This is my 3rd Fan Fic, and it is based on the game Manhunt. hope you enjoy it!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Teen Titans or any part of Manhunt.

Chapter 1

Starting Point

Robin awoke with a start, sitting up quickly and looking around. He was in a bare room, lying on a dirty, shit-smelling bed, with what appeared to be blood stains on the sheets. Whoever was in this bed last obviously died slow and painfully, as the blood stains covered nearly the whole sheet. Robin quickly got off the bed and looked around more carefully. His observation of the room was the same as when he was on the bed. Four white, dirty walls, one weather beaten door, and as he looked in one of the upper corners of the room, surveillance camera stared at him. Robin walked over to the camera and stared at it. He jumped as a loud voice boomed over seemingly invisible speakers.

"Hello Robin! Good to see you are awake at last!" Came a distorted voice.

Robin spun around in circles, looking for the source of the voice.

"Who are you? Where the hell am I?" Robin shouted at the invisible speaker.

"Now now, my little birdie friend, calm down. I shall explain everything right now. As I'm sure you have noticed, you are alone."

"Thanks for the information." Robin said, sarcastically cutting the voice off.

"You may be wondering to yourself, where are my friends?" the voice continued.

Robin froze at that comment, thinking back to before he was found himself awake in the dirty, bare room.


"I got ya now! I got you!" Cyborg shouted, playfully pushing Robin off the couch as he moved his virtual car into first place.

"Oh no you don't!" Robin shouted back, sitting on the floor. He grabbed Cyborg's controller plug and pulled it out of the system. Laughing, Robin sat back down on the couch and moved his car into first place.

Cyborg glared at Robin and leaped on top of him and grabbing him into a headlock and giving him a massive noogie.

"Ow! Cyborg! OW!" Robin cried out.

Cyborg laughed and released him. Robin pushed him away, rubbing the top of his head.

"Would you two mind? I'm trying to read." Came a monotone voice.

The two teens looked over at their companion, a purple-haired, pale-looking Goth.

"Sorry Raven."

"Yeah, sorry Rae."

"Whatever." Raven replied, going back to her book.

"Hey Raven, have you seen Starfire or Beastboy? I haven't seen them all day." Robin asks.

"I believe they were both in the gym." Raven said. "Now leave me alone."

Robin got up and waved good-bye to Cyborg as he headed towards the training gym section of Titans Tower. As Robin gets closer to gym, he notices a strange smell drifting down the hall.

"I hope Starfire didn't bring her cooking into the gym again." Robin says to himself, thinking back to the first time she did. He was training and she thought it was a good idea to try and bring him lunch. Unfortunately, he was in the middle of doing his kicking exercise and the tray she was carrying was kicked high into the air, splatting on the ceiling and covering them both.

Robin neared the door, and the smell got stronger. He pushed open the door and gasped. Starfire and Beastboy were both lying on the floor, covered in smelly, orange goo, both unconscious. Several armed men covered in body armor with what appeared to be high-powered rifles pointed at Robin. Robin's eyes grew wide and he slammed the door shut and ran back down the hall, calling to the two other Titans.

"Cyborg! Raven! The Tower's under attack!"

As Robin reached the living room, the familiar smell reached his nose as well. He saw Cyborg and Raven covered in the orange goo, both like Starfire and Beastboy, unconscious. Robin heard something behind him. Before he could spin around, something hard hit him in the back of his head. As Robin fell, he twisted around and saw another armored man staring back at him. Robin lost consciousness as he hit the floor.

-End Flashback-

"Yes, you do remember, don't you? Wasn't all that hard." The Voice said.

"Why me? What do you want me for? Where are my friends?" Robin asked the voice.

"Hahaha. First, I must tell you what I chose you for, my dear boy. I have chosen you to take part in a test. A test of ruthlessness, cunning, and physical ability. You shall make your way through three different courses; each filled with a number of deadly obstacles. These obstacles will vary from human to animal. You must find your way around each. But, there are conditions. For every human you come across, you must kill him or her. Of course, you can always knock them out, but I suggest that if you want to see your friends alive again, you kill every human you come across. As for the animals, you can chose to dispose, or run from them."

"And why did you choose me for this crap?" Robin asked.

"I chose you for the fact that you are only human. Unlike your friends, you have no special powers, or cybernetic implants. Nothing but pure, physical talent. You have the abilities to take down anything or anyone that gets in your way without any special powers."

"And my friends?"

"They are safe and sound…for now at least. Should you fail in these trials, they shall all die. Well, except for the redhead. She shall be my personal slave." The voice taunted.

"If you touch Starfire, I'll-"

"You'll do nothing. Good luck with your trials, my dear boy. I'll be waiting…and watching."

With those parting words, Robin heard an audible crack as the intercom shut off. A click brought Robin's attention to the door. He walked over and turned the handle and gave the door a light shove. The door opened and Robin walked outside the dirty, smelly room. He was outside on what appeared to be a normal city street. With the exception that the whole street was in ruins. Robin walked cautiously out into the street and looked around. He caught sight of a flashing neon sign that said: THIS WAY. Robin took off with a light jog and was at the sign within seconds. Under the sign was a piece of paper. Robin picked it up and read what was on it.

This, my dear boy, is your starting point. As you see, there is a wire gate blocking your way. As soon as you finish reading this, the gate will unlock and you shall begin your trials to save your friends. You know the rules, and you know I shall be watching you. With those parting words in mind, I have but one last thing to say to you. And that is, GOOD LUCK.

Robin crumples the letter up and tosses it on the ground. The gate clicks and the door swings open. Robin steps through the gate, not knowing what lay ahead of him.