
Once appeared a nine tailed demon fox. One swing of its mighty tail could crumble mountains and cause tsunamis. The demon was called Kyuubi.

Spreading destruction throughout all the Fire Country, Kyuubi seemed to be unstoppable, relentless, unbeatable.

Finally, the demon came to a stop, deep within the forests of the Fire Country as finally someone tried to halt the fox's path. For in a big glade, in the heart of the Fire forest, stood the mighty Hidden Village of Konoha. Home to many of the strongest men and women in the world, Konoha was known for its inhabitants' never-ending will. But these were not mere men and women. These were shinobi.

Many tried to fight the demon at all costs. Many died. The demon seemed immortal as everything the ninjas tried to make him stop seemed vain. Even the jounin and the ANBU could do nothing. The village had been caught in surprise, so most of the best Konoha shinobis were out on missions. It seemed everything was lost and that the demon would make another destruction point.

It was then, when almost all hope was lost, that he came. A giant frog stood in front of the youkai as a sign to make him stop. Standing atop the frog's head was the only man that the shinobi knew who could have any chances in fighting and destroying the demon. He was a ninja too, but not just anyone. Sun-yellow hair, sky-blue eyes and taned skin, Yondaime Hokage, the most powerful shinobi, commanded the demon to abandon the village and stop his destruction derby, or else...

The demon laughed at the Hokage's face. But it would be its last one.

After a fierce fight, in which Kyuubi seemed once again inbeatable, in which the fox almost killed the giant frog known as Gama Bunta and almost ended Konoha's hope, the Yondaime finally came to a conclusion: the only way to beat the fox was sealing it, for the youkai was far too powerful to be killed by a mere human, even if the strongest ninja.

But no seal known to the ninja world was powerful enough to seal away Kyuubi, the greatest of the Youma. It was at that time that the Yondaime revealed all his value. He had been developing a new type of seal. One so powerful that would, not only seal the opponent away, but would cost the life of the performer. The Yondaime thought through this and decided to use it. To gain one thing, one must sacrifice another. In this case, to save Konoha, to save his most beloved village, Uzumaki Arashi, for that was Yondaime's name, decided to sacrifice his own existance.

Catching the demon's soul was the easy part. But where to seal it? He was going to die, so he wouldn't have enough power to give Kyuubi's soul to the Shinigami. Instead, and to make up for all the lost lives that day, he chose something much smaller, much more unknown, much more dear to him. He chose his own newborn son.

"Fuuin Jutsu: Shiki Fuujin!" were the last words heard by the youkai before everything went black. And so, after a seemingly endless battle, Kyuubi was sealed away and Arashi died, not before turning his village's doom-to-be in his village's hope. Before he died, the Yondaime made two last requests. One was to the former Hokage, Sarutobi, to reacquire his status as the leader of Konoha as Sandaime Hokage. The other one was requested personally and only to Sarutobi. He wanted his son to be regarded as the hero of Konoha, the one who could keep Kyuubi from its intents, to be regarded as the hope of the village, for the child would use the demonic powers to payback for the demon's victims, bringing happyness and leadership to the village. After his requests, he finally gave his last breath.

And so, the Yondaime's son, his legacy, grew up, and although things at first seemed to be working against Yondaime's will, the villagers hated the child, would look down on him and dispise him as if he was the demon itself, the boy fought back with all his strength and against all odds, he prevailed.

Many were his adventures and deeds. The boy seemed to have life to make up for all that were lost that fateful day. He inherited his father blond hair and the deep blue eyes, but his trademark were the whisker-like birthmarks, three in each cheek. But he also inherited his father's will, determination, power, fighting spirit and kindness.

He faced many opponents. Met many friends. Experienced many hardships. Changed many lives. Everything for the sake of one dream. His dream.

And finally, after his last battle, his dream was made true, his life-time wish was granted. Uzumaki Naruto was made Rokudaime Hokage.


Okay, as you can see this is only a prologue. The real story starts next chapter. Since I usually don't have the will to keep on writing my stories I would ask for you to review, it will give me an idea on how you're taking the story and you can even give me some ideas to the story, although I got everything pretty much realized. I also need someone who can provide me some japanese translations. I don't like writing the jutsus in english, so I would like someone whom I could give the jutsus in english and he/she could translate them to japanese. That's all, I hope you enjoy this story, cuz it's been on my head for quite some time.