Maxwell: Whoa….this is odd. Lol-I came on here a year, to the day, I had posted my story and just laughed! Lol-but here I am, some odd days (or weeks) later and decided. I guess I can update. Yeah, so…I had started it at home but…I don't get anything done there (with the story I mean) so…I hope it comes out okay. I'll try to stick to the original idea as long as possible.

Spiffy Info:

Pairings: Ha, I wish I was that far in…

Warnings: Mm….an almost incest like moment… bluenette is a word!

Music: A Question of Lust by….um….yeah….

Saying: "The more you hate me, the more I want you." –Um…don't recall where I heard this; I think I used it in a one shot…

About this chapter: We get characters! New ones even though Kai is the hottest! Oh, and since this is AU…I get to choose Hiro's age-ish area. Um, a little implied Tyson/Max….IMPLIED….yeah….

Just for the record: This is FICTIONAL. If it really happened, do you think, I, would have access to such information? Hell no. No one would even think of giving me a glance. So no, this isn't real. If you are offended by what is to happen…please go. I hate being told not to write what I don't know… And no, the characters aren't mine, but they're not yours either, so, if you're allowed to make yourself a character and fall in love, they have the same rules, with each other.

Despite Appearances

Chapter Two

"I'll be gentle….just relax."

The bluenette began to shake in his captors arms. "I-I don't know…I don't even know your name."

"You will soon, Tyson," their lips pressed to his collarbone. "But it's not important right now…"

Tyson, as he was called, flushed. "W-wait," he gasped as he tried to stop the prying hands. "No, thi-this isn't right…we'll get caught."

The captors hand found the buttons of Tyson's attire. They disposed of that problem quickly, running the zipper sensually down his crotch, causing his hips to buck into the awaiting hand. He found himself whimpering, rubbing himself to them.

"P-please," he whined. "D-don't tease…please…"

They lay him back to the hard object that supported his writhing body. He could feel their mouth engulf him. His hips rocked and bucked into them. His breathing was ragged, almost pained. He began to moan loudly. "M-more…more…"

Tyson's eyelids slowly fluttered open, a frown adorning his features. He heard a moan past him as warmth and wetness invaded his lower abdomen. He groggily sat up and made a beeline for his belly, as he went to scratch it away he rubbed his hand in a pool of his own…juices.

"Ah! What the-!" he rubbed his hand off on the already soiled sheets. "Ew! Nasty! Gyah!" He cursed under his breath as he cleaned himself up. He got up and headed straight for the shower, a look of displeasure etched into his features.


Tyson headed towards the kitchen, the towel clinging to his wet hips. He pulled out a bottle of milk, drinking it restlessly. Some of the contents dribbled done his chin, running in a thin stream. He parted his eyes as he pulled his lips away, a small sigh passing his moistened lips. He looked down frustrated before slamming the bottle to the counter. He was about to storm back to his room but the solid wall of a body prevented him from doing so.

"Watch it Hiro!" he snapped. He tried to step around but was caught at the wrist. "What!"

Hiro smirked down at the young charge. "What probed your prostate?" he asked with a laugh.

Tyson's face flushed. He squeezed his eyes shut. "Hiro you're disgusting!" He tried tugging away hoping to avoid anymore of his embarrassing predicament. "Stop, let go!"

"Aw, don't be so fussy," Hiroshi whispered. "And look, you've got white stuff all over your face." He laughed a bit. "Looks like you've just given the best blow job of your life."

Tyson's face flushed and only worsened as Hiroshi's tongue ran up his chin, cleaning the stream of milk away. "Hiro!" he stammered as he stumbled backwards, falling hard on his bottom. "Quit teasing me!"

Hiro snickered. "It's just a joke, don't fret kiddy." After a moment of looking at the clock he spoke, "I lied; you're going to be late for school again. Fret."

Still irritated by Hiro's antics, it took a moment for the words to sink in. "Damn it!" Tyson yelled, shoving past his guardian and to his room. Cursing himself and his brother, he grabbed for his clothes, school belongings, and most importantly-his hat. Without so much as a 'see you later' he was out the door, his bike carrying him as fast as it possibly could.


"Are you sure you don't want a ride Master Hiwatari?" Barker asked as Kai stepped out of the house. "It is your first day and, well, maybe it'd be best…"

"I'm fine Barker," Kai said once more. "You don't have to watch over me like some eagle, or dog, guardian-whatever…."

Barker bowed his head. "I'm sorry Master Hiwatari. I've just grown fond of your company, over these years watching you grow….to see you taking your own steps is hard on an old mans heart…" Looking up, he found Kai's eyes on him. A heavy sigh escaped the boy as he turned, mumbling, "Fine but we're not taking the stretch limo…"


Kai watched as everything blurred past him. His dark eyelids falling heavily from the rush, making his head ache. He finally turned away from the window, closing his eyes, and resting into his seat. With a heavy sigh, he frowned bitterly, in his mind arguing the fact that cars other than stretch limos exist. He looked up to see Barked smiling in the rearview mirror.

'Old mans heart good my ass,' he thought to himself. 'You just didn't want me walking like the living dead.' He let his eyes wander again, watching the younger school kids and morning workers start their day. He looked at no one in particular, being it was mostly middle school kids. For the few high school students he did see, he showed no interest. They were all just so….

"What do think so far Master Hiwatari?" Barker asked.

"Hm." Kai replied.

Barker smiled simplistically in the rear view mirror as he turned down an abandoned street. He turned his eyes to the road just in time to see a young man on a bike shoot out from the bushes, swatting leaves out of his face. He looked up just to see the car hurtling towards him, afraid to move he covered his face. The screeching of tires and a small bump was all that earned him.

He fell to the ground, mostly from fear, losing his cap in the process. His eyes widened as he sat on the ground, shaking. His eyes shifted to the car door as it opened, he sprung to his feet, quickly pulling his bike up. "I'm sorry sir, I'm late for school and I didn't mean to-"

"Are you alright?" the man asked. "You're not hurt are you?"

"N-no!" He got back on the bike. "Really its okay." He bowed his head. "I'm just going to-"

"Are you sure you wouldn't like a ride?" the old man asked. "We could send for your bike later; I'm sure Master Hiwatari wouldn't mind."

"No!" Tyson was alarmed at the title "master". "I-I'm fine really!" he took off at a quick speed. "Sorry! Bye!"

"Young man! Young man!" Barked called after him, but to no avail. With a sigh of dismay he turned back to the vehicle to see Kai, resting on the hood of the car. "Master Hiwatari," he bowed his head. "I'm sorry about the wait, it seems we've just had a small run if with a young man, maybe a potential classmate," he nodded to the tire marks burned into the ground. "Oh, it seems he's forgot his cap," Barked made an attempt to pick it up but Kai took a step forward grasping it between black nails.

He examined the dirty, ancient cap. Flipping it upside down he caught scent of the young man-a warm scent of fields and a boyish musk-according to the name written at the top, this was Tyson Grangers scent. He kept sight on the object for a moment longer before flipping it between his pale fingers once more, making his way back to the car.

"Master Hiwatari?" Barker asked.

"Let's go Barker," he replied, stepping past the man. "School will be in session soon."


Tyson ran the steps of the school, his breaths ragged. He cursed under his breath, cursing the fact he lost his cap and back tracked it with no success. "Just my luck," he snarled. "At least if I showed up with it I'd have an excuse!" The incident from the early morning flashed in his mind. "If 'Master Hiwatari' hadn't tried to run me down I wouldn't be here right now!" He gripped the door knob and flung it open, "if I ever meet this Hiwatari guy I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!"

Stepping into the class all eyes fell upon him. There was a chorus of laughter as his friends and peers mocked his messy hair style, wind whipped upon his skull. He sulked as he slid into his seat, slouching down trying to avoid the gazes.

"Now, now, class." The teacher reluctantly stifled a giggle. "Leave Mr. Granger alone and let us continue our studies shall we?"


"And you just left?" his friends stared at him, mouths gaping. "Are you stupid! You could've sued!"

"Wasn't gonna make a big deal about it…." Tyson mumbled into his textbook. "Look, can we just drop it?"

"Shh!" the librarian hushed from behind her desk. Her sharp eyes watching them intently from behind the gold wired frames.

"Sorry," a young blonde replied. He smiled at her, his childish grin making her melt as she smiled back. With a small wave he turned back to the rest of the group. "Really though, you could've been seriously hurt." His blue eyes were wide like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar. "Didn't you think about that?"

Tyson felt his face warm as he looked away. His face warmed at the puppy dog gaze that bore upon him. "Sorry Max," he replied keeping his eyes off the boy. "Next time I'll be a little more careful."

Max smiled softly. "That's all I ask." He replied. "How could I go on with life without you?" Rounding the table he came next to Tyson his arms encircling the other boy. "You are my reason for living after all." He snuggled against the other boy, his cheek pressed to Tyson's. "You are the love of my life you know…"

Tyson felt his face warm. "K-knock it off Max!" he flushed as he wriggled away from the boy. "That's not funny!"

"But I was being serious," the blonde whispered so as not to attract attention. "Don't you love me back?"

Tyson laughed. "Sure thing Max," he laughed. "I'd love to have my way with you."

Max laughed as the bell rang. "Well damn," he laughed. "Just when we were getting somewhere the bell rang." He gathered his books. "Maybe tomorrow, or this weekend, cause now its set." He winked playfully before catching sight of another young man. "Hey, there's Rei," he waved. "See you in class Tyson!"

Tyson laughed. "Yeah, see you then." He gathered his own belongings, cramming them all into his backpack. "Max…." he laughed under his breath. He threw the strap over his shoulder and made a grab for his cap, rudely remembering it was no longer with him. "Oh well….guess I'll have to go find a new one."

Just as he headed for the door, a gaggle of students shoved past him, all in an excited rut. There were eager whispers, many energized comments buzzed through the room. Students were on their toes, shoving others over, all trying to get a look out the giant windows. Tyson didn't even bother with trying to sneak a peek through there; instead he went out into the crowding halls.

"Man, what's going on?" he asked aloud to no one in particular. "Will someone tell me what's going on?" He felt a hand latch onto his list and drag him through the gathering crowd. "Hey, what the-!" He looked up to see Max's blonde head bobbing in front of him. He smiled as he let his fingers brush the soft skin of the American boy. "Do you know what's going on?"

"Not really but you've gotta see this!" the enthusiastic teen chimed. "It's crazy!"

Tyson opened his mouth to ask, but was pulled into the shorter male who was leaning into him, his hot breath blowing on Tyson's neck. "See?" Max asked as he pointed to the stretch limousine parker out front. "We've got a transfer student and they're rich…" His voice was filled with a child-like awe. "How cool is that? But maybe they'll be a total snob." He looked up at Tyson, his kitten like characteristics causing the boy to blush. "What do you think?"

Flustered, Tyson could only gape. "Um-well-I guess-" The tardy bell rang. 'Just in time,' Tyson thought to himself. "Wait…damn, we're going to be in so much trouble!"


The teacher stood at the front of the desk, her toes tapping impatiently on the tiled floor. "Now that you're all here," she seethed on the last word as her eyes pin-pointed on Max and Tyson. "By now you're all aware a new student has arrived at the school. That being said I'd like to introduce him; Mr. Hiwatari?"

All of the eager eyed students turned to the door. Tyson rolled his eyes, catching sight of Max who grinned at him. He smiled back but his attention was soon grabbed when he saw the same driver from that morning step inside, followed by a young man with quite the attire.

'N-no way,' he thought to himself. He shot up, out of his seat. 'That's Master Hiwatari!'

Midnight blue/grey hair; blood red orbs; facial make-up dark as the night; clothes meant for the walking dead-this was the guy who tried to run him down on his bike? The pale youth looked at Tyson, much dismay in his expression.

"Mr. Granger!" the teacher snapped. "Show some respect!"

Ignoring the woman he asked, "You're Master Hiwatari!"

Kai looked up. He blinked nonchalantly. Taking a few steps over, his eyes bore down on Tyson. This cause the shorter youth to recline back into his seat. Once the young Master was upon him, he stuck his hand out in which the familiar cap resided. "And you're Tyson Granger I presume?" he smirked with a smug satisfaction. "I was right; you are as pathetic as I first thought."

-Despite Appearances-

Maxwell: Well….Happy Valentines Day, not really but-okay, my was good but still-I'm now just getting this up so I hope it's enjoyed. Hell, it ended on a cliff-hanger but its something! Well…..ta-da?

Um, not going to get to the reviews right now….I'll handle it later, but thanks for reviewing and I hope to see some familiar as well as fresh faces!

(1). About the clothes meant for the walking dead….nothing against the "Goths" since I wear stuff that is considered so. Just, a term. Also, I hope no one seemed too OOC but this is an AU fic so….whatever….