Hey people going to attempt this again. Well here it goes, OH! And italics are thoughts. I revised it like ten times before I was happy with it haha.

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Red, hot energy flowed through her blood. Exploding rage filled her head with thoughts of the torment of his last words to her. His words rang through her head, getting louder and angrier by the second. She could hear the beast inside beckoning her to let it free. The beast inside was awakening and her control was slipping. Her fists were clenched in a small effort to control her explosive anger that was rapidly growing inside her.

- - Flashback - -

"Inuyasha! Let me help! I can fight too you know!!" Kagome screamed, in a small attempt to allow him to follow him to track down a jewel shard.

"No." was all he said before he started off towards the village.

"Why not? You need my help! You can't see the jewel shards without me!" she yelled as she too followed suit to the village.

"I don't need you. I have someone else stronger than you. Go home where you belong wench."

She couldn't believe what she just heard come through his mouth. Who was this mysterious person he was talking about?


"Bitch, shut the fuck up and go home already!"

"NO! You need my help!"

"No I don't! I already told you this!!!" he swiftly turned on her and clutched her arms shaking her violently to get his point across.

"You'll never be like Kikyou. She's a lot more powerful than you could ever become, she's much more smarter than you. And she can fight hella lot better than you can ever dream of, so go home. I have no use for you here." his voice was slowly rising with each word. Why didn't she couldn't she get that across her dense head?!

She didn't dare say anything for she knew her voice would have quivered ferociously from the verbal abuse she recently went under.

"Funny part is, she's a dead corpse and she still better than you. And your alive!" with that last comment, she walked off. She couldn't bear to take any more abuse. He had crossed the line too many times before and this was the last straw. He had crossed the line for the last time.

- - End Flashback - -

She stopped in her tracks immediately. There was no chance in hell that she would allow him to continue with his verbal abuse towards her. Her line of vision was slowly blurring as her small frame started to shake from her convulsive fury that was slowly taking over her.

Let me out and I promise you, he will pay for what he did.

No. I can't let you do this. He didn't mean it!

If he didn't mean it than why does this keep repeating itself over and over?!

…I…I don't know….

That's what I thought.

He'll change I just know he will.

No he won't. He hurt you once before and he will hurt you again.

How do you know that he won't hurt me again?

Fool me once shame on you.

…Fool me twice…

Shame on me.

But…he's my friend and I know he wouldn't hurt me on purpose!

What makes you think that he was your friend in the first place?

He protects me!

Only because you can see the precious jewels he so desperately seeks out.

…He saved my life many times before!

Once again, it is only because you are only a jewel detective to him. Nothing more and nothing less.

How do you know that?!

Think about it, if you hadn't put that rosary around his neck do you really thing that you would be standing at this very moment?


Go on. I don't have all day you know.

Because I am a jewel detector.


I mean nothing to him.


I am a means to an end to him.

And when the Shikon no Tama is complete…

He will kill me.

He will not only kill you, he will break you first. He will destroy the well, murder all that you hold dear to your heart and then he will kill you.

No…I can't let him do that. I will not be broken by the likes of him!

Adda girl! Now you're starting to see things from my point of view.

But…how do I defend myself when he is half demon and I am human? That's nearly impossible!

You belittle yourself so easily my dear. You are a miko. You are a demoness. Together you are a force to be reckoned with.


Yes Kagome. Demoness. You were not meant to find out until later on in your future, but the time calls for your demon blood to awaken.

I don't get it, how am I a demoness? All I know is that I am a miko.

But there is so much more to it that that, a long time ago the gods have put me to sleep. I was not to be awakened unless the time calls for it. And trust me honey, the time calls for it.

Do not be alarmed, for if you do not wish it than I shall not be summoned.

Oh trust me, I'm not going to let that bastard walk away unmarred. But, what will happen to me?

We will switch places, and I will be in control though you will be able to see what I will be doing and saying the entire time. If you want me to stop, then you can re-summon me and I will go into hibernation once again.

All right then. I summon you.

Kagome slowly let her anger burn through her. She let all sane thought go. The beast had awakened and it was hungry. First target: Inuyasha.

"Hey, Kagome why are you so quiet?" he walked towards her shaking frame. But before he got to her, a bright red light engulfed them both.

When the light died down, before Inuyasha stood Kagome, but something was off. Way off. As he looked closer, he could tell that her hair that was once at mid back was no down to her upper thigh. Her figure had filled out, and she was more toned than before. But what shocked him the most was that she had grown 4 inches making her 5' 6". When the figure turned, he saw that Kagome seemed to have more balance and more grace than before.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked softly in attempt to calm her nerves down.

"You best shut your yap half-breed. Do not anger me more than you already have." Kagome warned in a low growl.


"Did you not notice? I'm not human in this form mutt. Look closely." with that said she raised her head, and what her bangs uncovered were two deep indigo eyes that stared back in silent rage. Her ears were pointed at the top, and the tips of her fangs were sticking out of her lips. On her cheeks were two maroon stripes on each side indicating her demonic state.

"What happened?!"

"This is my demoness side," she inquired with her velvety smooth voice.

"What the hell? Since when were you a demoness?" but when the wind shifted, he caught her scent. What once was jasmine and vanilla was now roses and cinnamon with a hint of jasmine.

"I always had a demoness side hanyou. It was just in hibernation until I was in dire need for it," Kagome stated as she stretched her arms over her head, and while she did that her shirt lift just a little to reveal a toned stomach.

"If it was supposed to be in hibernation until you need it, then why are you awake?" Inuyasha asked as he tried to keep his focus on her face and nowhere else.

"Simple. I woke up because of your ignorant ass, you have crossed the line for the last time mutt," Kagome growled lowly as she crossed her arms over her chest casually.

"You will not talk to me like that!"

"Oh, but I just did."

"Bitch, you're going to regret that!" Inuyasha warned as he unsheathed Tetsusaiga.

"You are mistaken, you thought I cared," with that last comment Kagome's eyes glowed a blinding blue as her hair whipped around her and the wind started to pick up and blow harshly against Inuyasha.

- -

"Where's Kagome-mama?" Shippou asked as he jumped up on Miroku's shoulder.

"I do not know, but all I know is that Kagome and Inuyasha were yelling at each other last I saw them," Sango stated as she polished her boomerang.

"Shouldn't we go look for her? I mean, if Kagome and Inuyasha were fighting then one of them might get seriously hurt!!" Shippou squealed from his position on the monk's shoulder.

"He does have a point Sango," Miroku agreed as he stood up and waited for the huntress to comply.

"You better be wrong Shippou," Sango stated as she too stood up and walked out of Kaede's village followed by the houshi and fox pup.

- - End Chapter - -

Kenny: wow that took awhile… turned out good enough no?

Sesshou: No

Inu: why do you always make me an ass?!

Kagome: CAUSE YOU ARE AN ASS! Asshole

Kenny: anyhow I didn't know how I did or anything so review! And I'll update soon. I promise!

Inu: HAH! Like you ever keep them…

Kenny: jackass… you're so going to get flamed in the next chapter!


Sango: Anyway, REVIEW!