Previously on One in a Million

"Please don't Inuyasha . . . just go." I pleaded, looking toward him with my eyes that were watery and red.

"No, he's the one that needs to go!" Inuyasha growled with an intimidating expression. "This is such bull shit!"

"Little boy, you have no business here. Why do you go find your self another whore!" The middle aged man barked ferociously, his eyes as deadly as ever. I shivered, knowing neither would back down according to their stiff posture.

One in a Million

Chapter#8: you're gonna be okay

I sat in the office, head in my hands as I listened to my boss. "Inexcusable, unacceptable. First you completely ditch your shift yesterday, you were tardy this shift, and then you bring about a scuffle? Help me understand Kyra." My ears tuned in, he rarely referred to me by that name…

"I apologize Sir…" I mumbled, unsure of what sort of explanation I could give.

"This is not Fight Club, both of those men are banned." He hissed, his dark violet eyes ablaze.

"That's fine."

"Is it? You're very successful here, don't make me regret my decision to employ you." Naraku's words burned in my skin. I jerked up, as if he had delivered a physical blow. My eyes unfocused, I didn't know how to reply.

I lowered my gaze, "I'm sorry, I have no excuses, and I am grateful for all you have done." His long white finger grasped my chin, my eyes met with his. For some reason I wasn't frightened.

"Good. Now my dear Kagome…" His pupils wavered, "Go down stairs, the toilets need tending to." I sighed fool-heartedly, I wasn't in any position to complain. The boss released my chin, letting his arm sling back to his side, I stood and removed myself from his presence.


Weeks had gone by, and I had seen neither my father or Inuyasha. I had no remorse for his departure, but Inuyasha was different. But if there was one thing I was taught early in life, it was learning to be alone, and coming to a conclusion not to expect. Expecting ended in disappointment. I couldn't disappoint myself, it was others that would. Expecting him to come back was futile, and I refused to put myself through that. Nights passed quicker than before, dancing had become dead to me once more. I'd twirl, exposing my bottom for all to see. I shimmy up the pole elegantly, then slide down sleazy. The finale always ending in a provocative pose.

As the lights dimmed, and the music slowly faded away I collect the money then leave. "Erm, honestly!" I hacked, tossing aside the scrubber. A solid month and a half of bathroom duties, I had come to the assumption that men were disgusting. The bowls stained with brown, the urinals with cigarette buds floating in piss.

I wanted to grind my teeth into oblivion, I was beyond frustrated. I found a new respect for janitors, no matter how cleanly I make of the room, they completely demolish it each night. I plugged my nose as I danced with a can of aerosol, replaced the soap containers, polished the pearly sinks, and cleansed the utilities. Wiping the bead from my forehead, I sighed and left for the day. Thanking God this was my last day of ass-kissing tasks. My shift was done, but as a comfort I sat at the bar. Alone other than a few customers, the afternoon being the slowest time of day. I was underage, but the bartender working was a friend and offered me a dirty martini without even asking.

"Thank you, Lucy." I smiled, sipping down the tangy olive and vodka mix.

Besides me, a familiar looking woman slid down beside me. Glancing to my left, I noticed it had been that woman. Kikyo? Clad in a tiny black cashmere dress, from the looks of it, she didn't remember me. Or maybe it was the dim lights… "Bartender, a lime maragrita please?" She said, somewhat quietly. Lucy made haste in preparing her drink in an entertaining way, sliding the glass down the bar to Kikyo. "Men are more trouble than they're worth." I looked around, besides the two of us there was no one else around.


"Men," Kikyo spoke in between sips. "Pain in the ass, is what they are." Rephrasing herself. I felt a confused expression cross my face, and my brows arched.

"Agreed…" Not sure where she was going with this. I had nothing to say, I just looked down at my half empty drink. Inuyasha, was she referring to him? Was he merely greedy wolf with a filled belly, out on the prowl? Were they still together…? "It sure is nice to be single though." My statement was just simple psychology, a way I could find the answers I sought without intruding.

Her dark thick lashes snapped shut. "I agree, I thought being dumped would leave me feeling depressed, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel." Her well manicured nails traced around the rim of the glass, grains of salt sprinkling into the mix.

"Oh, so your new on the market?" Something inside me relaxed.

Kikyo's face grew warm, "You could say that, but I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm looking anytime soon." I glanced at her empty glass, a swarm of mixed emotions bubbling in my stomach. "It's nice to know I'm not the only woman drinking at two." Kikyo smiled fiercely.

I glanced at the neon clock above the bar. "I figured I deserved a drink, I was janitor for the past three weeks." Sighing as I finished the last of my beverage.

"Janitor? Here?" she asked quizzically,

"Well, it's not my full-time job, but yes…" shame slid down my face.

She stood from the stool, her hand slid onto the marble counter. "There are better opportunities out there." My eyes examined the small card beside me, "My name's Kikyo by the way." Her glossed lips curved to a smirk. "My friend runs a small publishing firm…it's nothing big, but stop by sometime and give the receptionist the card."

By the time reality had sunken in, was it the strong combination of vodka and gin? I glanced down a the card, was this woman offering me a job? I wasn't sure, but by the time I had thought it through and turned, she had already left.

"Congratulations." Lucy smiled, refilling my drink

"I know, right?" I sighed out of relief. "Last day of cleaning duty!" I raised my fist triumphantly causing her to giggle.

"Come to think of it, why did you get stuck with the janitor's job?" Her silver eyes perked in curiosity. I shifted uncomfortably at the thought, "After all, you're one of the club's best patrons, Kyra's quite famous here."

I chuckled, "Boss thinks I've been slacking, and I've been frequently late this month so…he's doing me a favor, a slap on the wrist rather than termination."

"Well, whatever the case. You're a good sport." Lucy gushed.

I nodded feeling somewhat exhausted. "I believe my shift is over, thank God." the stool shrieked as I scooted out and moved around it. "Good-Bye Lucy!"


Sango picked at the grilled fish in front of her, she had gotten lost in her own world deep in side her thoughts. It took only a suave scuff from across the table to bring her back to reality. Her dark eyes readjusted to the man sitting with her, a handsome, somewhat slick man that had insisted she join him for dinner this evening. That's why she was there, accompanied by a bunch of old rich snobs. As a woman constantly around lonely men, she had received invitations such as this. But for some odd reason she felt she could make an exception, just this once…

"You're quiet, Sweetheart."

"Don't call me sweetheart…" She snapped with an irritated look.

"Please eat, it would upset me if you didn't." Miroku chimed, in his rich, pleasing to the ear, voice. A knot inhabited her throat, he was charming in a way that wasn't with a purpose. Sango had spent her life observing, and with kind words came masked intentions. It made her skin crawl, but with this guy he was just simply charismatic. As if it was his birth right, "What are you thinking, Darling?"

"Don't call me darling either!" But still, she sighed. He was still your average red blooded man. "Also…I hope you're aware I am not a desperate woman, and treating me to a fancy dinner won't swoon me into thanking you in bed." She hissed defensively, crossing her arms.

The dark haired man chuckled, as if amused by her statement. Sango however, wasn't. If looks could kill, the man would be hung naked by his ankles and beaten to death. But eyes were not enough, she huffed. "Fair lady, fear not. I had no intention of bedding you this early on, that's just crude." His ashy blue eyes sparkled, "I sincerely would like to get to know you." Sango stumbled on her words and raised an eyebrow. This guy is straight off of a cheesy romance novel…She thought silently.

"You're something else." Turning her attention back to her meal, which was probably getting cold. Her guard was not yet down, she was simply waiting for him to slip up and then his ass would be long gone. Strange. It was as if she sought that…


"Sis, what is it?" Kagome's lashes fluttered as she directed her attention to her younger brother. She had taken him to the park nearby their mother's apartment complex. Come to think about it, she questioned why had she taken him to a park of all places. Sure it was free, and something to do but Souta was thirteen now. It seemed like only yesterday he was squealing with joy as she pushed him down the tiny slides…she hadn't seen that sort of joy from him in a long time.

"Ah, nothing?" Kagome's smiled, taking a quick lick of her sweet ice. Being her only free time in the next few weeks, she decided to pay him a visit. She had also debated whether nor not to tell him of the unexpected drop in their father had made weeks ago. But she come to the conclusion it would only spawn foolish dreams, being so young still, Souta still harbored the hope that their family would come together once more. It was best the event was left unsaid. "Say Souta, don't tell me you don't like your sweet ice."

The young boy, shook his head glancing down at the sweet mound of vanilla. "I do like it, it's just…I'm kind of bummed." Turning his attention back to his older sister, when her hand came to rest gently on his shoulder.

"Why's that?" her almond eyes filled with worry.

"Mom, she's making me get rid of Buyo." Kagome froze, she couldn't believe her ears. Her kid brother was all worked up over a cat? Here she thought it had been something serious, Insert anime sweat drop.

"That fat cat is still alive and kicking?"

Souta's eyes became desperate, "Don't say that! Buyo is as much a part of this family as you or me Kagome!" She was a bit taken back. But right when she was about to crack back a smart remark she saw the sadness he felt, and she let the steam rise out of her.

"Tell you what, how bout I take Buyo with me?" Souta immediately responded joyously, "That way, you can come see him whenever you like." He nodded enthusiastically, which in turn warmed her heart.

"Thanks sis!" Souta wrapped his arms around her in gratitude.

"But how am I supposed to get his big butt to my apartment?" Her brain wracked.

"Mom still has that pet carrier in the closet!"

"Grrreaaat…" Kagome sighed, how was she gonna explain their new roommate to Sango?

To Be Continued