Kagome has lost her memory from when her and the gang defeated Naraku -- however, everyone besides her is dead. Her mother is overly protective, and, does not approve of her meeting Yusuke -- and going on missions with him. Heck, she doesn't like the guy . . . because he reminds her of Kagome's former love, Inuyasha, the one who started this entire mess. Kagome is then forced to regain bits and pieces of her memory, which results in power which you've never seen. Naraku becomes a night-mare to everyone once more, and, the worlds largest threat. He does not have Onigumo in his body, either.
Hinomi: :3 Well, I finally got this up. Its just the prolouge, and, if you people like it, i'll continue it! 3 Its going to be unique like no other fan-fiction! Kagome shall have wild powers that no one has ever thought of, because . . . I said so. e.0 In any case, it did not take long for me to make this prolouge, so you people will not have to wait long for me to complete the first chapter. - waffe Please review! Just to make me special. 3!!
It was probably about one thirty when she had gotten home from her high school classes that she had been taking on the weekend, she had said 'Hello' quickly to her beloved Mother, annoying brother and desperately hopeless grand-father that never ceased to amaze her how he could come up with the most stupidest things and make people believe them. Upon thinking of when 'Grand-Father' had gotten a few of her mindless friends to think that pickles really had guardians that watched every pickle in the entire world . . . she grinned a little, yet it subsided quickly. Her beautiful shaded eyes darkened into an eerie tone that just screamed 'depression'. It had been a while since she had felt happiness -- true happiness that is. Ever since . . . ever since . . . Inuyasha . . . Her eyes widened as the name rang through her thoughts. Wait a moment. Who was Inuyasha? Maybe . . . maybe it was someone from her past! Maybe she was remembering something! She hadn't remembered anything since she had come from the old well, with wounds that seemed that they might never heal.
She chewed nervously on her fingernail, sitting in the extremely cozy and comfortable recliner that could threaten to make anyone almost fall into a deep, deep sleep. She waited. She waited so patiently and silently she could hear the tiny 'tick-tock' of the large clock that sat on the wall. No images came. With a sigh she closed her eyes and fell back into the chair . . . And, with in moments, she fell asleep. She had been, after all, pretty tired.
In her dream, it was all darkness. Every single bit of it. She knew she was reliving something from her past, but she couldn't tell what. A deep, dark, ominous voice echoed in her thoughts. 'Its time . . . ' It seemed to whisper, even though she was lying down, paralyzed with this sickening deep, copper smell attached to her clothing. She breathed in deeply and gagged. From her right she heard a voice that she had loved and longed to hear, but, at this moment, she feared for it. She didn't fear it. She feared for it. It . . . It was Inuyasha! "W-we did it." She nodded blankly and turned to him with a bright grin though tears tried to fall over -- she didn't want them too. She didn't want him to see her cry, because, she knew that he was dying. Something squirmed and jutted at her gut, and then she sobbed. She couldn't help it.
"Oh Inuyasha . . .! " He grinned, very slightly, a rare thing that he would do. "Don't leave me. Please, don't leave me.", she whispered -- she couldn't stop herself. It seemed, sort of, that she was just there, doing it again . . . and again . . . and again. She chewed on her lip nervously as though deciding something, then, promptly rolled over even though everything hurt like hell -- seriously. She'd been there. Briefly, but, she'd been there. " Inuyasha. " She crawled towards him and he reached out to her and pulled her into one last embrace.
"I love you." He whispered, her eyes widened and . . . --- She felt her mother shaking her. Shaking her like no tomorrow. Slowly, her eyes opened and she saw her mother's worried look. "Oh my goodness, you weren't waking up! I was so worried!" She moved to hold her daughter, and, her daughter confusedly held her back. She didn't know why her mother was so scared . . . And, what was the dream about? An Inuyasha ... she looked towards her hands, a sense of guilt and loss coming upon her.
"Mother . . . " she said softly while still staring at her hands, which had become folded in her lap. She glanced up to her mother, who was staring intently -- waiting for her beloved daughter to finish her sentence. "Mother, who is Inuyasha?"
Thud. Crash. Her mother . . . had – had dropped the dish, which collided with the floor, breaking in an instant. She quickly looked towards the floor, gasping, though she looked up at her mothers face – there was fear written all over it. In one moment her mother started to shake her again, "Don't remember – Don't remember him. I won't let them take you away from me! Not again, damn it!" She shook and shook, her eyes wide -- … she knew not what to do. She tried to stop her mother from shaking her, but she just couldn't break her mother's grasp.
"Mother!" She finally yelled – that seemed to do it.
"I… oh, I'm s… forget what I said… You… you have no power over your … Just never mind." And, with that, her mother sped away, leaving the dish broken and shattered upon the carpet. She quickly looked down… and after a few moments she ran towards the door, grasping it and shaking it, wanting it to work. She had to get out… She had to get out. Memories were flooding… it was all too much for her mind. At last! She threw the door open and ran. She ran down the steps and through the park.
And she kept running.
And running.
And running.
And running . . .
And run – "Geh!" Nope, she wasn't running now. She had bumped into someone, a really muscular someone. She looked towards his face. Oh god, he was really hott. A small innocent blush perked upon her cheeks. "… Oh, sorry." She had expected him to say something along the lines of, 'no problem'. You know? To be all sexy and shit. Er—Nope. Not this guy.
"Holy shit – what's your problem?" Blink. He did so not just say that.
"Are you going to answer me or what?" Grr… Now he was being an arse.
"What the hell is your problem? I said I was sor…" And then she collapsed, not knowing that this hot, sexy, black-haired guy had caught her, with an odd confused expression upon his face, not knowing what had just happened. Well, part of it was obvious. This wacko – girl had just fainted.
But . . . right then, he didn't know her name was Kagome.
And . . . right then, she didn't know his name was Yusuke.
Hinomi: Oi, its me again. I just wanted to apologize for any confusion. I tried to make it so you guy's didn't know that it was Kagome. :3 This IS a prolouge, so don't mind the shortness, please. -