating him alive on the inside. Talking helped some, but did not fully satisfy him.

Beastboy now had only four fingers on his left hand, but his spirits were high, as he knew Terra was with them, even if she didn't want to see or talk to any of them. He knew that she would soon open up to the Titans. He spent most of his time talking to Cyborg and playing on the Gamestation 2. Cyborg had repaired his main circuits with Robin's help, and was also fine on the outside, though what had happened to them remained with him.

Raven kept to herself, refusing to talk to anyone as she always had.


Ok, thanks to everyone that reviewed! I know there are still some holes in the story, but as I said, I wanted to finish this up pretty quick. My next story will be called Dark Torment. If I decide to change the title, look at my profile, cause that's where I'll tell ya!

And sorry if this seems like I was distracted, cause I was. I'm watching the Steelers/Patriots game while I wrote it. NormallyI'd do something better then this, but its just so hard to concentrate or think about a story I've already finished in my mind, ya know?