Disclaimer: Harry Potter is from the creative genius that is J.K. Rowling. I am not her. This is merely a fan fiction to tide us over until Book 6 in July.

A/N: Is if just me or does everyone's story bunnies come with Blaise Zabini whispering "come on you know you want to write this . . . I'll even tell you what happened that week for you . . ." No? Fine, I'm mental. Happy? Here's a bit of D/G for you and as stated in "What She's Capable of" I think Draco is an arrogant prat who needs to be taken down a peg or two and Ginny's surely able to do that.


Blaise Zabini never thought he'd see this day. The day that a Malfoy couldn't wait and stood nervously watching the door for a Weasley. Of course, now to think about it this whole week had been odd so this did fit right in.

It was Friday, thank Merlin. Blaise had been overseeing Snape's detentions the entire week as part of Blaise's punishment for quite charming the wall to the Slytherin's girls bath to be invisible last week. Of course the bloody ward in the castle caught him and gave away his wand signature pointing Snape to who the culprit was. It was really quite disturbing how much they didn't trust students around here, Blaise thought.

So since Monday he had been in the potion classroom every night overseeing detention and there was one every night, that you could be sure of. So, that is what he was doing here on a Hogsmeade weekend sitting with Draco and waiting for Ginny Weasley to arrive.

"I thought girls were suppose to be made of sugar and spice and everything nice," Draco said turning to him as they waited.

"Yeah, well this one grew up in a house full of slime, snails, puppy dog tails and Weasleys, so forgive her for the everything nice part," Blaise said leaning back in the chair. "I'm pretty sure she's got the sugar and spice though."

"She's got spice all right," Draco said shaking his head.

Blaise smiled to himself. Malfoy had no idea whatsoever what he was playing with in Ginny Weasley, still there may be something there.

"You know I do think she may fancy you yet, Draco."

"Whatever gave you that idiotic idea," he snapped.

Blaise smirked as he looked at a slightly razzled Draco Malfoy. "The fact that she hasn't killed you yet gives me that impression."

Draco snorted. "She probably doesn't fancy a visit to Azkaban is all."

"I don't think she has any intentions of getting caught."

"Well that's encouraging isn't it?"

There conversation was interrupted as the door to the potions classroom swung open revealing a very irate Ginny Weasley.

"What is the meaning of this," she asked silently fuming as she glared at Draco. "I was on my way to Hogsmeade when suddenly Snape informs me I have detention because of you!"

"I'm afraid to tell you this Weasley, but it's your own fault," drawled Draco.

"Blaise, please tell me what I am doing here NOW."

Blaise knew better than to make Ginny Weasley any more angry than she was now. He had no desire to receive a bat-boogey hex or worse by the judge of what she did to Malfoy this week.

"I'm afraid dear lady," Blaise began elegantly, "that Mr. Malfoy here, for some strange, slightly suicidal reason, has informed our dear potion master that you may have damaged him several times during the last week. That having been said Snape issued a detention for you for harming his prized pupil."

"Fine," she snapped glaring at Malfoy. "It's not that I'd take any of it back anyway. So what am I do to then? Scrub the cauldrons? Clean the floor by hand? Cut tubers without gloves? What?"

"I'm afraid Snape has left what you are to do up to Mr. Malfoy's discretion," Blaise said trying to avoid eye contact with the fiery redhead.


"You heard him Weaselette," smirked Malfoy as he stared at her shocked expression. "I get to decide what you can do to make it up to me."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm afraid not," Blaise answered.

"First off, why don't you come a little closer," grinned Malfoy. "In fact, come right here in front of us and I'll tell you what you'll have to do to make up for, well injuring me."

Ginny Weasley shook her head and took a couple of steps forward so the light from the torches lit up her face, showing the men her murderous glare. "If you think I'm going to kiss it and make it better than you can kiss my –"

"Language Weasley, and maybe I'll see to that later," smirked Malfoy as Blaise began to wonder if it was really safe for him to be next to Draco when Ginny Weasley finally let lose with whatever she was going to do to him next.

"Why you arrogant, self-centered, egotistical, left-handed wanker!"

Blaise bust out laughing.

"Shut up Zabini," Malfoy hissed before turning back to Ginny Weasley. "And I'll have you know Malfoys do not wank."

"No and they don't get kneed repeatedly by little redheaded girls either," Blaise snorted as he continued to laugh, holding his sides.

Ginny Weasley smirked, before turning her attention to Malfoy. "So what is it to be then? Am I to be boiled in oil?

Forced to put makeup on Pansy to make her look presentable for you? Oh I know I'll have to sing that wonderful limerick about you for everyone in the Great Hall."

Blaise fell off his chair laughing.

Draco snarled. "Well since you want so badly to go to Hogsmeade how about I let you, but you'll have to go as my date and stay with me the entire time."

Both Ginny and Blaise were shocked to say the least. Ginny however recovered quickly.

"Is this how you normally get dates Malfoy? Blackmailing women to go out with you? And here I thought Ron and Harry were pathetic about women."

Draco began to snarl, "How dare you –"

"She's right you know," Blaise interrupted, really enjoying this scene way to much. "It is sort of pathetic."

"When I want your opinion I'll ask for Zabini!" snapped Draco.

Blaise raised an eyebrow at his housemate. Merlin, Ginny Weasley sure knew how to get a rise out of him.

"You will accompany me to Hogsmeade, and you will have a bloody fantastic time SO much so that you will never compare me to Harry bloody Potter ever again unless to say how much I out shine him!"

"Wouldn't you rather just let Filch deal with me hum?" she asked leaning up against the doorway. "I'm sure you'd appreciate seeing me hanging by my thumbs down here for a few hours."

"You WILL go to Hogsmead with me and you WILL have a BlOODY JOLLY TIME even if it kills you," Draco snarled as he crossed the room and grabbed her by the arm.

"Malfoy –" Blaise said warningly standing up before he was cut off.

"Fine. But just to warn you if it does well bloody kill me having a jolly time there I'm taking you with me," snapped Ginny her eyes narrowing. "Lets get this charade over with."

Merlin, this couldn't be good, Blaise thought as he too got up to follow them. He remembered how the week had started . . .